Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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SSSheffield Grass
On 4/26/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

You know that I'm with you there Richard...
...now to figure out just how I'm to get out there.

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GRS Sheffield Board Fest II..?
On 4/25/2002 SSofS wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Hi there!
Sorry I havent been able to visit the site more, my new job keeps me away from the pc.
Just thinking about doing a (GRS Sheffield) Board FestII now the weather is turning nice... You may have heard the last one was a great success, with 150 people watching and riding, and articles in Sidewalk and Adrenaline mags here in the UK... The most coverage slalom has had in the British skate press in a while, I think.
If I get some encouragement on the site, Id be up for doing another, primarily outdoor event later in the year.
Anyone want to get behind this idea?

Big up to GRS!

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On 4/24/2002 Ricky wrote in from (12.39.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Tway, we all had a blast. What do you know... hip-hoppin' street Thugz skating slalom and loving it. Those guys are a lot of fun.

I hope you can make the next one.

Check out a few viddy clips of the race at: http://www.skatems.com/gallery/video

I like the one where Austin is getting himself pumped up for a race with Josh. The race starter, Clifton, doesn't flinch.

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On 4/24/2002 tway wrote in from (24.187.nnn.nnn)

I must say this GRS is really starting to work. I got 2 emails yesterday from New Yorkers wanting to join our organization. Welcome Steve from Brooklyn and Pat from Long Island.

Ricky, Nice job organizing your race. It looked like it was a big success. I was especially impressed w/ Brookleigh. She has style. I won't miss your next race.

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Gaithersberg Slalom on Saturday?
On 4/23/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

I'm going to be in DC at a meeting this weekend, and was hoping to ride at the infamous Park-n-Race in Gaithersberg on Saturday 4/27. I've communicated w/ Brian Parsons on it, and since he's been out at Catalina I wanted to put something up and encourage all you practicing for the Gathering to come out and show a knucklehead a good time.

Carl Kincaid
Knucklehead Racing

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GRS MS Outlaw Slalom Classic
On 4/22/2002 Ricky wrote in from (24.170.nnn.nnn)

Before I say anything else I'd first like to thank everyone who came out yesterday, Racers, Cone Girls, Time Keepers and Spectators alike. Without these people who gave of their time it would have been impossible to pull this race off. Our Cone Girls were a big part of the show with their cheers and dances not to mention re-setting of hit cones and counting of the hit cones, they didn’t miss a beat. They were a very lively bunch to say the least. Big thanks go out to Brookleigh for getting that group together. I hope everyone enjoyed the day and I hope it all seemed to run smoothly for everyone.

I can’t say enough about our race sponsors, ParkX, Pleasure Tool Bearings, SkateMS.com, Swell Sk8 and Turner Downhill. These guys donated some great prizes and resources to help make this a true “Classic” race to remember. All they did definitely made this more exciting for everyone involved.

I’d like to single out Marcos Soulsby-Monroy for driving all the way over from Galveston, TX. I really enjoyed meeting him and his son. This was a small local race with lots of newbies and he made the trek anyway. Now that’s the spirit that the slalom re-birth and Grass Roots Slalom is based on. Marcos needs to get a GRS chapter going in his area so I can return the gesture. Just say when Marcos and we’ll be there.

The races were very exciting to witness and to be a part of. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Plenty of smack talk was flying and many laughs also. We had some very close racing like Marcos and Josh, Clifton and Marcos. These match ups come to mind; I remember these because they literally came down to inches. By the way, Nate got Sam in their race, taking back bragging rights after Sam defeated Nate last weekend. Josh was right up in the middle of the big boys. Josh’s cousin Zach did very well considering he really doesn’t skate. A true newbie. Good to have you there Zach. During the breaks you should have seen the handstands and street long manuals that were being thrown down. Good job guys!

