Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
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Crashing Stories |
On 8/19/2002 h0dad
wrote in from
Ever screwed up a coleman and dragged your butt such that one cheek is grabbed by the road while the other continues onward, while a cute guest watches? Ever taken the pain afterward, so as to pretend that all is good and that it aint no big thing, while walking up the hill afterward, with your cute guest?
On 8/13/2002 EmceeA
wrote in from
Ok this crash wasnt using a longboard but using a MBS mountain board which is pretty much the same thing but for off road. So me and my friend made this jump off of his small hill (grass hill) and the only way that you could get speed for it was to be towed down his dirt driveway using a towrope tied to his go kart. Being towed you get going prob around 25 max but still and a very loose board its pretty intense. so anyways he was towing me behind totally not paying attention to me like usual and just gassed it the whole time. im going prob 20-25 when i near the jump and for more speed i yank on the rope and pull in about four feet of rope then i stupidly just dropped the rope down without throwing it and i was going good aimed right for the jump when the rope tangled in the rear wheel and freaking RIPPED the board out to the side(luke was still flying down the road on the kart) next thing i know im in a death roll going 20 and i almost totally CREAMED his little sister who was sitting to the right of the jump. i was totally ok but shaken up alot. it was pretty intense fall luke said cause he watched the whole thing :-)
On 8/12/2002 M Campbell
wrote in from
I was riding in a small town in newyork(poughkeepsie)...The runs are great but way toolong after I start to push 40 for about 40 meters stamina starts to kick in considering my board 49'' Comet is heavy and I only weigh about 120 anyway I love carving So I have loose trucks being the young buck I am I don't wear pads... so one day as me and the guys were practicing drafting I lost control of the board then I remembered being on the pavement holding my ankle. been awhile now I still use flexall and stillhave a limp... Next time I go to Poughkeepsie I'm going to wear pads.
On 8/12/2002
Antti S. Brax
wrote in from
I got a cruel reminder that all pads aren't equal. Cheap pads protect against road rash but not against the impacts that usually cause the permanent damage. I've slammed my left knee several times wearing cheap in-line blading pads (and a few times without) and it is starting to show. The pain from last friday's impact at the skatepark and all the stories I've heard from older skaters makes me fear for the years (+50, I hope) I have to live with my current knees.
I was going over a hip a tad bit too slow. My rear truck hung up and I plunged forward hitting my cheaply protected left knee to the pavement. I didn't even hit very hard but obviously my knee hadn't healed completely from the previous one (read few posts below). Few hours later it had swollen to the size of a baseball (now, three days later, it has gone down to a tennis ball).
"Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone."
On 8/7/2002 sk8nwolf
wrote in from
I just got back from a trip to my folks house, and went to my first vans park, and it really rocked!! I took a few hard falls, and I'm really glad most of you guys push the gear...especially patio, his article helped to keep my priorities straight, before deciding to skate again (I'd been off for 12 years). But, I noticed that all the little ones at the park don't learn from their falls (one kid just got his cast off the day before and still didn't want to wear wrist guards), because they think they look silly... I wish some of them could have heard their peers wondering why the kids wanted to be so stupid and not wear their pads just so they could say they broke their arm.
On 8/6/2002 Patio Mendino
wrote in from
hey Geoff, you sound like you like to fall more than skate. if you want, come to my local skatepark and get in my way(like the other freeks that LIKE to have crash stories), and I'll slam you to the ground so hard, you'll need a shovel to scrape yourself offa the ground. really. p
On 8/5/2002 Captain Klutz
wrote in from
I spent all day riding half pipes without crashing, and then pushed on flat concrete, tripped over my own feet and skinned my elbow and bruised my thigh. Always seems to happen like that.
