Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sliding & Stopping (1660 Posts)
Topic Info
On 12/5/2005 Ghooste wrote in from United Kingdom  (193.113.nnn.nnn)

So? wheres the results, stories an all, thanks for the pics chris but man I have a insatiable hunger for the lowdown on what happened!

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Super nice day
On 12/4/2005 Sergio Yuppie. wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

I think, all have super good slides sessions, yeah! just hill, wheels,friends, good vibrations,
Breamo have great job,and Cliff, Hacket,Buddy Car, well everbody have good skills,
pleace if have , pictures for my personal email, I start one super history, for skate board brazillian magazines.
and one super and funny time with, Mister Lance you are the man,
" para quem nao sabe! muita maconha a semana inteira,como doce"

my self feel good and funy.
thanks for ESPN Brasil,and Daniel Bourqui,and special thanks for help me up,Slider Man,

Thanks for everybody,

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On 12/4/2005 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

Sliderman, Sliderman, friendly neighborhood Sliderman, LOOK OUT!

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SlideFest 2005 Photos
On 12/3/2005 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)



Graham unmasked






Thanks to Breemo and the Gravity Crew for putting it on, Dave Hackett and Cliff Coleman for judging, and all of the skaters for showing up and showing off. These guys and girls rip. Photos: EBasil

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On 12/3/2005 Jared wrote in from United States  (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Most people probly are gonna say to tighten your trucks and yeah it will probly make it break easyer but, you can do it with loose trucks just get more speed, and turn as hard as possible and make sure your using your arm to get it back, cause if you just doing 180's to a stop you dont have nearly enough speed.

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On 12/3/2005 eddie wrote in from United States  (64.132.nnn.nnn)

still trying to pull the 180 and bring the board back around. got some 73mm 90a wheels. i can do it kind of half assed. but not really. all i can mostly do is drift around turns and slide to a 180 stop toe and heelside. i have refused to tighten my randall trucks up at all. i have them as loose as possible. should i swallow my pride and tighten my trucks up? i spent all morning getting tossed trying to pull off s#@! i cant do yet.

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Slide Fest 05!
On 12/3/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

The trophies are ready. The cash purse is over $2000.00. The best sliders from almost all areas are here to rip it up. Four Canadians including the Canadian Champ, Chris Dahl. Then there is Fabrice, Yonn and Mark from Quebec. From Berkeley there is Rizzo, Duran and Sakamoto. Malakai Kingston is here and the rest of the Ninja Squad from San Diego will be here to. Brits and Europeans, we will miss you greatly! The future awaits you.

Slight rain at the moment. Some of the crew is in campers at the local State Beach. The Park Ranger stops at the site and asks states, "I smell pot". The individual then shows his legal prescription card and the ranger left.

More info later,
Cliff Coleman

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SlideFest 2005 Updates
On 11/29/2005 stokerman wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Don't look now: http://www_silverfishLongboarding_com/article_php?story=20051121124938306

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On 11/28/2005 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

a bunch of us SD lcoals hit Loretta last saturday for a wicked session of fun...my arms are sooooo sore.
bring your balls and a huge smile.
it's on!!!!!

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slide comp
On 11/22/2005 habib wrote in from Canada  (70.70.nnn.nnn)

i'm coming to SD from vancouver BC at the end of next week. anyne out there able to help me out with a ride or place to stay? any suggestions?

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gravity comp
On 11/22/2005 curtis wrote in from United States  (24.121.nnn.nnn)

if there is any way i can get the time off from work and school, i would even just rack up the credit card to get to the comp, but i dont think its gonna happen. Guess I'll have skate to school today and bring my gloves for a bike path session on the way home. i cant wait to see (or hear) what people are gonna bring to the table,for this comp. Every time i imagine the big slides and crazy combos i get goosebumps. Someone please take some video!!!!!!!
also will there be any other stuff like slalom, downhill etc... that day??

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New slides
On 11/22/2005 Jared wrote in from United States  (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Yo curtis come to the gravity slide competition on dec 3rd ill promise you some new slides will be thrown down, i have watched a couple competitors practicing and doing s#@! i didnt think was possible, i would clue you in but its a compatition after all wouldnt want to give any one ideas just yet :P.

