Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
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pins and stuf
On 2/1/2006
wrote in from
United States
Thanks for the note on the site Jamie! Most of the time kingpins break right where the threading starts, or in the middle of the threads. Its why flipping kingpin position is key -- keeping the smooth part of the bolt where the hangar stresses it most.
Not sure the Rad kingpin would work on Randal (for one thing its too short) but I'll be stressing/testing my Radikal pin on a Radikal from this weekend! According to a thread over on the Trucks forum though, I can't ride over cracks in the pavement with my Radikal...nice smooth racing surfaces only (hmmm) So even though I've got doubts about that theory, I will be religiously avoiding all cracks and thus expecting this kingpin *never ever* to break! ;-)
SS, I'm taking my Surf Bug over to Steve this weekend for a couple mods, just a little shorter but keeping long wheelbase, it had slight excess in tail then just one "little" performance tweak...
Munchh your setups rock, cool to see you gettin' it dialed!
Now I get it!
On 2/1/2006
wrote in from
United Kingdom
I set these up and have just been out for a quick go as i'm not throwing up anymore!!
And it was quick, for as soon as i stepped outside it started snowing?? (bloody conspiracy)
Anyway, the top one has 2" from nose to bolts the other has 3", i know this is short compaired to many of you, but they are my 1st setups and as you can see from the bottom one, its not like i wont drill more holes. They both have a 175mm 'redline' (i think) truck on the rear mounted flat and a high wedged 180 RII on the front, both have a 27 3/4" WB.
I rode the top one down the hill outside my house, its a cresant that gets flat as it runs past my close, normally after turning into the close, about halfway up the hill i have to push the rest of the way to my house, but oooohhhhh no, not this time. I was able to pump easily all the way in and only had to stop because my car was in the way.................WICKED!!!!
My kiro's are on the way and i got an extra set to put in my Randals, i'm still on the look out for 150mm hangers, but by the feel of it i'm gonna be having some fun with the 180's.
bug etc
On 2/1/2006
wrote in from
United States
Andy, maybe we can meet some saturday in SM and you can give my deck a try. I'll bring along couple of others as well (42" pocketpistol superlite RII 150s with 75m 80a Manx, 36" pocket pistol superlite RII 150s with 80a Avila, 39" custom pumpkin with trackers and blue comets, 44" pocket pistol ditchkiller with carver c7s and red zigzags...write to me and we'll see what we can do.
Radikal Kingpin?
On 2/1/2006
Sean C.
wrote in from
United States
Have any of you ever thought about trying a titanium radikal kingpin? It says that they are titanium on their site but I'm not sure of it... Or doesn't Grind King make a Titanium truck that has a titanium kingpin?
Wheelbases on Fibreflex
On 2/1/2006
Sean C.
wrote in from
United States
Hmm... I'm guessing the stock wheelbases are around the upper 30's, so that leaves alot of experimentation. The camber is basically centered on the deck with maybe it a little more to the front. The front is definitely the sweet spot. Thats good because the front has the most width to work with. I'll experiment today with it.
I'm not forgetting about the Roe at all. I'm still definitely considering that. Its always nice to have more than 1 pumper!
Kingpin failure
On 2/1/2006 Jamie M.
wrote in from
Where on the Kinpin, is the most common failure point?
On 2/1/2006 Jamie M.
wrote in from
Dude your website is amazing! Great info!
Snappier "Surf Bug"
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United States
James I am very interested in the new snappier surf bug. Can you give me any more details and info about it? And please let me know when I might be able to purchase this newly modified version of your surf bug deck. I'm already quite impressed by the current version that I have seen on your website.
Your longboardlarry deck is also very impressive and I can't wait to see Erin's new LBL LDP deck as well.
Erin as you said this is very exciting!
Specialized pumping gear is getting me so....PUMPED for spring!
On 1/31/2006 peters
wrote in from
United States
By running the R180s on the longer wheelbase, you must have built up a fairly powerful cadence/pump by now, todd!? The 150s give a quicker pump but I've noticed my buddy Derek rides with a wider stance (he's also a bit taller and heavier than myself) and can really crank speed consistently on 160s (CX). When we're just out goofing on the trail, then go for a 'sprint', I have to lay on the tighter, slalom wiggle pace to stay ahead of him! In any case it'd be great if you guys can ever make it up to ride, if not soon, I'm hoping to invade So. Cal this year (like I said last year!!!) cheers-jp
magical wheels on the Roe-Sect
On 1/31/2006 peters
wrote in from
United States
todd, the ZigZags would be great, I had a chance to check out Chaputs bouncy urethane the last couple weekends... tho they're just a little smaller, they would cook on the inclines! I still switch to Avalons sometimes when I'm going on a shorter but more inclined run -- I envy you guys with all the dry weather!
decks for the flatland pumper
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
Ohhhhhhhh yessssss, these are exciting times! With some exciting decks just around the corner.
thanks for the head's up about the 'sig' Insect board James! Can't wait.
