Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Safety (377 Posts)
Topic Riding Safety
On 9/27/2002 Matt Traver wrote in from (202.14.nnn.nnn)

oh my... ppl... please wear a helmet... a friend of mine is in hospital overnight cuz he smacked the back of his head whilst pushing off.... just goes to show how easy it is to screw yourself... and btw... he has mild amnesia and post-concussion and he had a mild convulsion in the legs.... it's f#@!ing bad... it was with my board... i screamed at him to put on a helmet... he didn't
he pushed off and fell and screwed himself... but i heard he's doing good... but ppl... just remember... ALWAYS PAD UP


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On 9/20/2002 Acmeoarder79 wrote in from (64.231.nnn.nnn)

Something to tell all those people to cool to wear a helmet ...."It ain't cool to drool".....as a experienced mountain biker and speed freek longboarder, all i have to say is that my helmet has saved my life more often then i can count (thats probably from banging my head so often). recently, i took a nasty spill and got to experience sliding across pavement at 40km/h. All i got was a nice swollen arm from the road rash and my helmet got another nice sticker to cover the scratches.

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On 8/23/2002 Adam wrote in from (66.121.nnn.nnn)


I'd recommend helmets by a company called "Red". I use mine for skating and snowboarding and it works well for both. It seems to be constructed much better than your average Protec skate helmet, and has far more padding than any old-school helmet, i.e. Flyaway. (Read Dr Dave's forum to understand the importance of sufficient helmet padding.)

For pads I'd recommend only one: Pro Designed. You'll also want some slider gloves which not only aid in braking maneuvers but also can lessen or prevent impact injuries resulting from falling onto your outstretched hands.

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On 8/23/2002 SK8VIRGIN wrote in from (195.10.nnn.nnn)

Easy dudes,

Could anyone recommend any helmets? Couple of considerations are style and possible use for snowboarding.

Also any info about pads would be appreiciated (makes, quality etc). Which pads are most important?

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On 8/13/2002 Rick wrote in from (212.209.nnn.nnn)

It can´t be stressed enough. Don´t be a doofer, wear a helmet and good padding. By the time you are eating asphalt you really wish you did wear that helmet.

And keep away from busy streets, cars and pedestrians, for your own safety and theirs.

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On 7/28/2002 Monica Zech wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

"Please" wear those helmets - we've recently experienced two incidents, a 15 year-old female recently fell, striking her head, she is now in ICU on life support. The other a young man, age 21, fell and died of severe head trauma. Yes - both were experienced skateboarders - but felt too cool to wear helmets. As the Safety Educator for the El Cajon Fire department we see first hand the importance of taking safety precautions when riding anything on wheels. In a vehicle - wearing seat-belts...when riding skateboards, scooters, in-line skates and bicycles - wear a good fitting "helmet". It does make the difference between life & death. Stay safe & still have fun.

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On 7/13/2002 Dominik wrote in from (4.46.nnn.nnn)

When I was in first grade, I signed up for judo, because
I was not only the smallest kid in class, but also the most
arrogant one. I found out that judo has little self-defense
value, but when I started to skate at age ten, I discovered
that I really knew how to fall! At one point, I even conned
the neighborhood kids into a skateboard crash contest, and
they got hurt all over. How evil is that? Anyway, sign up
your kids for judo, and they will be almost impervious to
serious skate injuries.

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On 7/5/2002 Chuck wrote in from (206.215.nnn.nnn)

Patti, you could crack 'em upside their head with a 2x4, then when they come to, explain how that wouldn't have hurt so bad if they were wearing a helmet.

But seriously, see the previous issue of International Longboarder Magazine, there is a great article on helmets and why we need to wear them by Dr. Dave, featuring Patio's story. If that doesn't get their attention, nothing will. You can read it online, check the links section....

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On 7/4/2002 Patti wrote in from (206.163.nnn.nnn)

Any ideas on how to present helmet safety to teen skateboarders aged 12-17?

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On 5/20/2002 Mad Hack wrote in from (211.123.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, as soon as this paw heals up I think I'll sign up for Aikido with my kids. Aside from wrist protection it'll afford me some balance and reflex refinement (never hurts). Being here in Japan makes it even more of a no-brainer...

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On 5/20/2002 DaveT wrote in from (62.6.nnn.nnn)

Scott regarding wrist protection, I don't want to tempt fate but I've had a few nasty spills and having done Aikido for some time yes it seems to help alot, you will always want to put your arm/hand out but also try to take some of the impact on your butt/side of your leg (aikido, judo etc do help to teach you instinctively to fall). I don't know if wrist guards are all that beneficial as there is a risk of shifting the impact on to the elbow, collar bone etc..
I remember a little story my Aikido sensei told us; his master a very advanced practitioner of aikido was riding his cycle at some speed, front wheel got stuck in a drain he proceeded to fly through the air, rolled picked himself up got on his bike and continued his journey. This was witnessed by a number of people. He was also 60 odd years old! Ever thought about taking Aikido up!!

