Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Longboarding (1457 Posts)
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People in NYC!
On 3/25/2007 Eric wrote in from United States  (68.174.nnn.nnn)

Hey! I'm in NYC on vacation untill April 15th, I was wondering if people in nyc go out longboarding every now and then... it'd be really cool to longboard with people from the city. Anybody out there? :)

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On 3/15/2007 Lorenzo Green wrote in from New Zealand  (222.155.nnn.nnn)


Win one of the hottest new longboards on the market!

[B]The deal: [/B]Admit it. If you skate you like to show off! Not only with your tricks, which look easy when you’ve polished them, but with your stories of how much you f%^&# yourself up down that long road to nail them. So you should be proud of these stories! You deserve to be. It hurt. But it was totally good and worth it, right?

We think so. And so we have decided at long last it is time to reward one of you for your epic experience. And get this, because we know boarders like to show off we don’t even care if its FACT OR FICTION!

Click on the image to find out more!

Copy paste the link below to your browser to find out more.


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Board question
On 3/14/2007 Adam E. wrote in from United States  (144.89.nnn.nnn)

hey all!
just wanted to give a shout out from the wisconsin gamma chapter of Phi Kappa Psi at Beloit College. We've got five longboarders and cruising and riding the few hills in Beloit is something we love. One question about boards: i'm trying to decide between getting a landyachtz evo and a sector 9 bamboo surf camp pintail, and i'm not sure about how they compare. i've ridden the bamboo board and i really like it, but how does the evo compare as far as turning/carving ability, stability and manuverability at high speed, and overall feel?
"Cruising, carving, bombing, boarding...I don't care what you call it. Longboarding is life and that's where I'm at."

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distance skateboarding
On 3/9/2007 deciduoustea wrote in from United States  (72.199.nnn.nnn)

discipline... can we add distance skateboarding

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On 2/24/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Jason, beware of riding the 'burbs thereabouts. Unkindly neighbors may be offended by your gliding smoothly and quietly along Their Streets. Besides that, you really gotta start thinking about Hills...

Go North.

Western Mass has some great backroads (loony drivers, but nice roads) to go romp on down.

Further north, consider the amount of unused condos Vermont has during the summer. Many of these have nicely paved access roads (as not to get flatlander's H-2's embarrassingly stuck in the mud) that have are almost desserted from April until September.

If you can travel beyond your local enclave, think these possibilities over...

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Milford, CT Longboarding???
On 2/16/2007 Jason wrote in from United States  (69.118.nnn.nnn)

Just got into longboarding and looking for other riders/info on good runs in milford or new haven areas.


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On 2/12/2007 matt wrote in from United States  (67.188.nnn.nnn)

ive been doing pop shove its wtih my skateboard but my flip is always too far out, is that a problem with the grip tape or with me?

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On 2/11/2007 Nimblybimbly wrote in from United States  (66.220.nnn.nnn)

Man get out fast it will eate your sanity ! head on out to death vally and you will be blown away by the hills there effing insane I was there with out my board and I almost cried!

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On 2/8/2007 jake wrote in from United States  (67.167.nnn.nnn)

anyone have any good ideas or plans for longboards?? let me know if you do (emails (jakescheufler@comcast.net)

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Does anybody ride Longboards in Vegas?
On 1/31/2007 James wrote in from United States  (216.24.nnn.nnn)

Does anybody longbord in vegas, I have been here a year and am looking for people to ride with as well as info as to where to find the hills as they are few and far between.
So if anybody knows please help me out, Thanks.

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Any women longboarding in the Northeast?
On 1/11/2007 Julie Harrell wrote in from United States  (65.219.nnn.nnn)

Hey out there, I'd love to meet up and ride with women my age (47) in the Albany NY area... I have multiple longboards and if you show up I'll even hook you up with protective gear and give you a quick ride lesson! Check out www.adventurouswoman.net for more information about women in the Northeast ripping it up! Jules

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Longboard Larry
On 12/29/2006 Deano wrote in from United States  (209.181.nnn.nnn)

I have a couple of LBL's and they are nice. You can actually get a great combo of performance and style. I raced his Tarpon in a top mount all last season and it performede like a gem.

You may have a little wait for a custom but once you get it you will not be disappointed.

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Longboard Larry
On 12/29/2006 cross stepper wrote in from United States  (24.20.nnn.nnn)

to who ever was asking about the longboard larry boards, i recently bought one


hand made in Salem Oregon
really awesome boards
Just tell him what kinda board your looking for and he'll tell you which one you'd want
and then tell him what kind of hardware and wheels you want
You get it by mail within 2-4 weeks and after waiting so long you know why it tooks so long to get there

really awesome boards, more then worth it

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downhill longboarding
On 12/26/2006 2-ro wrote in from United States  (72.199.nnn.nnn)

hey ! any of you ppl know were i can start racing in southern california?