On 8/5/2002
wrote in from
Steve and I just got back from college for the summer. We went to visit our friend Adam at his school cuz he still had one week left and he was sad. We were all pretty excited to be together again, so we did a lot of stupid things. The first crash was mine. Some little kid had a funbox in his driveway. It was prolly 6 feet long and 2 boards or a little more high. Nobody thought I could ollie onto it with my sector 9 40.5" board. So I got speed and scraped as hard as I could... and caught my back truck. I flew over the whole box and landed on the pavement. It happened really fast so I didn't have time to get my arms fully extended in front of me. Took a chunk out of my pinky finger knuckle... scraped wrist palms and elbows. Man I really flew. Too bad we didn't get it on tape. Then we were riding around the neighborhoods taking a left turn at probably 15mph. Steven decided it would be funny to cut me off in front of 2 hot girls walking by. He clipped my nose and fell. But he did a ninja roll headfirst and was fine. (I gotta learn how to do that) Then we decided it would be fun to pull each other on 10-15 foot rope from the car. I got on my board and grabbed the rope and said "gun it captain". And Adam gunned it, slingshotting me directly into a curb at about 30mph. I ate it in grass and dirt. Sent up a big cloud of dust. The dirt got all pasted in my bleeding wounds from earlier that day and that stings. If there were a tree there, I would have been toast. But it was all worth it cuz we got that one on tape. Life is so much better when you can watch yourself crashing over and over and over again.
On 7/24/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
found it!!!the Matilainen brothers were the dudes i skated with the older one was stepan or something like that he rode a sector 9 the younger brother whose name i forget was at university in sweden and now lives in the states i think....small world dude
On 7/24/2002 longboardbuddha
wrote in from
dude i skated (and wiped out) in and around Jyväskylä about two years ago while on a research groove with the university of wolverhampton its beautiful with some of the most soulful scenery ever...big up the finland massive
On 7/22/2002
Antti S. Brax
wrote in from
It is now saturday and we are riding down a recently paved road. It is pretty steep but very wide so carving to keep speed under control should not a problem.
Flashbacks stick to the smooth pavement like glue and I have to carve as hard as I can to keep it together. There is a steeper 180 degree turn in the middle of the road after which the hill gets steeper. The exit in the end isn't as safe as I'd like it to be for this kind velocity (propably 40-50km/h) so I start foot braking right after the turn.
Next thing I notice is that my board starts to wobble.
Next thing I notice is that I'm sliding on my stomach.
Next thing I notice is that I'm not sliding on my stomach but on my wrist guards. I think to myself "Damn, these things really work!"
Next thing I notice is that I've stopped.
Next thing I notice the pain.
Had I been wearing knee and elbow pads I would have escaped with only a minor scratch and could have skated this.
Few days before I had been shopping for pads but couldn't find any (because the skate shops don't have them because the skaters don't use them).
On 7/22/2002
Antti S. Brax
wrote in from
On friday night after successfully bombing the Roninmäki hill in Jyväskylä we stopped at a local skate park to goof around before heading to the next hill. A friend skated up a transition, overdid the turn, wiped out and hit the back of his head (no helmet) to the tarmac.
A minor concussion and a lot of bleeding that required six stiches but he was up and skating the next day.
On 7/11/2002
wrote in from
Been doing lots of miles on a set of 9Ball 65mm 78A wheels (they're down to about 57mm now), and have gotten very comfortable with little stand-up slides on them. Decided yesterday to try a set of Bombers 64mm 85A as "slide wheels". Well, ahem, the results were a bit disconcerting. Started down with a couple of low speed hand plant frontside slides which immediately spun out, dumping me on my butt. However, down the hill I go anyway, holding the speed down OK but not trying anything, just easy turns.
