Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
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Rocky Graziose
On 11/19/2004 Ted wrote in from United States  (24.47.nnn.nnn)

Rocky Graziose places 3rd in Broadway Bomb competition in NYC. Rocky was riding his BINUS BOARDS flatland pumping model, as he clocked in at 30 minutes from 110th street and broadway to battery park. Check out the latest at www.binusboards.com, and place your order today for the limited edition plaid model, the graphic is a plaid pattern, it looks sick

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On 11/18/2004 Andrew wrote in from United States  (66.124.nnn.nnn)

Hi Dave, yes my bad... hmmm, please excuse my confusion in spelling, ive been studying for tests along with long work days, and get here with only a moment to type... i bought a turner ttc truck off of kenny, and that's what i'll run on the rear. Can't wait for the weekend to finally arrive!


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Turner TLL ?
On 11/18/2004 Dave G wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Still not sure what a TLL is!! TCC maybe?

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Edit my last post
On 11/18/2004 Andrew wrote in from United States  (67.161.nnn.nnn)

edit a Whoops.. i meant to say using a turner TLL 'RTX' tracker on rear in my last post.

I'd also sure like to hear more sucess stories.


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Ultimate Pumper
On 11/18/2004 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (24.62.nnn.nnn)

I'd like to hear more about the best equipment for pumping.

What decks are best for pumping?
What length, ect?

Chris Y. can you tell us more about the 38" deck you mentioned?
I might be interested in that. Details please!

I, like you, have found the Original trucks great for pumping!
I did not really get the feel for pumping untill I got those trucks
and a deck with some nice flex.

CYA, please give us more details on the set ups in your quiver pic below.
What size Original trucks are you using?
What wheels? Size? Durometer?
Tell us more about those decks please.

What equipment does everyone else like for pumping?
What would be fastest for the trap?


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board arrived!
On 11/17/2004 Andrew wrote in from United States  (67.161.nnn.nnn)

Hey Chris, Yes it's here and i'm stoked! Seems to be a perfect concave and width for my feet so far and with a stiff flex on a slight camber, as i'm 6ft and weigh 205. It's not gripped or set up yet of course, but i plan to run gumballs with 75mm 81a on a ? (yet to be determined) in front, and a Turner TLL RTS 127mm. with flat risers at first. i don't know riser thickness needed yet, or bushing comps, but i'll try to report my findings soon. Any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks guys, and hey since i have a lot of miles to get caught up on regarding practice, this newbie will be looking forward to any more posts by those that have beginner type pump hints to add. I'm also a bike rider with quite a few years of riding on my legs. I hope this helps out with stamina and some speed soon too. It's been over 25 years since i really skated hard. (OG signing off to sleep now)

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Pump Boards
On 11/17/2004 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (63.196.nnn.nnn)

I think the optimum size for me is a 36" x 9.5" for short spurts but for the long run, the new 38"x9" I have really is sweet for my at 205lbs. I have few laying around that I'd unload for 50 bucks. They are brand new and have a stiff flex.

Currently for pumping, I'm finding the fast-action turning trucks like originals to be really sweeet.

Keep on Pumping! www.pumpyourdeck.com ! :D

Hey Andrew, :D I see you signed for the board today. Hope you like it! Cheers!

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ideal pumping setup
On 11/15/2004 Julien wrote in from United States  (69.240.nnn.nnn)

Hey everyone,
I was wondering what you all think of as an ideal pumping setup, or what the closest I could get to with what i have.
My best bet deck wise is probably my comet street slalom 33" (pretty similar in shape and size to yandall's signature board w/ some crazy fibreglass bamboo core stuff)
I also have an old S9 cosmic 1 (pretty similar to above w/ a kicktail, no concave and quite a bit more flex)
Truck wise I have: R2 150s, Indy 169, Thunder Hi (basic street truck but turn real nice), o and 1 R2 baseplate w/ DH hanger on it
I have a great assortment of bushings right now too: Radikals in every color, 1 yellow stim, a set of bones hardcore meds (one of my favs), and then a bunch of stock randal bushings and the stock indy ones.
Wheel wise I will probably go with my grippins in 81a/84a but i've also got a set of 88a No Schoolz in the 65mm flavor.
Bearings, go with the fastest thing i can find i guess: i have some old bones swiss, some newish biltin's (abec 5 i think), and some new reds that are all pretty nice.
What do you think would be the best pumping set up with what i've got?
I see yandall is running originals on his pumping boards, how is the rebound on those puppies (i have yet to try them beyond a little ride down the street)
I was also debating getting a set of seismics (130s or 155s)
Thanks for your help
PS: I'm talking just about flatland pumping here but I still wanna be able to comfortably ride some decent size hills.
Thanks again