Its gonna be one sweet flatland season this year with more pumpers, better gear and a whole new sport to explore!!!
LDP deck
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United States
hehe - well Erin, caught word that requests for my 'Surf Bug' design have been coming in, so I've been sending the latest mods to Steve -- its premature for me to call it a 'Sig' deck, but its close! In any case you can basically see the specs on my gear page, the 'final' template will be ... just a little snappier!
toddc's insect 44
On 1/31/2006
Andy Lee
wrote in from
United States
toddc- I'm looking into a custom insect that sounds pretty close to yours... and I live in Santa Monica... Any chance I could take yours for a test drive some weekend?
insect 44
On 1/31/2006 toddc
wrote in from
United States
About a year back I had Steve make me a custome 44" big bug-ish deck with a bit of cut-out, and a full sheet of carbon ala the Roe decks.
This was to be my downhill carver, but I have not been riding hills that much, and have been doing more flatland pumping (LA river, SMonica strand) and as I told steve, I think this thing has a "motor" when pumping. Front foot just behind front truck, rear foot about 6-8 inches in front of rear truck. Currently set up with RII 180 (stims) and 72/76 avilas....on the flats I can go forever.
Too big, too long for many, but for me (185 lbs) it works. Just swapped some 70m 83a zig zags onto it - can't wait to see if the smaller, harder wheel works even better.
Pumping/LDP decks
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United States
James and Erin I am very interested in both the Roe/Insect James Peters LDP deck and the LongBoardLarry LDP deck. I realize that both are influenced by your design input and are based on the custom decks made for both of you by these makers. If either of you can share any info about the new decks it would be great. I imagine they will be similar to James' current top two LDP decks as listed on www.pavedwave.com . If I can't find a suitable production deck I may go with a custom from one of these makers. It seems that a 43" overall length with a 25" to 28" wheelbase with a long, wide nose is about ideal. Al Williams has also mentioned that he has found that basic size to be about ideal for long distance pumping. So it seems to be a virtual consensus.
I'm still considering the Bahne Banshee as a stop gap deck untill I can find or commision a deck like the ones you are talking about. It would serve the same function for me as Erin's Rayne Vice does for her.
Jack Smith - if you should happen to read this I'm very interested in learning more about the camber and flex of the Banshee.
Thanks everyone!
decks for your first love - LDP'ing!!
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
James, what good news.... actual LDP decks with LDP'ing in mind for skaters who want to pump long distance....YAY! What a breakthrough!!
Can't wait to see your signature Insect - rock on!!!
Keep us posted...we wait with bated breath for these new decks (like kids the month before Xmas :-) )
F-flex , pins etc
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United States
Sean, whats the longest wheelbase already drilled on that FFlex? I'd drill something like 26.5" if necessary and test out the ride *before* doing any whacks to the nose or tail and figure out where camber in the deck has best snap, and what foot placement is working best for you. In the end I like the front truck 3.5" inches from the nose, then the wheelbase 25--28" roughly from there to drill the back truck holes. As for wood chops, I defer all advice to the guys on 'Homemade Boards' forum (like Munchh) who tinker and know tons about saws, sanders and all the stuff that protects you from flying fibers. Keep the custom Roe-Insect LDP deck in mind...you can never have too many decks!
Munchh and Erin, at the time I was plowing through bolts on Randals, I always found Grade 8's to last the longest. I ordered some high tensile automotives ($5 ea.) from www.arp-bolts.com in 2004, but by the time they arrived early 2005, I had just received my CarverCX truck -- and once mounted, never went back...and never broke a front bolt since. So I'm not sure if those would shear faster or not. Keeping the bushings in good shape, I've tested flipped Grade8's on Randals up to 80+ miles of purely dedicated pumping without failure.
oh yeah... PHAT Rads are about 2.86 cm wide, 1.43 cm tall (just a rough guess) ;-) The phat Stims are just a hair wider at same height.
Rock on Fibreflex!
On 1/31/2006
Sean C.
wrote in from
United States
Woo hoo! So maybe I won't have to shovel out 100 bucks after all...