This hill steepens at the bottom, though, and sure enough, I was lazy and let the speed build up. Trying to turn harder brought on a wicked stand-up slide, a close call. Now coming to the bottom I'm going too fast to try the left-hand corner into the runout, besides there's a car coming up hill and cutting me off. So right away there's a cattle guard demanding complete respect. There's a people gate 3 feet wide on the right your can shoot through, but the gate's shut! I haven't tried dragging a foot at this speed and fear tumbling onto the asphalt. So, it's time to lay it down at 25-30 mph, which I do, planting the front hand and pushing out the tail. The board immediately shoots out from under me, and I drop to my butt, palms, then elbows, and back, sliding to a stop before the cattle guard.
I get up and go back to the van to put the soft sticky wheels back on.
Thanks to my work gloves, wrist guards, elbow pads, and Crash-Pads shorts (inside canvas shorts) I was completely pain and damage free and went back up for another run with a smile on my face. I hope we ALL can avoid hurting ourselves while loving the ride. Best wishes to you!
On 7/7/2002 stevep
wrote in from
5 hours ago... board meets cone during slalom run, board stops, steve doesn't. shoulder, meet parking lot. helmet ,meet parking lot. steve, meet emergency room.
survey says: broken collar bone. 6 weeks no skating.
pads good, could have been worse.
drugs kicking in...must sleep steve
On 7/7/2002
wrote in from
Uhhhh if any of you are from toronto you are aware of the trash issue right now, The street is like a mini slalom with rubbish piled everywhere I haven't had much trouble but I have almost bit it several times hitting water bottles that get lodged in my trucks, noooo fun
On 7/4/2002 Graham Sims
wrote in from
While skating Aaron's halfpipe (5 ft metal) i did a backside air, on the landing i was off balance but tried to stick it out, half wy through the flat i slipp and fell back onto the tranny. on my head. i hit hard enough to see black when i opened my eyes and was out of it for a good while. ok now though :)
On 7/2/2002 mikez
wrote in from
Even skating through foreign cities is dangerous, I was pushing to the fibertec factory through zurich and my wheel met a drop, I met the tar, and all the swiss precisionists laughed
On 6/29/2002 vasocreta
wrote in from
I was going to post my crash, but after reading those last tow crash posts, I think that my story would be too anti-climactic.
Anyway, dudes...as an experienced beginner (there is an oxymoron for ya), I will just say that wll you experienced experienced folks should never feel as if you are too good for pads.
I will leave you with a poam I wrote that conveys the extent of my recent injury.
Roses are red Violets are blue I like rasberries and my a*s does too!!
skate hard, skate safe.
On 6/26/2002 KLUDY
wrote in from
Dang had a good one too !!!!!kEEp THEm cOmInG !
On 6/26/2002 KLUDY
wrote in from
On 6/17/2002 longy
wrote in from
ok we went down to brands hatch in the uk for the longboard slalom, i'm researching a phd at the mo and worked hard the previous week burning the candle at both ends so maybe 4 hours sleep in three days...i meet the lush guys at midpoint and we drive down to brands...i have full pads and helmet when we arrive and look at the steepy hill that makes up the course...i yawn and just put on my helmet grab a deck and have a smooth carve...its ok but i have fully wedged trucks set loose as hell...i feel a little wobble on the first run but carve it off sub conciously...second run at 20mph more wobble and i freeze as my brain cant quite make the right connections to either carve it off or weight the truck...i step off the deck with a little stupid attempt to run off. i slam badly putting my hands out i hit the tarmac all weight on the left hand my ulna and radius (forearm bones) fracture at the elbow...the jagged ends smash through the elbow bone cartilage and muscle through the back of the arm eight inches out of the skin (so the doc determines)then back in again....the elbow joint looks like a bullet has hit it and is in 70 plus pieces...i now have 4 plates and eight screws holding the damage together plus a whole leap of pain and a cast that weighs a ton....please..always wear pads and slide gloves dudes.
On 6/14/2002
wrote in from
I was rolling the "Steepest" hill on campus (not actually that steep)...a short run of probably about 300 feet. I was rolling my barfoot with trackers at the time - hadnt really been very experienced in carving. Needless to say, this isn't exactly a "power-carving" combo.