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i must be retarded (new slides)
On 11/22/2005 curtis wrote in from United States  (24.121.nnn.nnn)

the more addicted to longboarding i get the more i seem to learn. I just spent the better part of tonight watching every peice of downhill skate related media i could find, lastly the faltown teaser. all i can say is HELL YA!!! i got some really cool ideas watching it, a few things ive never even thought about. I currently have a 47" board with RII 180's and 90a 65 comets (pretty worn) ive been working various rotations and regular to fakie and back slides (ive been calling it a "feather" but ive been hearing the word "pendulum" more often) with different hand and foot variations. i realized to expand i need some tails and a shorter board. Where can i see more slides i havent seen before? anyone know when flow2 comes out? i wont have the funds to go to the gravity comp on the 3rd but i cant wait to hear about what will happen!! anyone in northern AZ out there?
keep on sliding

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too fast
On 11/21/2005 eddie wrote in from United States  (209.99.nnn.nnn)

get some cheap leather gloves, squat down as low as possible, and start turning harder and harder untill you can make the wheels break loose. start carving this way and put your hands down. let them drag the concrete when you turn to get the feel. i hang my back knee off the side of the board, and shift my weight way up on the front trucks. then just ease into the turn, pushing harder and harder untill you get more comfortable. it took me about 5 runs to learn how to do a 180 stop. and i suck! i havent event been skating for a year. only snowboarded twice.

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Too fast speed freak
On 11/21/2005 LongboardLegacy wrote in from Canada  (65.94.nnn.nnn)

Hello people,
so i bought my first longboard last thursday (the 17th november) and i can carve pretty well (im a snowboarder) and bomb some hills, but i run mini-logos and im goin TOO FAST! The only thing i do is slowing me down with my foot but thats all but fun. Any tips for going fast on the hill without ending up in the traffic?

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Recent sesh
On 11/21/2005 AenGhooste wrote in from United Kingdom  (193.113.nnn.nnn)

Had a nice sesh this sunday in the freezing cold, s'great the cooler air but I swear my nose ran at least a few miles during the few hours we hit the slopes!

Tried to learn new things as always and I managed the one handed toeside and heelside 360's which was pretty rad, an the boyz saw them which at least means I dont have to do the whole 'you should have seen it, it was THIS BIG!!' thing.

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On 11/20/2005 allen wrote in from United States  (68.68.nnn.nnn)

hey guys i just acquired 100 bucks for working for my dad and i am going to buy a new board.

im stuck between:
krooked zigzagger board
powell mcgill skull
and a powell vallely elephant deck

i was wondering which do you guys think is better for controlling slides
the last two have no nose but they are wider than the zigzagger one, but the zig zagger one is skinnier but has more concave and has a nose, so i was wondering do you guys have any idea which would be the best?

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On 11/20/2005 eddie wrote in from United States  (64.132.nnn.nnn)

thanks. i just like soft wheels for carving. ive been looking at the abec 11 strikers, and the gravity street g's. any other suggs?

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Sliding softer wheels
On 11/20/2005 Will wrote in from United Kingdom  (87.112.nnn.nnn)

most definatley matey. 78a is pretty soft by anyones standards i think, although you can slide anything, it definately drags you back when they are that squidgy. if you still like yo soft wheels you could go up to about 85-95a and have a smoother ride, but you will still need a little more speed to pull it off compared to using some 99-101a rock hard wheels!
Roll on. Will.

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gravitational stops
On 11/20/2005 eddie wrote in from United States  (64.132.nnn.nnn)

Stevan, i tried to call the numbers you left and i cant e-mail you by clicking on your post (i think its my computer). what is the gravitational stop? how does it work? what do i do to pull it off? someone e-mail or call me so i can pick your brain. cant wait to get out there and hurt myself trying to do this. 512-785-3839, john_doe_cognito@yahoo.com.

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On 11/20/2005 eddie wrote in from United States  (64.132.nnn.nnn)

im trying to do the hand slide where you pull it to about 180 degrees and the back around while maintaining your speed. got a 36' sector nine, 180 randalls, and 68mm 78a wheels. you think my wheels are just dragging me down? i have to get going pretty fast to even feel like i have enough speed to pull the trick off, but i keep falling off the back of the board, or doing a 180 and end up going downhill backwards. i feel like the first step is to whip the board around faster than you would if you were tring to do a 180. you think some really hard or smaller wheels would allow me to pull the trick off at a slower speed?

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tisk tisk
On 11/19/2005 Jared wrote in from United States  (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Nick you going around the world from the uk looknig so skate and slide some of the best hills in the world and your skipping san fransico?

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On 11/19/2005 travels wrote in from United Kingdom  (62.254.nnn.nnn)

Hey im soon to embark on a round world trip ive been saving up for years to do and am taking my skateboard with me. Bascially looking to skate and slide some of the most dramatic and stunning hills the world has to offer. Am starting in brazil (rio, sau paolo) and making my way across through paraguay/ north argentina, bolivia, peru and chile. Then flying on to New zealand and aus. leaving here on feb the 21st so if anyone is around in any of these places from then onwards then please give me a shout- it would be awesome to hook up.

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Sergio knee pads
On 11/18/2005 Chris Borris wrote in from United States  (207.166.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Sergio,
My buddy and I would like to get a pair each. Will we be able to order them? How?

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knee pads, by Sergio
On 11/17/2005 Sergio Yuppie. wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

hey my friend, have one box ready in Brazil with 20 pairs of my signature model,
I hope available in dezember.

Sergio Yuppie

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