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Quiver reply
On 11/14/2004 Andrew Lunsford wrote in from United States  (67.161.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for posting a pic of your current quive Chris. I'm sure looking forward to returning to a skate scene on something that reminds me of my early years on comfortable lenght board, just a bit longer than the solid no-flex 8 1/4 wide birchwood i used to pump on and begin trans riding back in '77. Your recreational 34" looks to have a slight camber and some mellow concave and a long wheelbase. I'll start there and let you know what i feel when i get some time on it... Just got back myself from a 18 mile quick paced ride on my old schwinn paramount. Eyeballed a few cement trails while on the ride too. stay young and skogg on. I'm going to get pumped up again and see what i'm capable of doing soon.

Happy 50th Birthday to you!!!

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My Quiver Today
On 11/14/2004 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

Hey Andrew! Thanks for picking up one of my boards. Like I said, I'm totally into skogging and pumpin' as of late. I still get some vert but not like 30 years ago.

So this picture here, pretty much shows you my quiver. The deck that really turns me on is the 38"x9" . I'm working on a 36" x 9.5" to round out my flatland pumpin models.

It aint all about downhill these days. Flatland self generated speeds for races are an upcoming scene! RIght on? Y0.

I'm heading down to Mission Beach right now to get my Boardwalk Pumpin fix.

Cheers sk8rz!
Click here for link

p.s. Oh yea, my Park board is a PoolKing skateboard by my friend Michael Early. He's at Click here for link

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The Trap
On 11/7/2004 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (24.62.nnn.nnn)

I have to agree with Chris Yandall and Chris Chaput.
A few seconds of effort really isn't much.
176 feet is still very short.
But it works for this type of event.

I'd like to see the fastest time (not speed) for a mile course or longer.
But that might just be me.

But since the whole trap thing kind of died after the ideas that Chris
and Chris were shot down, I think that may indicate something.
I don't know what, though.

I like the idea of push racing and pumping races.
By races I mean a group of participants all going head to head.

But timed events where competitors from around the world can compare
times to see how fast they are in relation to other skaters are great too.

I would like to see more brain storming on this whole matter.
Months ago there was a lot of energy going into this idea,
and then the whole thing completely died. Why?

Who else has thoughts, suggestions or ideas on this?

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Reaching Climax and forgetting the After Burn
On 11/5/2004 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (168.253.nnn.nnn)

hmmm. i've looked at this response(see end of this post) for months and still can't agree with it. my thinking was that you peddle up to the 176' mark and you blaze thru that entire speed trap area that measures your "best speed" within it. If your fastest time is when you hit the speed trap start, so-be-it.

if you want to continue stroking the walk or pumping thru it to increase your speed, you got 5 -7 seconds to do it.(if you burn out in less time.. check your oil) 44' to me assumes that terminal velocity will occur in much less time. dude, with 5-7 seconds at these self generated speeds, 176' STILL makes more sense. Instead of snaking a top speed, give it more time to determine THE top speed. And believe me ... how long is 5-7 seconds anyways? NOTHING! 176'!!! GET IT?

I even took my Ginko this month to ponder a better method of measure :D

anyways, that's my bitch today... I've been skogging up a storm. I love it!!!

I'd like to thank all the thought provoking people here for this thread but 44', IMHO really eliminates the millisecond shaves that 176' promotes.

cheers skaterZ
Chris Yandall

"A lmost. The "extreme effort" in this "event" is more in the accelleration prior to The Trap, and then maintaining the speed through it...however long or short. 95% of one's energy should be expended in reaching maximum speed. Remember...NO maximum approach! It's going to take not only strength and agility for this event, but some amount of skill in timing your speed "apex", and not burning out too soon."

