Completes (3882 Posts)
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Lil Gaffer
On 11/4/2000
wrote in from
Anyone ridden the Landyachtz Lil' Gaffer yet? I've been jonesing for this board since the first time I saw it on their site and now Solidskate has it in stock.... Even though it's so short there's something about it that just looks so fun - like you could zip around in these tight little circles, and maybe even burn through some cones.... Somebody satisfy my curiosity before I freak out!! It's been raining for days now over here and we just got hit by a big storm that dropped somewhere around 35 inches of rain on us in less than 24 hours. Flash floods, destruction, the whole bit. The gov. just declared the big island an official disaster area - something around 18 million $ in damages overall. Guess I won't be skating anytime soon....
aloha waxfoot
Chief Landyacht
On 11/1/2000
wrote in from
I agree. It's a nice flexy, light board, which is fun to carve. The wood seems quite soft and the deck is starting to delaminate around the nose and tail. Don't hit any curbs and such.
Flexy Landyacht
On 10/30/2000 Misterbill
wrote in from
The Landyachtz Chief I have been riding is a flat 44" pintail with 2" of camber and plenty of flex for me(170 lbs). It is about 8 7/8ths wide, not quite nine inches. The deck is seven layers of laminate(Birch I believe) with glass on either side. My first longboard with camber, I love it! Carves like Freddy Kruegger, Slice and Dice those hills. I feel that I got alot of board for my dough!
Re: Herbn landyaght
On 10/30/2000 fg
wrote in from
referring to the LY composite decks not their downhill. They make a pretty straight up 9.5 x 42 birch ply and fibreglass flexy deck with concave.
Hey Flexy
On 10/30/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Fiberflex,very flexy but kind of skinny,i don't think i've seen that posted maybe it's such a icon that your not supposed to say anything "bad",its not bad if you like skinny boards,its just descriptive,besides narrow is subjective too.Motherlodes, from what i know are not really that flexy,just a nice snappy spring v-lam feel,though custom,flexier(thinner)wood could be had from them,just tell them you weigh 90lbs:).Landyachts, i don't really like boards with lots of weird contours,especially if they steepen up the steering angles of the trucks.
Flex Dex vs OTher
On 10/29/2000 fg
wrote in from
I'd check out a few other composite boards if you're looking for a flexy deck. Motherlode G & S Cosmic Landyacht
All got as good if not better flex characteristics at half the weight.
Mini Flex
On 10/29/2000
Kaylee Tejeda
wrote in from
In my opinion, the ride is ultra-responsive and surprisingly stable with the right trucks, once you get used to the wheelbase. Read my review on it a few posts down.
60" flexdex Randal II's aluminators 74a's
On 10/29/2000
wrote in from
Preschool, thanks for the tip. Never thought of that. DOH! Shea, The 60" flex seems heavy to me. Haven't had enough decks this big to really know. If weight is a real concern, I'd go smaller. Or you could get a rope or a dog leash and drag that big dog up the hill! lol (I think it was Herbn who posted that idea). I tried it, and it will save your arms!
Mini flex
On 10/28/2000 Shea
wrote in from
But is the ride good is it stable?
Bushing variations for Randals
On 10/28/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
Jeffs,use the search function herein,type in 'Randals',(or randles,as I often misspell it;it's the lysdexsia taht gets ni teh way) and many answers to questions you never new will appear... ;)
Mini 17 Flexdex
On 10/28/2000
wrote in from
Nope, despite the brand name, the Flexdex mini 17" does not flex at all. It's slightly bigger than a size 11 shoe, so there's no room to flex.
envy Classic
On 10/28/2000 cruzer
wrote in from
Thanks Danny for the advice. Does anyone have an opinion on the Classic model by Envy. If anyone has ever ridden it before please tell how it handles.
Flex Pro60 or mini 17 flexer
On 10/28/2000 Shea
wrote in from
I want to eather go big or go small. I am not a down hill rider. I want a board that I can just cruise around in but I want to try a flexdex.
Questions: Is the pro 60 heavy? I want to use it to carry my snakeboard to spots and to carry both up a hill will be bad if it is heavy.
Does the Miniflex Flex at all?, or is it to short too.? Thanks.
60" flexdex Randal II's aluminators 74a's
On 10/28/2000
wrote in from
Finally got this board up in the mountains where it belongs. Unfortunately there's already snow alongside the road. ARrgh!! Anyway, I LOVE this monster. I seem to keep changing my riding style though. I noticed if I put my foot further behind the front truck I could really make the deck crank turns. Only problem was the trucks got unstable at lower speeds. Anyone got any ideas on stiffer bushings. There an awful lot of info on this site and just wondered if anyone had adressed this issue who has this setup. Thanks
On 10/28/2000
Danny Connor
wrote in from
Hey cruzer, Check out some of the many Freeride boards available. They are really fun for crusing, and doing tricks or whatever. I have the senorita love-joy and the marvin, and they wrok very well under most circumstances. You can get to the site in this site's link forum. Good luck.
