Soulriding (2099 Posts)
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On 1/22/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
I gave my copy of Endless summer II to a cute vivacious German girl who stayed with us for for a while on a snowboarding holiday, she said she wanted to groove to the ocean rythm as well. So she found it stashed in her carry-on baggage, a month later she was longboarding in Spain, I hope it stoked.
On 1/22/2002 Rainman
wrote in from
You can rent "In Gods Hands" at video stores. I found it at my local grocery store on the $1.00 shelf. I would'nt buy it you just fast forward all the dialogue and get to the waves. The girl is nice to look at though. They also skate on a mini ramp in the bowels of some ship, that would be cool. Bobo, since you mentioned the "Endlees Summer 2- you should check out the Sandals, they did alot of the songs from the first, and also on the second. Tri-Surf records is there label. ciao, r.m.
On 1/21/2002
wrote in from
Gottit: Starring Shane Dorian, Matt george, Matty Liu and some big f*cking waves! Official site is http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/ingodshands/
On 1/21/2002
wrote in from
Hey, anyone into big waves, check out In God's Hands. Great flick! Granted, the acting sucks, but it's because they're all SURFERS not ACTORS! And the end has some truly epic big wave footage, shot at Jaws. It's a very soulful flick, from the somewhat mushy but still acceptably soulful romance between the young surfer (I can't for the life of me remember his name!) and the ship captain's daughter that's doomed to become nothing because he's a surfer and she's a seafarer to a solo sesh at dusk on a tropical beach. Granted, it's not all surfing, and the romance is a bit unbelievable, but it's such a soulful movie!
On 1/21/2002
wrote in from
Hello all, all this surf talk gets me so bummed, (It just snowed here in St. Louis) but, checking out a surf video sure makes me amped to go skate. When I skate thats what I think about. Bombing hills= Dropping in on a big wave, Kickturn on a bank= a huge cutback on a wave, etc. If you guys want more Laird footage there is a video (or DVD) called "Laird" and it's all about the man. To call it "soulful" is an understatement. He also has a part in "Endless Summer II". You can get them at Swell.com, or any surf shop. While I'm here, anybody got any good music picks to share? My Clash cd is getting tired. bObO
On 1/21/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
Does anyone remember an old spice/blue statos advert in which a guy who I swear was Laird Hamilton bodysurfs a really big shore break?
On 1/21/2002
wrote in from
Dave T..
Saw the same program! Jesus that looks fun.. I dont surf because i hate salt water, but riding those waves looked so much fun. You got to respect the dedication those guys have..
On 1/21/2002
Paul K
wrote in from
Went to one of the better skate shops in the UK, Surrey skateboards.
it was quite bizarre quite as few of the kids were coming up to me and asking me stuff as if i actually worked there. Was talking to a few of them about longboarding and slalom. One kid i was talking to said " i love my board, but I'm not very good on it", i said what would he define as "good", he said "to Ollie & kickflip". i said to him "can you stand up on your board", "yeah" he replied "then your Good!! better than 99% of the country"...made him feel better, and me feel kinda good.
Paul K
On 1/20/2002 Dave T
wrote in from
Got blown away recently watching a T.V. programme on big wave surfing, seeing Laird Hamilton riding 40'+ waves was one of the most awsome things I've ever seen, even my wife was transfixed. Gotta get a video on this stuff talk about soulful. Even if your not a surfer (Like me) you've just got to see this guy.
On 1/19/2002
wrote in from
Sorry about the lose Jaybrand, my name is Sylvio and I shape longboards for Canadank decks and planks ;unfortunatly I feel your lose. Just 3 days ago my own car (being driven by someone else) ran over my highway board as I was getting a tow and killed it. In october,my van got broken into while I was at the hotsprings and the thieves got away with 3 completes and 8 custom decks . Boards come and go. When the next one comes , you will go skating again. Keep it real...LONG! ( check out my site , make you a deal.)CANADANK.COM
On 1/18/2002
jeremy cooper
wrote in from
amen to that speedy.
On 1/18/2002
wrote in from
No sweat, Jaybrands, it's all about brother(or sister)hood, skating and soul.
On 1/18/2002
wrote in from
hey guys,
you dudes are blowing me away. i'm totally indebted to you guys, even the encouraging words help me get a little hyped instead of being bummed. that's just awesome.
for those of you wanted it, here's my address:
Jay Brands #32 20890 57 Ave Langley, BC Canada V3A 8M7
hey mat, i'll email ya in a second. dude, that's a huge move on your part. thanks for emailin' me to let know about the huge help these guys are puttin' up. this is soul.
to the other guys: (Repairman Cam, Joe & Nick, Speedy, and cooper) thanks for the sweet offers guys, it's totally appreciated.
On 1/17/2002
jeremy cooper
wrote in from
i know how jaybrands feels, i had my freestyle board ganked a couple months ago. i've been freestyling for awhile but one of my friends got me into longboarding. it cool because sometimes stuff just isn't flowing on my FS board so i'll hop on my pintail and just lose myself it the moment.
On 1/17/2002
wrote in from
Hell yeah! Jakey is so right. Its the fact that so few people understand our need carve that keeps it so special. Nothing can beat the feeling of beating the hill, carving and sliding your way to the bottom. Like Jakey i dont specialise to longboarding, but its longboarding that gives me the most enjoyment. Ive only been riding for a month but i find my self waking up thinking about the next hill. Its great to come to this site and read the stories that people tell, to see the camaraderie of fellow skaters, to talk to people who inspire me to go take on the next hill as i did the last... Its hard to explain and its hard to understand. May be its this that makes the connection between people who do get it stronger than that of a sport with a mass following? What ever it is, it makes me want to go carve.