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Pump Events
On 10/15/2004 steelwheel Bob wrote in from United States  (63.164.nnn.nnn)

I did not know you guys existed.
Too Cool!
I want to have a flatland/pump contest, maybe something like the Cyber contest at the WC, this December in Santa Barbara. I might call it the Korten Klassic Cyber Slalom Challenge and perhaps get ncdsa and OP to get behind it. Any suggestions?

Here is a letter I posted on the slalom page yesterday before I found this pump page:
As you can tell by all the responses, the WC was over the top, and I think the Korten appearance helped pushed it there.

What I would like to do for CW is an interview with Korten and let Gilmore do the story of the WC.

Jim's story is very much like the movie "The Natural" staring Robert Redford where an aspiring baseball sensation disappears for well over a decade then reappears as a scruffy unknown attempting a come back. The mystic of the movie as well as the mystic of Jim's place in slalom history is one of wonder...could he have been or is he the greatest slalom racer of all time? The Redford movie ends in a triumphant and sensational moment...but you are left to wonder what came next? Did he go on to bigger and better things?

All things considered, Jim's reappearance in this WC was pretty dynamic and stimulating. But it leaves one to ponder what will happen next, how will Jim's story be played out? Will he take on the new breed and prevail; will he succeed against the older legends he never faced? Is he truly the Greatest?

Most of the racers of the 80's know Jim as the pro competitor. I know Jim as the guy that ran the CASL slalom contests, almost all of which were on flat ground with no starting ramps. This is where I did all my racing. This is where I learned to master the magic of the pump. Jim built a custom Korten Koffin for me and maintained it for all the years I raced. I have ridden that board consistently from 1988 to this day for transportation and demo's. I like to pass it around at flatland jams and let kids feel what a truly fast board is like, and teach them the Korten pump and let them experience the magic of being able to propel yourself on a board to ever increasing speeds without touching the ground.

Earlier this year at a flatland jam at Rengstorff I put out the Bob Staton Flatland Pump Challenge and tried to get people to race me in a large circle for three laps. Gary Holl was the only taker and he won easily and amazed even me as to how fast you can go just pumping. At a WFSA flatland jam in Napa last year some kid around 11 really took to the Korten Koffin and spent a lot of time riding it and doing all kinds of freestyle and street and skate park tricks and getting into the speed and handeling of the board. This kid reminded me of Jim himself. I skated with Jim several times at some big school yard banks and he could do anything with that board you could do on a street board, his one footed 360's on the banks were so cool.

We took about 40 pictures of the 'Napa Kid' doing ollies, shuvits, flips and power slides.

I could just as easily be known as flatpump Bob rather than steelwheel Bob because I take the Korten Koffin with me everywhere I take the 2x4...and for the same reason...to let people experience first hand the feel and the ride of these different boards and what their strong points are. I have learned many tricks and competed in many skate contests of all kinds, but the master of the wiggle, the king of swing, Jim Korten is the only person that ever taught me a skill.

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broadway bomber
On 10/3/2004 Brendan wrote in from United States  (24.47.nnn.nnn)

Broadway Bomber pumping competition. 12 noon, 110th street and broadway, October 23rd. Test your skills riding in NYC. any other inquiries www.binusboards.com, then contact us. THANKS

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Pumping symmetry
On 10/2/2004 Bugs wrote in from Japan  (220.4.nnn.nnn)

My toeside pump has always been stronger than my heelside pump. I'd always set up my deck with a wedged front truck and a de-wedged rear truck.

But I changed to a longer deck recently, and decided not to de-wedge the rear truck. Presto - my heelside pump suddenly became as strong as my toeside.

Anybody else notice this phenomenon? I'm thinking it's caused by the fact that my heelside pump comes from my rear foot, while my toeside pump comes from my front foot.