LY DH in addition
On 10/27/2000 TN
wrote in from
Great price with Solidskate: 147.OO another 20 for S & H. THey also through in some wedges and made sure the Turbos had Exkate spacers. They really dialed it in as if they owned it.
LandY DH
On 10/27/2000 TN
wrote in from
Just got a complete from Solidskate: DH, Indy 166's and Turbos. This board is scary fast. Solidskate had it ready to roll right out of the box. Opened the box at the post office, tossed the box and rolled right onto Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn. Only problem - This setup attracts mad attention. If I weren't married, it's better than walking a dog. On the ride side, it's strange but with it's half inch concave, it can crank turns. Also for commuting, the lowered deck keeps you from wearing out your support leg. Also it gives my bum knees a break. So I bombed a hill up to 25 mph. It gets a little twitchy. But the Indy's work great withthis deck. If you going to go over thirty, I think wedging for stability is the way to go. Anyone do this with Indy's yet. I plan to attack so bign's this weekend. Otherwise, this is the sickest deck I own and will probably be my number one all arounder.
Need Advice
On 10/27/2000 cruzer
wrote in from
i have a sector 9 cosmic 2 and now i'm looking for a longer board with a rounded nose that is good for cross-stepping and walking tricks also it should still be able to handle the occasional hill. Any advice?
Longboard info
On 10/26/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
Chandler,you are here.This is the longboard site.Look through the links to find your mailorder shops,and the other longboard sites.Have fun shopping! But come back to this site for info on Longboarding.Use the Search engine on this site.Take the time to Read,Scroll through the Archives;do this and you'll come away a better informed skater than someone who has subscribed to the skate mags for the last decade.It's all right here...
completes question
On 10/26/2000
wrote in from
i recently rode a longboard, and i fell in love, it was my first time riding but i couldn't get enough, i was wondering if there are any good sites, or mailorder catalogs, that have some good complete deals, any help would be most appreciated. peace Chandler
Mini Flexdex/Mack IV Trucks
On 10/26/2000
wrote in from
Upon re-reading my post below, I came to the conclusion that I was a bit harsh on the Mack IV trucks. I'm sure they'd be alright with softer bushings, and I've seen and ridden worse trucks, (I hate Destructo trucks, it's either go straight or kickturn, the bushings are like 101a). I just don't have a use for modern flipper product, I think most of us on this post don't. So, it wasn't meant to be a jab at Flexdex, I'm actually super-stoked on them since the order. I told Ebone @ Flexdex that they should either put softer bushings in the Mack IV's or have the mini's come stantard with Indy 101's. He agreed. That would make the mini's perfect.
On 10/23/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
I have to agree with the Landyachtz DH being a great around town carving/cruiser. I have had mine for several months now and it is one of my favorite rides.
The only thing I don't agree with is the choice of trucks. I personally prefer the randal downhills with 1/8" flat risers. I find this set up to be quite manuverable with loose trucks and stable when tight.
I have taken this set-up into the low 30's with good results. It road very well. Don't think I would go much faster than that.
Overall this is a great deck and I personally highly recommend it... HR
new to longboarding
On 10/22/2000 shnitzel
wrote in from
this may be a little bias coming from me (i designed it) but for those of you looking for a nice commuter board the Landyachtz DH is great all round. i find my front leg doesn't get half as tired when pushing on the lowered deck. the kick tail is enough that i've seen medians ollied on it and i won the last cemetary downhill on the same board. it's good up to 30mph with your trucks tightened up nicely and with them loose it carves around town great.
On 10/22/2000
wrote in from
I went longboarding for the first time in the summer and thought it was cool. I want to get a good general-purpose board that will carve and go fast as well as going on the flat round town. What to look for? What to AVOID? Makes? Please email me.
Thanks, Sam
what kind?
On 10/20/2000 iceman86
wrote in from
hey... everyone... i'm a freshmen at college and i've seen quite a few people riding around campus on longboards... i tried a friend of mine's board and i was hooked... i am now looking for one of my own... i've looked around online and talked to some people... and i come in contact with three names mainly... sector 9... gravity... and bareback... at bareback's sight they said that there best selling board is the DOMINATOR which is apparently similar to a snowboard and since i snowboard i thought this maybe a good choice... anyways... i'm looking to mainly ride around capus... nothing harcore or anything... so if anyone has any suggestions on which one to get... please reply to this... thanx!