Here’s the results of the Grass Roots Slalom, Mississippi Chapter, Outlaw Slalom Classic, April 21, 2002

Qualifying Times:

Ricky 15.79
Nate 16.76
Marcos 18.37
Austin 18.91
Josh 19.07
Clifton 19.96
Sam 22.56
Tate 24.89
Zach 24.93
Patrick 27.61

Duel Results:

1st Ricky
2nd Nate
3rd Clifton
4th Marcos
5th Austin
6th Josh

Again…Thanks to everyone, I mean everyone! I’m wore out…I can’t believe the day has come and gone. All that attended are now a part of Mississippi’s skateboard history as this was Mississippi’s first downhill skateboard competition ever. We will be doing this again. Next time no mercy. I’m looking all the time for that perfect hill with good slope, good asphalt, good run out, no traffic and no cops. Help me find that perfect hill. Next race we have a need for speed!!!!

If you have any comments that will help our next one be even better, don’t hesitate to tell me. I want the best for us all. Next time...sunscreen.

Let’s see more pictures and video as it comes in. I need a few shots for my web site. Thanks Tate for posting your pics (www.skatems.com)so quickly. You’re a good man.

Ricky “Byrddog” Byrd
Grass Roots Slalom, Mississippi Chapter

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Seattle / Cascade Slalom Association
On 4/22/2002 Gareth wrote in from (216.160.nnn.nnn)

A big thanks to all who turned out yesterday! There were several new faces and lots of familiar ones. It is great to see some of the speed boarders adapting to slalom so well. Got to remember these are guys who are not used to small boards and loose turny trucks!

We will continue these sessions every Sunday at 2:00 (weather permitting). If we get enough people to show, we can runs some friendly races. Seems like there are already some grudge matches taking place between Aaron and Ben - way to go guys, that's the spirit.

If you are at your local skate shop, let them know all about slalom and what we are doing on Sundays! Invite them out for a good time. Slalom is alive and well in Seattle and growing by the week!

See you all next Sunday!

PS. If you know of others who should be on my mailing list, please forward to me an e-mail address and I will make sure they are included.

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Montreal slalomers
On 4/22/2002 Pierre wrote in from (207.96.nnn.nnn)

Well perseverance paid up, after 3 weekends in a row alone at the same location, i got a buddy to come and try slalom.
He is now one of us and learning quickly, and there we met another skater from our skatepark days, he tried one of my boards and was completely hooked!
He was getting real fast after a couple of hours. He then asked me where he could get a board, an hour later i was shaping his old beaten Burton Balance to a pretty cool starter board.

We are now three and counting!

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GRS Mississippi
On 4/22/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Ricky: I'll pony up the cash for Daisy Duke outfits for the conegirls at the next race I can make down there.

Sounds like ya'll had a blast.

carl kincaid
knucklehead racing

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On 4/22/2002 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)


Glad it went well!!

Hope the spreadsheet worked out OK

Paul K

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On 4/21/2002 Ricky wrote in from (24.170.nnn.nnn)

The GRS MS Outlaw Slalom Classic went down today beautifully. We had great weather, great racers, the cone girls made the show, my Lisa did an awesome job getting racers to the line when they needed to be there and keeping up with times(this allowed me to race) Thanks to all that supported this event in so many other ways. Check out the gallery at www.skatems.com for the first pictures.
I'll have results posted tomorrow.

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Mississippi GRS
On 4/15/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

Nice goin' Byrddog! Hope everything turns out for the best at your event this weekend. Sure sounds like it's gonna be a great time. I'll try to make the next one.

Alan Sidlo
Knucklehead Racing Team

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On 4/15/2002 Ricky wrote in from (12.39.nnn.nnn)

We had a dry run race to see if I have my poop in a group for our race next Sunday the 21st of April. It went great. We had 6 racers and all had a lot of fun. I can't believe I had 6 for the just dry run, I expected that many at the actual race. At present I count 14 racers for the race. Man... I've got to stop talking about slalom so much this is getting out of hand. Anyway... looks like we're ready to go.

You can go here to check on my progress and see local comments as the race draws near.


Dry Run Race Results

Qualifing Results:
1. Ricky 16.03
2. Nate 17.53
3.Clifton 17.85
4.Josh 18.98
5. Sam 19.49
6. Patrick 23.35

Duel Results:
1- Ricky
2- Clifton
3- Sam

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KHRT/Chicago G.R.A.S.S.
On 4/14/2002 C-Money wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Thanks, Al, for putting up the bearings-it was a blast. Now, let's hope we get several great days like that for the rest of the summmer!