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The Trap
On 9/24/2004 Adam wrote in from United States  (66.121.nnn.nnn)

Peter Klang of Sweden has just claimed top spot on the The Trap rankings from Micheala Dong with an 18.634 mph through a 44ft trap. Congrats Peter!

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New Boards!
On 9/19/2004 Ryan wrote in from United States  (24.47.nnn.nnn)

I recently heard of a uprising company who really caught my attention. These boards will be great for any pumping competition because of the wheels they use. Their boards are currently in the press but i can't wait untill they come out. Check out their website to see what they are all about, i think they sell shirts and wheels as of now. The companies name is Binus and they also will be making surfboards. The website is Click here for link
Ride Hard

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On 9/15/2004 Eddy wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

After my less than stellar performance in Georgia. My pump could not be found. I am back at the drawing board. I have started running 50 cones 5 ft 7 in apart for about and hour and also pumped up a long slope for about an hour. I will continue to do this until the Worlds. This weekend I will hit some hills with some of the local Outlaws and run some courses. Wish me luck Dudes. Eddy Texas Outlaws.

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The Speed Trap
On 9/13/2004 Trap Daddy wrote in from United States  (130.13.nnn.nnn)

THANKS to Adam for completing The Trap forum!

The rules are set, and The Trap can be run through any of the three distances. Official "observed" events (competitions or official GBOWR trys) will utilize either the 88' or 176' trap.

Since this is a pure speed measurement, I envision that we'll have a lot of "pushers" post; This is good, because we all started skateboarding (some of us a LONG time ago) by pushing...and that lead to bigger and better things.

There have been other great suggestions on this forum about lap races, timed races and strictly Pumping contests. I'd encourage everyone to develop your idea and discuss it in the appropriate forum. Even if this idea/event falls flat after a short time, it was worth putting it out there.



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The Trap...
On 9/3/2004 adam wrote in from United States  (66.121.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

The Trap page has been updated to accept 44, 88, or 176 foot trap lengths, and to score based on speed, not time. The rules have also been changed slightly per suggestions from AZ Steve. Still in flux.. but get your times posted!

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The Trap...
On 8/30/2004 Adam wrote in from United States  (66.121.nnn.nnn)

Yep.. I have some coding to finish for Steve's new trap distances. Hopefully I'll find some time this week. A few new forums coming online too..

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On 8/30/2004 slim wrote in from United States  (69.110.nnn.nnn)

when things settle down and you guys have more time to get back to it, I'll be reading! It sounded cool and might motivate me to work on my pumping skills too.

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The Trap...
On 8/28/2004 Steve in AZ wrote in from United States  (130.13.nnn.nnn)

yeah, Slim, I noticed that too. Good reason...

Adam was working non-stop around the Breck race, trying to get the CS competition squared-away. He has yet to update The Trap forum for the revised rules. My wife is now expecting, so the desire (or time) to get out and run some high-speed passes is lower than what it was.

I'll get Adam a more stream-lined goof-proof version of the rules, and we'll try to get the forum set with the correct entries & calculations. Michael D's 44' trap times are still there, but the new version will allow for conversion to MPH for any of the Traps. I still believe that either 88' or 176' will become the standard, but it's still in the planning stages.

The other thing is that the racing season is now in full swing. We'll get The Trap up-to-speed (so to speak) after Morro, and set something up at one of the races or gatherings next season.

-=Trap Daddy=-

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boom bust
On 8/28/2004 slim wrote in from United States  (69.110.nnn.nnn)

I think this topic must be one of the all time boom to bust topics! There was so much interest and talk about it for a few days and then, wham, it's dead. What happened? (and still only one time posted on the "trap" page.)

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LeMans style racing
On 8/11/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from United States  (198.160.nnn.nnn)

we've considering a LeMans style skateboard pump race here in chitown. by employing multi member teams riding a single board per team w/pit stops (and crew) we'll see how many laps a team can make in like an hour. anybody who's been at any of our races knows that our choice of venues offers all too many possibilities and challenges. uphill, down hill, through tunnels and s-curves galore, drafting and even some pedestrian avoidance skills should come in handy.

anybody up for a different kind of challenge?

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