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On 12/25/2006 phillmo wrote in from United States  (67.169.nnn.nnn)

just got a krackedskull compleat 4 xmas this board rocks check them out krackedskulls.com going boming in fremont at 2pm hell hill if any 1 wants 2 go its at paso padre @ washington blvd merry xmas

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To all ye longboarders...
On 12/24/2006 John Dillon,TeamFun wrote in from United States  (70.22.nnn.nnn)

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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Long board gift
On 12/23/2006 Mac wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

One word.. GRAVITY

Great boards and excellent cust service. I am 240lbs and love the Mini and Hyper carve. right out of the box there are a great buy! I would go with soft wheels 78a


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longboard larry
On 12/17/2006 dan wrote in from United States  (64.252.nnn.nnn)

has anyone tried any longboard larry boards?

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Gravity boards
On 12/17/2006 ska1234 wrote in from United States  (75.46.nnn.nnn)

also try gravity skateboards they have high quality longboard skateboards at affordable prices and they suit all dicipilins of skateboarding. Great costomer service too

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On 12/16/2006 John Dillon, Team Fun wrote in from United States  (70.22.nnn.nnn)

The previous replies offer good advice....also check out Jam Longboards. I have the 80" Python, plus it's made by surfers and these can be found in numerous surf/skate shops.

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On 12/14/2006 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Look into boards built with a 'rider weight specification' or at least a variety of 'flexes' made available. An 8-ply board will not make your boyfriend very happy, nor last very long. At his weight (and I'd assume relative strength) he's going to want a thicker, stiffer board. Vince has it right with the 11-ply Birch construction, even though birch is 'softer' feeling than maple.

Board companies I can think of off the top of my head would be Comet, Dewey Weber, Landyatchz, Subsonic, and while 'flexy', Loaded. I know that these companies run the gammut in board shapes, so you should find something that suits, style/rider intent wise. Loaded, Comet and Subsonic offer boards in differing flex profiles, so those can found (or made) in the right stiffness to handle your friend. The more robust boards from Dewey Weber or Landyatchz (or a Gravity Ed Economy model) should be easily able to accomodate him. Ask questions from the vendors you can find here, and take a look at HUgh R's website, which while dated, has great info on what 'larger than average' riders are looking for.
Don't go cheap on the trucks, either. Get a solid, reliable truck, and be ready to uprate the bushings on them as well. Good hunting..

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Fun, inexpensive longboard decks
On 12/14/2006 Vince wrote in from United States  (67.166.nnn.nnn)

If you are looking for a quality drop through deck for a great price, check out
krackedskulls.com. The decks are 11 ply birch and offer a soft flex which can be controlled by varying the width of your stance. I'm new to longboarding, but I am really enjoying mine. By the way, they are great for big guys. I am 6'4 and weigh about 260 lbs. So if you get a chance, go to krackedskulls.com and order a board or two. Tell William "Vince sent me".

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longboard for boyfriend
On 12/13/2006 venicegirl wrote in from United States  (207.47.nnn.nnn)

my boyfriend is 6'6" and 230 and has mentioned many times how he'd like a longboard to cruise around town. he's a beginner when it comes to skating but we do surf (not that well tho!) i'd like to get him a board for xmas but am totally lost about what to get. so far, i've read about soulboards - specifically the big boards, the laguna, and the interceptor, but they are all expensive and i'm afraid to splurge blindly for a present. any comments or other suggestions and recommendations?

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On 12/13/2006 Crazy-legs wrote in from Sweden  (194.68.nnn.nnn)

I´m using a pair of gloves from Lush. I switched out the plates made of plexiglass to a pair of home-made steel-plates. They never wear out, low friction and make the sparks fly like nothing else! the only downer is that if you´re having a lot of contact i high speed for a short period of time, they´ll get hot.

But that´s allright, because Sweden is a cold place.

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Yo Fred, Ref: gloves
On 12/10/2006 John Dillon, TeamFun wrote in from United States  (70.22.nnn.nnn)

Try out some slide gloves if that's how you are wearing out gloves....Gravity makes some slide gloves that people seem to like, plus there's some other slide gloves out there....or make your own....look over in the safety equipment forum....or check out over on the Silverfish forum...someone was making some and selling them there not long ago. Happy sliding!

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