On 1/17/2002
Joe & Nick
wrote in from
I've got two wheels for you and Nick says he'll match that, so there's four. They ain't pretty, but they're yours. Give us an address.
Joe & Nick Philanthropic knuckleheads
On 1/17/2002
Jakey p
wrote in from
wow, im stoked. Reading this has caused my heart to swell and my eyes to fill. Jaybrands, im really sorry about the boards, i once had a shortboard go walkies and it burns! But look at how everyone rallies round the fallen comrade. I dont know of any other sport or activity like ours. Your posts remind me that we have something so special and precious that we must never let it go. I do all sorts of things, i bmx, flatland, surf but its carvin a hill that makes me happiest. Maybe if everyone knew it wouldnt be so special. Im going for a skate. Later.
On 1/16/2002 Repairman Cam
wrote in from
Well I finally did it! I went back and rode the hill that face-planted me at 9 and temporarily stopped my riding. I was up in the area for a friend's 50th birthday party and had some time to kill, so I hunted down the dreaded hill. Pulling out my board from the back of my car, I slowly walked up to the crest of the hill, checking for anything that would cause a repeat of the last spill some 32 years ago. I pushed off at the top and had a nice easy carve down the hill. Turns out the hill wasn't as bad as I thought when I was young...I guess a lot of things are like that. PS I mentioned it to another one of my old friends at the party...he still remembered the crash! He also remembered the board i used was a short steel-wheeled thing I bought at a garage sale for fifty cents...
On 1/16/2002
Repairman Cam
wrote in from
Jaybrands, I got a full set of abec 3s you can have if you need 'em. Just e-mail me your address. Thieves suck.
On 1/16/2002 Mat
wrote in from
another thought....some of you guys must have some spare kit lying around to help get Jay rolling again...see if you can find a spare pair of trucks or a set of wheels and bearings that you could donate.
On 1/16/2002
wrote in from
I hope that your bearings were running really smooth and fast....that way they will be going really fast when they fall off your stolen boards and slide along the road losing about a pound of flesh!
I am a boardshaper for Lushlongboards here in the UK. (check us out at www.lushlongboards.com) I'll build you a new board, like one of our Legend 48's, griptape and sign it, for free (deck only) if you cover the postage. Email me to tell me what colours you want it...I'll do something original but still in our style if you like!
By the way don't tell Chris from Lushlongboards that I have said I will do this or he will kill me! Chris...if you are reading this then it was not me who wrote this, it was my evil twin brother!
So there you have it skatestore owners in the US, the guy has a new deck, can you spare him some wheels and trucks? C'mon I know you can!
Peace bro. Mat.
On 1/16/2002
wrote in from
Ouch, Jaybrands, that burns! I'm really sorry, man. Wish there was some way to replace them, but I'm afraid there's not a lot I can do.
On 1/16/2002
wrote in from
so the other day i open the trunk of my car to find that two of my boards got yoinked right out of my trunk! i don't know how they took them because i always lock everything. they made off with my landyachtz board, my pride and joy. also, my regular skateboard. sure, they left my stereo and CD's but i would rather have my boards. it's too expensive to claim them on insurance, so now i'm immobile. i'm just ventin' guys because it kinda sucks when you all you wanna do is go ride but someone else is out there, using the gear you worked to get.
On 1/15/2002
wrote in from
Au! Yeah, she's good in my book! *sighs* Ah, yes! Been skating around UCD campus all day. To class, to other class, home. Got a neat little place here called the Arboretum. A sort of narrow park that follows a creek all around campus and through the town. It's got paved walkways on a lot. Howling through a parking lot at illegal speeds, flying over the hump and down into the depressed creek and arboretum. Over the bridge, and coasting almost all the way to the other top. Yow, I had fun! Oh, yeah- And I'm cool too:)
Ride Fast, Ride Hard, Ride Long! -Speedy
On 1/14/2002 Mark
wrote in from
So, I'm sittin' around yesterday, watching football and waiting for my woman to arrive. It's really nice outside, and the house is as clean as it's going to get, so I decide to go outside and make a few runs down the block on my noserider until she arrives. My street is a gentle slope that is perfect for surf-stylin'. As I drop-knee out of my driveway, going left, I can see that a few of the neighborhood kids are down the block working on their ollies and kick-flip stuff. A few others are on their BMX bikes. They are all sort of clustered in front of one house, just kinda hangin' out. As I approach, carving along, they all turn to look. "Check THAT longboard!" one of them says as I pass by. I give a casual "What's up?" to Andrew, the cool little ripper who sometimes skates with me and my son, Austin, and continue rollin'. What happened next made me smile when I thought about it later: As I passed by, every one of those kids jumped on their bike or skate and followed me down the block. I would love to be able to see that again from a helicopter view: a small pack of kids just kinda sittin' around, not really moving much, and then when someone (in this case, me) passes by, it's like they are a pack of farm dogs on a lonely country road when a car comes by, and they all get up and start barking and chasing it. But, of course, they can't catch it. As I walked back up the street, Andrew and his friend (the other skater) were saying "Damn, that thing is fast - you were coasting and we were pumping and couldn't keep up!" "Big soft wheels" was my reply (ABEC 11's rule!). I made four runs, and they followed me down the hill every time. No, I don't think I'm cool (well, not for this, anyway). I think these kids were bored, and it took a longboard - something they don't see every day - to shake them out of it. When my gorgeous lady turned the corner in her truck (at the bottom of the hill - good girl!) and then the kids watched as she towed me back up the street to my house, THEN I was cool. She da bomb.
Mark Colden Dallas, TX