I was riding with my shoes untied at the time (i never tie my shoes so they slip on). When I hit the bottom I got a pretty violent wobble and decided to bail. Second step after my run-off my right shoe comes off. 1 shoe and 1 sock trying to run 20mph on pavement? Not a good combination. 2 Steps later, my left shoe comes off too. 2 socks on pavement = ? a 20mph fall on my face. Didn't scrape myself up too bad - landed on my hands then rolled. My wrists felt broken after that (yes, i have broken my wrist a few times). They still hurt 6 weeks afterwards - the doctor says the hyperextension caused tendonitis in my wrists - ouch. I roll with wristguards now, and am getting a helmet/pads asap. Always tie your shoes nice and tight while rolling.
On 6/11/2002
dylan g
wrote in from
hey guys i just want to thank FCR seires and Gary Fluid for doing the races i think that the orginization was really good. FCR's doing a grate job this season!!! =} see ya, DyLaN gOrDoN
On 6/7/2002
wrote in from
Went cruising the other night, lookin for some hills here in Calgary. My buddy and I found a pretty nice one. Not to crazy if you controlled the speed. We started down the hill. My buddy hit some speed he was not comfortable with and slid out. I kept going. Riding a skull skate souldier, exkate turbos and randals. I was going way to fast! Uncomfortable to try to slide at that speed and with the speed wobbles kicking in, I thought I was dead. I was going so fast! I could'nt even carve the speed away. Anytime I tried to turn the wobble got worse. I was coming into a blind corner. My friend thought I would be breaking in my new pads and helmet! Instead I aimed for the lawn straight ahead. My board hit the curb and I went flying through the air, flipped and landed on my back unscathed! From curb to landing was ten feet and I felt really lucky.
On 5/31/2002 busheater
wrote in from
We were roaming around a golf course in northern quebec. We were next to the Tremblant ski hill which is the highest mountain in Quebec.
We were doing a few runs on this super steep pitch, it was about eight feet wide (golf cart road) and it had a banked corner at the bottom. Top speeds probably about 45-50 mph. As soon as you were through the corner it went up hill so there was some nice compression.
We went around to the other side of the fairway and casually dropped in on what looked like a sort of switch back. Jim went first and I followed. By the time I hit the first corner I was out of control, Jim just easily bombed it. I started to catch up to him going through the frontside (we're both goofy) corner at the bottom, it compressed up and sweeped into a backside hairpin, the thing is, it dropped off really steep halfway through the hairpin and I washed out into the gravel on the side. Jim made it through and was hollering with excitement, I've never seen a crazier set of corners run that what I just witnessed Jim do and he did it without even ever seeing the run first! I went back up and tried to run the course again, I got through the first and second corners no problem... but I was hauling. When it came time to get around the backside hairpin I grabbed my heel rail and put my hand down. The board and I skipped rather than slid and the next thing I know we were a pretzle of flesh, wood, bones, trucks and skin sliding across the golf cart track. That lasted for a really long 3/4 of a second and then there were sticks,gravel and rocks thrown in the mix and the asphalt had become part of the past. My face was heading downhill first with my arms at my side pointing uphill, the board got wedged under one of my left shin and fit snug into the one side of my groin on the other leg. I could see two stumps about twelve inches tall and eight or nine inches in diameter as well as a boulder about the size of the box on shopping cart coming at me pretty fast as my chest bounced across branched and stones. I mangaged to pull my left hand up just in time to grab one of the stumps and guide my head in between the other stump and boulder. My right leg smoked a third stump I didn't even see, giving me a nice charlie horse just above my knee on the inside.
Thats not a bad injury for the bail... bad enough for me to give up on the corner for the day but not bad enough for me to want to go back and do it.
Incidently, Jim ran it three more times, no hands down, no problems, eight foot wide hairpins at atleast 40mph. I guarantee nobody has ever seen anything like what I saw Jim do that day.