Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Street Luge (1208 Posts)
Topic Street Luge Info
On 8/2/2003 John wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Rogers Bros. sells the visor for the helmets. They are $25/visor w/ shipping included in U.S.

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On 7/31/2003 Snow wrote in from (24.127.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know where else I can get an aftermarket visor for the wedge helmet? IRS sells them for a wopping $25 for one or $40 for two. The price actually went up from two weeks ago. Any help would be cool, as I dont want to fork out the dough. Is there any way to make one?
Basically Id hate to spend $40 on something that is just thrown together to make a profit. Are they worth the 40 bucks.

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On 7/25/2003 Street Luge Cafe Staff wrote in from (68.98.nnn.nnn)

Visit the Street Luge Cafe!

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On 7/21/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Snowdraggon... yes your correct on that. The Randal luge trucks have that very steep angle, and while on a skateboard it would be very squirly, on the extended wheel bases of luges they are quite stable... HR

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On 7/18/2003 brock wrote in from (203.164.nnn.nnn)

wat stuff should i use to make another luge???

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On 7/18/2003 brock wrote in from (203.164.nnn.nnn)

im am only just got into luge and im 13 iv had 2 luge bords and they r crap

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On 7/18/2003 snowdragon3 wrote in from (24.127.nnn.nnn)

hugh r-
Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't it the higher the degree the less stable the truck? So I would need the fat end of the riser to be at the rear of the luge, right?

Also what type of benefits/pro's does the roger bro style luge have over the dropped rail style?

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On 7/16/2003 snowdragon3 wrote in from (24.127.nnn.nnn)

I know I need my trucks tight, there actually very tight. I also just put on some white (hard) doh-doh bushings. I now have two trucks up front and I fliped the rear hanger. Im still waiting for some wedge risers though. I'm going to try it all out on sat. and see how it holds.

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On 7/15/2003 hc wrote in from (130.65.nnn.nnn)

snow, it sounds like you are not using those randal buttboard bushings.

luge trucks are run tight unlike longboard trucks.

I believe landluge.com sell those.

geocities.com/sk8sanjose/luge .html

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On 7/15/2003 hugh r wrote in from (24.48.nnn.nnn)

Snow... If your going to wedge those RII's to mimic the 60 degree luge plates... you'll want a 15 degree wedge with the fat ends facing the center of the luge.

I haven't had much luck personally with doh dohs on these trucks... they all seem kind of squishy for my weight.

I do use bones hardcore bushings on my skateboard setups and would imagine that they would work well for your luge... I'd suggest harder bushings over softer ones... hope that helps... HR

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On 7/14/2003 snowdragon3 wrote in from (24.127.nnn.nnn)

My wheel base is ~45" using Randall 180's.
So would angling the rear truck toward the rear help? How much? I also just got some white Doh-Doh's to help out.

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On 7/13/2003 steve wrote in from (64.220.nnn.nnn)

Actually, snow, Randals are the same as any other truck. The kingpin points toward the ends, and the hanger points inward. The Randals only look different because the kingpin angle is such that, rather than pointing out behind the axle, it points out in front of the axle. Perhaps that's where the Randal stability comes from?

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On 7/13/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Snow... what type of trucks are you using, and what's your wheelbase? HR

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On 7/12/2003 Matt Norwood wrote in from (65.129.nnn.nnn)

I ran into a biker and then into a curb. It was a vans fault.

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On 7/11/2003 snowdragon3 wrote in from (24.127.nnn.nnn)

Im having some massive speed wobble problems when I lay my shoulders down. I can only get the rail to about 25 then I have to sit up slightly (shoulders about 5" from pan)to get past 30.
I've hear that if you use a wedge riser and angle the rear truck to the back, it will give you better stability. Is this true? What if I use the randall trucks? They are backwards than most others. Im also going to put two trucks up front, that should help out alot too.

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On 7/4/2003 Kahn wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Yup! You hit it on the money. You the man Dagoo.

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On 7/4/2003 Dagoo wrote in from (66.91.nnn.nnn)

No wonder all of you are pro's. Fast,Faster, I must go Faster,is that all you guys think about all day long? Would you say your sport is equel to the classic art of freestyle air snowboarding out of a plane? Dagoo

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On 7/3/2003 HehoomustNOTBnamed... wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Unemployment is a key part of becoming a faster rider!

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On 7/3/2003 Kahn wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

You're right Dagoo.

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On 7/3/2003 Dagoo wrote in from (66.91.nnn.nnn)

hi guys i admire your brave heart,do you have to be unemployed to do this? i have been studing the art of lugee and from what i can tell your not really skateboarders. it seems like you are those guys on the cruisers that ride up and down the streets looking for the next place to party. you know those older guys that are like 40 that think there in high school. Tell me without a drivers licence how do you all get to those places on the weekends. Dagoo something to do on weekends.how did you get in the x-games?

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On 6/29/2003 apryl wrote in from (4.40.nnn.nnn)

whats up.street luge is cool.ive always wanted to try but i just never found a good hill or the board i need and stuff.i think im gonna stick to what i like to do,bowls,and if i once in awile see a huge nice hill,im gonna hit it up.i might get some roadrash,or slip out on accident cuz i dont know how to stay on the board while on my butt.but it never hurts(that bad)to try right?well thats my opinion on it.well seeya later ,apryl

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On 6/21/2003 Chris McBride wrote in from (4.47.nnn.nnn)

Flipping the hanger is fairly simple. Undo the kingpin nut, remove the hanger from the baseplate. Turn it around 180 degrees, put it back on the baseplate. Bolt the nut back onto the kingpin.

What you have done is change the geometry of the truck. The back truck turns a little less now.


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On 6/20/2003 hc wrote in from (207.212.nnn.nnn)

(pics by chaput)

i run r2's with both hangars flipped, (haven't experiment with much else)

ps. pick up darren's streetluge book, if you haven't...

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On 6/19/2003 Tyler Navoichick wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

hey what the hell does flippin the hanger on the R II's mean. I just purchased them and i want to know if I'm putting them on wrong. Does it mean taking it apart or what. Please explain what this all consists of.

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On 6/19/2003 Chris McBride wrote in from (4.47.nnn.nnn)

Yes you can flip the hangers on R2's. Many people who run R2b's for their buttboards flip the rear truck (both of the 180's point backwards)

The common truck for luge are the Randal Floating axles, but not for the floating axles.


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