Now, about that timing system. . .!

carl kincaid

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Chicago GRS
On 4/13/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

Correction: "...1st and only prize was a set of Oust MOC7 bearings."

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Chicago GRS
On 4/13/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (166.140.nnn.nnn)

Chicago Race Results: 1st....Carl Kincaid (34.42) 2nd...Alan Sidlo (34.45) 3rd...Steve Marsala (35.64) 4th...Chris Favero (38.72) 5th...Nima Taradji (39.42) 6th...Chris Novatny (49.82) The course was a TS w/some sick offsets designed by C-Money. 3 runs w/total of the two fastest runs minus cone penalty (.2) to score. 1st and only prize was a set of Oust MOC bearings. Alan Sidlo Knucklehead Racing Team

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The Chicago Chapter of GRS
On 4/12/2002 ...the same Knucklehead wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

I meant to say that it will be held on Saturday 04/13/02 and people are planning to show up shortly after 1:00 PM.

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The Chicago Chapter of GRS
On 4/12/2002 Knucklehead wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

The first slalom race of the season will be held at the:

Arboretum Office Complex in Lisle, IL
701 Warrenville Road
Lisle, IL 60532

Take 290 (to western suburbs),
merge onto 88 (to Aurora),
exit onto 53 south,
immediately turn left at first light (Warrenville Rd.),
the Arboretum Lakes office complex will to the right past
the Amoco station,
then go to the second street light and hang a right into the
office complex,
drive to the rear of it, and hang a left.
You will go down a slight grade, then start climbing, that
is our
hill, so when you get to the top, you are there (enclosed
parking to your left).


It should be a fun time for everyone, biginners and expert alike. We are developing the skills that it will take to hold an official event so we are treating this as more of a practice run. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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s.n.a.c freelance
On 4/12/2002 James c.s burton wrote in from (66.119.nnn.nnn)

hello whats up with the world nowadays people hate me and most of my freinds because we chosse to skateboard and not follow the norm people we need to wake up and realize that this problem isn't going to go away i am 20YEARS old and for the longest time i thought it was just ohio but it's not it's everyware a dease no not a dease hate thats better hate is a crippling dease we need to unite and stop the hate me and most of the counter coulture feel like victums in are own cities and towns we as one musst rise up and stop the hate period the way socity treats skateboarders is unexceptable we are not second class citizens solely becase we sk8 we need to treat this action from socity as a hate crime or an infrigment on our pursuit for manifest destany(one's personal happiness)well i have to go sorry if this is to much to read but theirs a lot to be said

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On 4/11/2002 john gilmour wrote in from (151.204.nnn.nnn)

Not being much of a sailor I was attracted to the increased power from a kite and I can fly kites well. I also like the low wind usage of the kite. so I went to http://www.hawaiikiteboardingassociation.org/index.html

I couldn't help but think that a site orgized like this would be a great format for grass roots home page.

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On 4/11/2002 SSofS wrote in from (195.93.nnn.nnn)

Havent been around for a while...Wow, that Speedball guy sure has mellowed

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On 4/7/2002 Pierre wrote in from (24.201.nnn.nnn)

psYch0Lloyd, thanks for the support...

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Montreal Slalom
On 4/7/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

Pierre: Great vid! With you out there presenting the opportunity, there's no doubt that your lonely slalom days will surely change as you gain a following. Persevere.

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Montreal Slalom sunday
On 4/7/2002 Pierre (Lonely slalomer) wrote in from (24.201.nnn.nnn)

Well i was the only rider saturday, but i keep hoping i'm not the only one interested in slalom in Montreal...
I will set the course again today at the same location
(see a couple posts below for details) For a video of yesterday's practice:

Every levels are welcome!

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On 4/6/2002 Ricky wrote in from (24.170.nnn.nnn)

Hey Guys,
Thought I'd drop an update on you.
Looks like I've got my eight racers. Eight was my goal, if I get more, the more the merrier. I feel like some younger guys, Josh's age, may show.
Our eighth racer is Marcos Soulsby-Monroy for Galveston, TX. Driving all the way over for our little GRS race. What a guy. I've never seen Marcos post here so for me, he's evidence of slalom beyond NCDSA. Could this be? Hey Marcos, you out there?


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