Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Topic Crashing Stories
On 3/5/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Sorry to hear of that. I know how it is, the shorter the amount of time it is before you crash, the more embarrasing it is. It's classic. Anyway, if you haven't read it already, read my remedy for removing tar out of wounds that I wrote on Feb 19th and 21st. It worked wonders for me.

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On 3/5/2001 RooX wrote in from (142.66.nnn.nnn)

im out on the slalom board this morining bright and eary at 7am getting a session in befor classes, it goes great, the paths are sun drenched and gravel free, of course im wearing my gear, and by the end i havent fallen. So i pack everything in and head to school, i take off my protective gear (mistake #1) and head up onto the side walks (trails end). cruizin along i see these girls i had met at the bar a few days back so i stop and talk and walk with them. We get back up onto the trail system and i decide to give it down this tight twisty hill (showing off, mistake #2) pulling big carves on my way to loose board. So anyways i push off and by my 3rd carve ive managed to hit a wet spot thats littered with gravel, i go into an unintentional slide, get bucked off slide on my bare knees (ouch!!!) in front of ten people or so (including these girls i had just met) my board lauches into the air and according to by witnesses flys over a car as it drove by and landed o nits wheels on the other side of the street...never seen that before. So im not really injured, just picking tar and pavment out of my knees, really its only a pride thing, as everyone knows me as the only slalom skater i ntown and i ditched on a path with no cones... im sure ill be hearing about this one for a long time. : )

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On 3/5/2001 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Yesterday i got a bike ride in, outside ride on the road,for the first time in monthes. I went up a hill that i havn't skated in many years,now i gotta skate there. This hill has a few sharp turns in it,anyway they seemed sharp back then,and we used to bomb the top part and turn into the street where my friend neil' mom lived.I wasn't there that day but according to legend,:) This guy Charlie blew by the street headed straight for the "sharp" corner,didn't make the turn and supposedly knee slid REALLY far across this lawn,well as i climbed up checking stuff out and spoted what would most likely be thee yard with the 60 foot skidmarks from an early pair of capped Rector kneepads.

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On 3/4/2001 Lach wrote in from (210.84.nnn.nnn)

G'day kids,
Me and a few of the boys were down in Torquay (Victoria, Australia)one day and we came across this monster of a hill so we thought we better give it a try. After crusing down the first section and gradualy building up my speed to about 50 km/h I began to notice that the surface of the road was like rideing down a hill of butter and the speed wobles weren't to far off. Coming up was a car park so I decided to turn off into it. Well aparently I didn't turn anywhere sharp enough and I went straight into the curb which sent me flying through the air for a couple of metres before I hit the ground and went cartwheeling through the grass for about another 10 metres. In amoungst all this action I managed to smash the crap out of my knee and couldn't walk properly for a coulple of months. All was fine though because I could still manage to stand on my board and bomb hills.

Keep cruisen

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On 3/2/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, a four and a half inch wide path, NOT! That should be 4.5 feet. I hate that quotation/apostrophy key. The path was probably five feet wide anyway but it seemed so damm narrow once my speed got up there. When I tried a heelside slide, my back wheels immediately caught the grass to the side so I straightened back out quick. Getting pitched to that side might've thrown me at the guardrail or worse, over it and into the highway. I quickly decided to continue forward until the hill leveled out again but I never made it that far. Well, you all know the rest.
Do not fall under the spell of these paths you see people jogging and riding bikes on that you drive past everyday. They can kill you.

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On 3/2/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Well this is a followup to my recent brush with asphalt.
My scrapes are healing up well. Curiousity sets in when I see that the edge of one of my larger scabs is a little separated from the skin. I stretch the skin on the opposite side away from it and the entire scab pops off my arm, with pefect skin where an oozing mess use to be. It's pretty exciting to me.
Thank you hydrogen peroxide / water mix
Thanks Neosporin.
I'll probably frame this expelled scab as a reminder of how stupid I was for downhilling on a 4.5" wide blacktop path that runs just as close to the back of a guardrail and heavily trafficed highway.

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On 3/1/2001 John gilmour wrote in from (149.130.nnn.nnn)

This story isn't my crash story, but a good one about a woman, Jeanie Clarke, who had recently gotten into slalom skateboarding. Jeanie was a snowboarder turned skateboarder. And like many snowboarders they try to push with their front foot at an angle. She had just bought a Turner Blackbird and was snowboarding up at Mt. hood snowboard camp. She decided to skate down to the dorm and was picking up speed. She had a touch of the wobbles and then saw her salvation.....a driveway that sloped gently uphill- a nice safe runoff. Not wearing any pads she decided to tough it out and stave off the wobbles until the driveway/parking lot. She was going about 35 when she approached the runoff area. That was when she realized the white pavement was not pavement, but razor sharp volcanic gravel. Out of habit from park riding she landed with all the force on her knees and palms. It was as if Hannibal Lecter had just performed a palmectomy and knecapectomy. No skin ----to the bone. Lose the "Pads" on both palms. It was hte first day of ten days at the snowboard camp. Lots of suntanning in bandages. If she had pads she might have been alright. Later she went on to compete in the Verrieres Open in slalom.

