Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Q&A: HACKETT & OLSON on RIDING (1085 Posts)
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"new kids"
On 3/27/2005 PA Dan wrote in from United States  (209.23.nnn.nnn)

Hi Herbn,
I enjoy your posts here on NCDSA.
I think a lot of the debasement of the "kickflippers" comes from the fact that most of them have no idea how to actually RIDE a skateboard. I mean, they try for hours to do an ollie or some other trick in a 6 by 6 foot space in front of their house.
To be sure, this does not apply to all "New Schoolers", but to us older skaters there is an appreciation of just RIDING a board, TURNING a board, going FAST on the board.
Without a doubt, there are young riders who "get it" but many do not.

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On 3/27/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)

Hey Herbn,

Thanks for the rant. Did you actually HAVE
a question?

Sounds to me like if you did; it would be:

"Hey Olson, hey Hackett- Who was the first guy
to ever try the loop?

Answer: That would be The Master of Disaster - Duane Peters.

Duane Peters, first loop make with the bag - 1978.

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them "new kids"
On 3/27/2005 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i bolted a new school board together yesterday,not really the first time, but this was definitely the smallest board i've had in at least 10 years,but it doesn't feel that alien to me,i'm gonna brush up on riding/flipping/spinning little boards.This goes out to anybody that's bashed the current state of skating, the "popsickle stick" ,the "style less little kids" that "can't carve but try kickflips all day".I got news,the popsickle stick works, the ollie works, skills of riders has increased,,tremendously. The purist most undeniable example of this is looping the fullpipe,hats off to mr burnquist. It's not like no one thought of doing it,he didn't need to ollie,his bearings were pretty much regular,how much faster were his wheels,not THAT much,he didn't need a dh pipe, an elbow ,acapsule end,or even a long section, just a 12-16 foot section sitting in his backyard. Infact he almost did it at mt baldy,how come; no one, not alva, not adams, not any old schooler even had a pic of an attempt,surely salba was there enough and if he was seriously gonna try it,a photographer would have been there to capture the carnage,twentyfive years of magazines and video coverage not one glimpse of anyone even attempting a loop of a full pipe. Sure not every little kid is bob burnquist, but not every kid in 78 was stacy peralta,i don't know what's worse immitating style when it doesn't come natural or trying kickflips all day. I hope i don't seem to be belittling the accomplishments of the old school, i just like to keep things in the proper prespective, alot of people praise the athletic accomplishment of early skaters too highly, they wern't really athletes,alot of today's skaters are definitely more like athletes,though with many of them it's still sort of a stretch. Oh well i digress just a bit,keep learning,learn to ollie ,learn to catch a kickflip,or whatever,if all you want to do is slalom ,fine, kickflips are unneccessary they may eat into your practice time so don't bother,it's not for everybody,but learning to slalom may cut into someone elses trick learning time and that doesn't make their different goals wrong.

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On 3/26/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

I've never tried Radikals. Like everyone else, I would love to try them! However, I can't afford such purchases. They are worth the money for those who can buy them. Race results prove this.

It's great to make such fine trucks, but what really impresses me about MCCREE is what he does for Slalom. The crew he is taking to Paris will do well. The skaters in our sport will talk glowingly about MCREE for long after he is gone. It won't be any time soon though, he's too young. Mark, we are lucky to have your involvement in Slalom.

Immense thanks,
Cliff Coleman

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On 3/26/2005 mark mccre wrote in from United States  (198.70.nnn.nnn)

That's the one. Please e mail the pic so Claire can print it and take it with her!

Have been looking at cool Trocadaro apts. I hope no one is clostaphobic.

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On 3/25/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)


Don't you remember her?
She goes fast, down hard
Always cuts the cone tight
Just a little tied for 69th
Place was a Gnarly PumpStation
Racing Every Outlaw who shows
BLR Trophy Girls Number:8675309

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Number Lost
On 3/25/2005 SteVe OlsOn wrote in from Mexico  (200.94.nnn.nnn)

Ah, Yeah, hackett
I need that dames number
in the recent BLR ad
Seems I lost it the other night
All's good....down in Mex......
San Miguel De Allende
Art show at UMOs
Good Friday.....
go figure...
The church marches on
Soon the Parade comes
down the street
The Beating of Jesus
and all that Jazz.....
Was her name bitch
My main muthrfucn Bitch
to much of to much
Off to Siesta


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On 3/25/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)

Wait till you see some of the banners I have
coming up!

You mean this shot?

Image hosted by TinyPic.com

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On 3/25/2005 MARK MCCREE wrote in from United States  (65.41.nnn.nnn)

Hackett--The banners you post are killer. The whole office now has to make the visit to your forum JUST to see what cool-sick-killer picture you will come up with next. Keep up the great work.