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On 5/13/2002 ICE wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

So I just entered a crash in the crashes forum. After this crash I was thinking how far I slid on my toes,hands(w/slider gloves) and knees(w/pads). It was a pretty far and fast slide fast is the thing that got me thinking. Well my gloves have two pads on each hand one on the tip one on the palms. Really it seems that you only use the palms for the majority of sliding right? So the tips just add surface area for more sliding, and slide I did far fast and not very controlled. My thought was putting a softer? stickier? material like rubber on the tips, so when you do lose your board and are sliding trying to stop maybe the rubber or other materiall would help in slowing you down with more friction for a more controlled end to and otherwise nasty crash into..... I dont konw maybe a car or gaurd rail. Those are my thoughts on the subject if any one else has thought of this and has some good ideas lets hear them.
You could almost start a new sport of sliding down hills on all fours using cutting boards.... kinda sounds like fun hu?

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On 5/13/2002 Mad Hack wrote in from (211.12.nnn.nnn)

I fell backwards trying to dislodge an upset cone from my board. I wasn't travelling fast, but went down pretty quickly, and on the way down I was thinking "fall on yr a$$, fall on yr a$$" then my left hand (unprotected--I was padded up and helmeted but wristpadless, my 4 yr. old son was wearing them on his arms on his board--I'm an idiot, I know) just had a mind of its own, came out and my arm broke just above my wrist (luckily for me it was my left and was not a small wrist bone). Whatever I've read about wrist protection has been inconclusive one way or another about wrist protection. In a fall like that, would sliding gloves help? I realize aikido or judo would probably be the best bet, but is there some preferred wrist arm protection for direct impact like that?

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On 5/8/2002 sweathog wrote in from (172.192.nnn.nnn)

re. distance running & skating. thanks, sparker. here's what happened: i started up running again recently & don't think my pushoff ankle was used to the extra pounding, so i ended up spraining it, which kept me from both activities for a few days. i'm training for a 12k and have been hesitant to get back on the board to avoid further injury. the majority of my skating nowadays is commute and is primarly pushing & pumping. i'm giving it a go after the race & will share how my legs hold up.

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On 5/8/2002 Tom M. wrote in from (164.227.nnn.nnn)

I bought a set of Rectors here:

The larges size -- in the knee pads at least -- weren't as large as I would have preferred, but they are good quality gear.

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On 5/8/2002 Sparker wrote in from (194.176.nnn.nnn)

Hey Sweathog.

I'm a skater and a distance runner. I train mostly for 10K road races and for Fell/mountain running.
I've never noticed any problems with skating and running. Maybe the running makes my legs a little inflexible but the skating helps keep my legs flexible.
I find that my pushing leg doesn't get much more pumped up than the other one. But I think it depends on how you skate. I like to push, pump, slide, ollie, boneless, grind etc so I guess both my legs are being well used.
In fact now I think about it, a good mellow skate session is a perfect recovery workout the day after a race or hard training session.

Is this any help? Hope you're not suffering from any injury woes!

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On 5/7/2002 Adam wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)


Pro-Designed pads come in all colors, and they are simply the best made pad on the market -- and the only pad this over-35 geezer will trust to protect his bod!

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On 5/7/2002 Jim Norton wrote in from (216.180.nnn.nnn)

I slammed really hard yesterday for the first time since starting to skate again. I am 40 and probably should wear more pads when I ride.

All the pads I have seen are black. Is anybody aware of any "old school" looking pads in colors other than black? Something along the look of the colorful Rector pads of old would be great.

Jim Norton
Huntsville, Alabama

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On 5/7/2002 sweathog wrote in from (172.195.nnn.nnn)

This will sound odd, but are there any distance runners out there? If so, have you ever found that your skating or running was creating difficulties for the other activity? I mean, with skating, you're creating a muscle imbalance between your board leg & pushoff leg, which in theory would really screw w/ your running. Any thoughts or experiences? Thanks.

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On 4/28/2002 Stefan wrote in from (195.24.nnn.nnn)

I have a conept of safe braking.
Pleasevisit my webpage to view some pics:


or view my video of using it:


Tell me your mind aboutit at my message board.

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On 4/22/2002 Carol wrote in from (130.126.nnn.nnn)

I'm shopping for a new helmet. Here's what I found.

Giro hammerhead in Xtra small sizes are onsale about half of list price everywhere. Giro Semi Large black is also 50% off at cambriabike.com.

Bell's Trail Rider $30.

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On 3/20/2002 65.83 wrote in from (65.83.nnn.nnn)

wasn't there some warning in an old skateboarder magazine about wentzl ruml going insane when it rained?

i'll have to look it up on my handy dandy russ howell collection of skateboarder magazines notebook

i mean compact disc

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On 3/20/2002 handy man wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

can you put slide gloves on over wrist guards?

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On 3/13/2002 Tom wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I bought no name $15 skate helmet, it has just the soft padding on the inside, but i have a big head so the protech would not fit. can you tell me what helmet would be good for over 40 but not over excessive for under 20. thanks

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On 2/11/2002 Hizzout wrote in from (65.215.nnn.nnn)

Ack! Right when I clicked on "Submit" I realized I didn't close that HTML tag...

Apologies all.

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