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On 3/1/2001 jakey p wrote in from (212.219.nnn.nnn)

Well, gee guys this is hardly the most hardcore story you'll hear, some of you are pretty mad. I was down at woolacombe (in north devon, england) last summer, riding my old pintail. After laying down some lines in town, me and my mate dan(MEXICO!!!) decided to try the cliff road. Being fairly drunk at the time, it seemed a good idea to try bombing it, much to dans amusement. I probably should have tightened my trucks up, but at a good 25+, i got the wobbles. You americans probably have a good method figured out to stop this , but us brits are fairly new to the game, so i was faced with trying to ride it out or bail. Eventually the board decided it had had enough of me and we parted company, spitting me into the road, then a bank, then a field. I was pretty much scab from head to toe for a week, but worst of all, i dropped a fresh can of Caffreys!! Oh the humanity. Any way, there is no moral to the story, but hopefully it will prove that being stoopid is a worldwide hobby!! Drop me a line and ill tell u about the caravan incident. Strength and honour.

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On 2/27/2001 Ricky wrote in from (206.189.nnn.nnn)

I have been skating off and on since the late 70's and for the last 3 years have been back on, mostly slalom with some longboard carving. Well...they finally built a skatepark where I live and I had to go. I was heavily into parks and ramps back in the day so you know I had to go. Forgetting (or trying to forget) that I am 40 and hadn't really rode a ramp in quite a while, I slipped up while dropping in on a 4 ft. ramp (Duh) and proceeded to twist my foot under the board. I fractured three of the bones in my foot and did some type of harm to the tendons and ligaments in the foot. The docs don't know the extent of the tendon and ligaments damage yet. I can't move my toes very much. I limped around for almost 3 weeks thinking it would get better, after all, skaters are bullet-proof, right? I finally went to a bone doc and we put me in an "aircast" for 4 weeks. At 3 1/2 weeks into it, the swelling isn't gone completely, my foots a light shade of purple and I still have some pain. The only way to find out for sure what's going on is to open the foot up. I sure don't want this, but if it's necessary, what else can you do? I worry about what the foot is going to do as I get older if I don't have it fixed.

So many people have told me "You're to old for that skateboard stuff", but obviously they don't understand. Skating gets in your blood and you can't just quit. If I had hurt it playing basketball or some other main stream sport they would be saying "Just hang in there and you'll be back on the court in no time". No one has good things to say like that, only giggles and smart-ass comments about an old man skating. Of course, I live in Jackson, MS and skaters are not something you see very often. People around here just don't get it. I'm going back to the park as soon as I heal (or sooner) no matter how stupid it may seem.

Has anyone ever had a similar injury? If so, what was the outcome?

Thanks guys! I really enjoy the NCDSA page and visit daily to see what's going on in the real world.

Thanks again. Ricky

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On 2/26/2001 Remember ur gloves wrote in from (151.198.nnn.nnn)

as a reminder to anyone starting to bomb a few hill, rememeber ur gloves...a friend of mine and i were up in penn this weekend snowboarding, and after we thought it would be kwel if we went out and bombed some hills. well i left my gloves at home...but being a dumbass thought maybe i could slow down by simply carving back up the hill........
i was wrong. while startin the hill i looked down and suddenly relized that there was eithier a hard left, just as hard right, or a nice lil snowbank wit some trees behind it. soon as i relized this i tried turning back up the hill (after of course kickin my own ass for not being more observent) but i was already movin about 35+ wit shitty trucks...any slight movement would result in a very bad slide on some rocks all over the road...so now traveling at 40 i had a choice...a car was now coming down the right turn...do i attempt a slide witout gloves, just try turnin left, jump off (which is prety much suicide at that speed, tho my friend actually pulled it off) or head into the snow bank? i said fuck it, hit the snow bank, planted my right foot on it, flipped both vericaly and horizonaly...i saw the sky, ground, sky, tree(as my left ankel smashed into it) and then then ground again...more closely this time...also when i hit the tree, i spun the other way on impact. just wished someone video taped it...wouldve been a kick ass crash i think

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On 2/22/2001 dEETs wrote in from (217.80.nnn.nnn)

in my chemical course at school my fingers had contact with fairly concentrated h2o2. And they were kind of bleached for a few days or even weeks. Of course this is a matter of concentration, and normaly you wont get your fingers on the high concentrated stuff.