So James, you suggest a 25" - 28" wheelbase or so? How long do you think I should make the board otherwise... how much nose? Tail? etc... Since the deck isn't very wide to start with, I'll try to position my truck mounting holes so that I maximize the amount of width that I can work with... What about cutting into fibreglass? Any problems that I can encounter? I'm guessing I should wear a respirator or something and wear long sleeves so I don't end up itchy... Then as far as sanding goes, respirator and long sleeves, but is there anything to worry about as far as messing up the fibreglass?
This is cool that I can use this thing. I've often thought of letting it go, but it was my first longboard, and I keep finding uses for it. What a great deck!
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United Kingdom
see where your coming from, it was an idea a friend of mine had, a skater and works in the motorparts trade, might be worth checking them out if he can get them, has anyone else used them?
As for a LDP specific deck, i've got a few idea's i've been bouncing off Peters, i think everyone should have a go, theres loads of people building their own carving and downhill decks, would be good to get a few more 'homemade' guys onto this LDP thing?
These fat bushings, how fat??
LDP / skumpin decks!
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United States
Sean, the Fibreflex would be perrrfect, you ought to drill and figure out your perfect wheelbase, then shave off tail and/or nose afterward. A buddy did that for me with a Landyacthz. Vlams are great. The Fibflex has a great snap to it!
Erin, I've been lovin' my LBL skumpin/LDP deck as well, I got it just as the rains hit so haven't tested it as hard as my Roe-Insect. Larry's got some magic in making a wood deck that is LIGHT -- I don't let my heavier friends even stand on it, his deck is "optimized" for my 165 lbs., but any more and you might compromise/crack it. They really are a work of art, mines a 41" shortened version of his 56" Cruiser. And not sure yet Erin but I might have an Insect signature model for skumpin/LDP as well!! Maybe its time we start up a company together?? ;-)
Erin - Stock Pumper?
On 1/31/2006
Sean C.
wrote in from
United States
Hey Erin, what board have you been using for LDP that you called "stock"? I have a 44" Fibreflex Pintail that I was thinking about cutting down to around 38" or so and adjusting the wheelbase so it would be the right length... The thing is lightweight and has a very bouncy springy flex... By shortening it I could make it stiffer lighter and a better shape (less torsional twist). Then I could redrill and have it all setup...
Anything wrong with using a vlammed board? The old fibreflexes (which i have) were supposed to have a bit of torsional twist... If I was to set that up (after modification) with RTR's and some avilas or something, would it be alright?
What you think James? I'm not sure if you're familiar with the deck at all...
that perfect LDP deck
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
If you've got a bit of patience you might just find that LBL has the perfect LDP deck. He is working on a design right now that has been on the drawing boards since the Fall. I am anxiously and excitedly awaiting the completion of his first LDP. I hope I'm not saying to much in suggesting that this board may soon be added to his regular line up of decks. Imagine that! The first builder to actually add a LDP deck to their line up! Sweet breakthrough!
I have been making-do with a stock board for my LDP and its hasn't been too much of a hardship given that the record setting wet winter has been limiting my long distance skating time. I can only imagine the thrill of getting a LBL long distance board just in time for the real skating season to begin.
Since the summer I have been dreaming of a designated pumping set up. All the boards in my quiver so far have been carefully selected and set up for specific types of skating. I have gotten a lot of pleasure out of this process. But there has been a vacant spot in the quiver for a designated LDP. Larry is my main man when it comes to building decks. He gets the flex just right for me and knows just how I need a board to ride. Then he adds his awesome finish and I've got a rolling piece of art! So this next board, I expect, will be no exception. It should be my ticket to long distance pumping. My Carver CX's and 72/77a Avilas are just waiting to jump under this deck.
So, if you feel the need for a deck with LDP in mind.....perhaps you too will be in the market for this new LongBoardLarry deck. Stay tuned my friends! Or check in with LBL, ask him how its going. I'm sure he'd be keen to hear from other LDP'ing enthusiasts.
phat fat cushions r' us
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
Al, I'm glad you are liking those fatty bushings. I just got to try squeeze some onto my LDP trucks now.... The only limitation to using the fat bushing is the truck's kingpin. The stock kingpin needs to be long enough to accept the thicker bushings or have the truck needs to be a style type where the kingpin can easily be exchanged for a longer one.
I destroyed a set of Indy's a while back trying to get out the somewhat 'welded in' kingpin - sheesh what's with welding in a kingpin?! I really liked the Indy 215's for cruising but have since sold mine off because I couldn't do the kingpin swap that would allow me to run my much loved Stimulator bushings.
no no stainless steel no go
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
Munchh, my understanding about stainless steel is that it is actually to 'brittle' as it can shear under pressure quite easily.
On 1/31/2006
wrote in from
United Kingdom
Hey James,
been thinking about the kingpin breaking problem, have you ever used stainless steel?