Claire wants to see the OlSoN "pink tutu" shot that was posted a few months ago. See if you can find it.

I have been looking at the Trocadaro appartments we will be staying in. All are within 10 minute's walk from the tower. More to come.

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On 3/24/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)

Go Here for the results:

Click here for link

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On 3/24/2005 how many strings does a guitar have? wrote in from United States  (68.114.nnn.nnn)

i'm gonna miss cbgb's

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On 3/24/2005 Chris B wrote in from United States  (204.78.nnn.nnn)

The NY punk mecca CBGB's is at risk of closing their doors forever.....

You know that it'd be a dark day if they close their doors.

Here's a link to a petition to keep their doors open


Sign up...it only takes a minute.....

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On 3/23/2005 THOMAS wrote in from United States  (65.116.nnn.nnn)

Don't worry Dave about no Leather in ABQ. You and I wore the same thing at Indian School last year and I'll be wearing it again this year. Leather will dominate, be sure of that.
Have a killer time in Paris.
Peace Out

  Rate post 201726 !
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On 3/23/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)


This will be a historic trip no matter what happens.


Thanks to McCree for making this happen!!


The ONLY bummer is we may not be around for The BEAR
or INDIAN OUTLAW race... :(

Yeah, Joe, you need some sexy banners like BLR!


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On 3/23/2005 GI Joe wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

And by the way Dave, your sidebar banners are putting us to shame, now I need to step it up!!

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Paris Dates?
On 3/23/2005 TimeShip Racing wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

What dates are the event in Paris and does this mean you won't be racing in Abq end of May? If so I TOTALLY understand. It's rare when ANY sponsor flys racers ANYWHERE!! Congrats,


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On 3/23/2005 Cknuck wrote in from Canada  (64.230.nnn.nnn)

Glad to hear all you folks will be there. Our budget is a little less but were still working on it.

Hope to C-YA there, EH!

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Its too good to be true. Pinch my nerve, I must be dreaming
On 3/23/2005 Nature wrote in from United States  (68.252.nnn.nnn)

McCree, you the Man!!! A real man. Us boys are lucky to know you. I can't wait. Its gonna be killer.

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13 on Flight?
On 3/23/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

13? Don't you need to add at least one more for good luck? I know someone who is a nobody who can tag along and sleep on the floor and yell real loud and wave an American Flag and run up and down the course like they do at the Tour De France! HELLL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to the crew representing all of us over in Paris! Shred it, Rip it, and leave all them Urropians in your dust!

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

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On 3/23/2005 mark mccree wrote in from United States  (65.41.nnn.nnn)

Paris is ON.

Tickets are booked and paid for. ($10,850.00)

All of us meet in Miami on Wed. afternoon and continue to Paris that night.

Dave and Zana
Richie and Maria
Jason and Terri
Nature Boy
Keith and Michelle
Bobby Mandarino
Mark McCree

13 people on the same flight.

Claire and the travel agent did a great job coordinating this!!

We will be in 4 condos. at 600 per night for 5 nights for a total of $12,000.00

Total cost: $22,850.00.

I need to sell 229 trucks now!!!!! LOL We would all be in trouble if I had to do that!!

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Missing chair
On 3/22/2005 Tiger wrote in from United States  (66.53.nnn.nnn)

I ended up with someone's black folding chair after the Pump Station race on Sunday.If it's yours contact me at the above e-mail and I'll get it back to the rightful owner after I've had my way with it...

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im coming to cali for a day...
On 3/22/2005 seth levy wrote in from United States  (69.140.nnn.nnn)

going to etnies from 6-10 on april 2nd. come show me up!

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On 3/22/2005 mike maysey wrote in from United States  (63.165.nnn.nnn)

I think Koz and I are tied for the top spot...but that's just a guess

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And now for something completely different
On 3/22/2005 Chris B wrote in from United States  (204.78.nnn.nnn)

A man appeared before St. Peter at the pearly gates.

"Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked.

"Well, I can think of one thing," the man then offered. "Once, on a
to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of
high-testosterone bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I
them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, then I just
approached the largest, and the most heavily tattooed biker... I
him on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and
threw it on the ground."
The man then continued... "I yelled, Now, back off!! Or you'll answer

St. Peter was really quite impressed, and then asked: "When did this

The man replied, "Just a couple minutes ago!"

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On 3/22/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)

Haven't had the time to calculate them yet- But I am working on it.

Any guesses as to who is leading the Points?

What happened to Polar Bear?

How about Tim Dunbar?


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