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On 2/22/2001 R. wrote in from (192.26.nnn.nnn)

hey all,

I know this may sound weird as all hell, but I bought some citrus cleaner to clean bearings and grip goo, and apparently, it's good to clean the tar (black stuff) out of wounds. Doctors apparently have used it on burn and crash victims (or at least there's an article on it in JAMA). The brand name is De-Solv-It I bought it at ACE hardware, but more info is probably at www.orange-sol.com . you just spray it on, leave it for half a minute and rinse with water. I've never used it on wounds, though, so I don't know how well it works, and you probably still need to sterilize and get pebbles, etc. out. The only way to do that is scrubbing and sterilizing agent like alcohol/iodine, etc. And no, I'm not affiliated with De-Solv-It in any way.

As for scabs and moisture, I actually hate Neosporin--it makes the scab too moist and it pusses and rips off. I'd say let it breathe some so it can get good and hard (depending on size). Then you can wrap it in gauze and/or cotton and wear pads over that.

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On 2/22/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Sorry for incinuating what I did, GBJ.

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On 2/22/2001 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Actually PCB, I hadn't even read the other posts when I entered mine. I just haven't fallen much this winter. That I happened to have pads on the first time I did is a lesson that is more effective as I get older, really. It wasn't a shot at you. The fact that I fell, kind of hard, and am not beaten to a pulp definitely encourages me to put on the equipment next time.

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On 2/21/2001 PCB wrote in from (216.164.nnn.nnn)

BTW, does anyone know how to keep a scab from getting soaked with sweat while wearing a pad over it?

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On 2/21/2001 PCB wrote in from (216.164.nnn.nnn)

Well gee GJB, I hope that wasn't a barb at me. I'm sitting here wondering if it's wet neosporin or infectious ooz that's making my elbow and palms look like a cheap pizza. My cold weather fun was the skatepark and now I probably won't be able to wear the requiered elbow pads or my trusty wrist guards because they'll prevent my scrapes from healing. I've learned my lesson.

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On 2/21/2001 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

The other day, I was running slalom at the site for "The Gathering", and managed to lean right off the front of my Turner, while reaching for the finish line. I went down pretty hard, but staying conscious of my pads, I fell on all the right places and got back up unhurt. Y'know, the older I get, the more I appreciate my safety equipment and the smarter I feel when I fall wearing it.

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On 2/21/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

I got my advice from a family member that I trust, who was prescribed this by a doctor. Was your experience with just the hydrogen peroxide, without the water to go with it?

To clarify:
One part hydrogen peroxide and one part water.
Apply it with Q-tips in a swabbing motion.
Notice the black stuff showing up on the Q-tip.

Each Q-tip gets used up quickly, so make sure you start off with enough of them. I thought cotton balls might work better because they have a larger surface area but it turned out to not be as effective as q-tips had been.

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On 2/21/2001 dEETs wrote in from (131.220.nnn.nnn)


although I have no medical education, I know from my own expiriences that hydrogen peroxide can cause serious cauterization. So, if it helped you, thats cool. But I want to stress out that your recipe is potentially dangerous - so, don't do that at home, kids! Getting tetanus is no fun either!

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On 2/20/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


Not only have I had this method used on me by nurses, I have used it on myself, my buddies, and even one of my kids.

Sure, it hurts a bunch... but not as much as the infection that most assuredly will follow.

I used to crash my dirtbikes a lot, so I got used to "scrubbing out" particals of dirt/rocks/asphalt/stuff... HR

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On 2/20/2001 roger wrote in from (198.206.nnn.nnn)

PCB, I have a tiny black stripe a little longer than a centimeter of asphalt, tar, rubber, or whatever was on the street. I left it there, it got infected, stinky, concerned nurses, and got hypertetnis (?) shots. Now I have it as a tattoo.

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On 2/19/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

A BRUSH?!? Would you really use that method yourself Hugh? Ouch! This might be more comfortable - Since that last post, I've gotten the suggestion of hydrogen peroxide and then tried it. I didn't think it would work but it does. If you ever have this problem, get a whole box of Q-tips (you'll need alot of them anyways). Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part water and apply this mixture with Q-tip in a wiping motion. The black stuff gets "sizzled" out of the scrape and comes off onto the Q-tip.

On another note, before anyone asks, no, I couldn't slide or scrub out my speed. This was on a 4.5' wide multi-use path.
Was I stupid for riding on it? YES.
Was I stupid for not wearing some type of gloves? YES.
Was I stupid for standing too far forward on the board? Probably.
Should I have dove to the side, to the dirt and grass? Probably.
Did I shame myself in front of all traffic on Prince William Parkway, 4 miles out of Woodbridge at 3:30pm on Monday? Possibly.

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On 2/19/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


Yes, worry about the asphalt in your skin. You need to scrub it out, no matter how much it may hurt (and it WILL hurt) Use a very stiff bristle brush... like one you might scrub potatoes with. If you can't do it yourself, find someone who doesn't like you much and have them scrub HARD.

That stuff can cause a pretty nasty infection and you don't want to risk absorbing too much into your body... HR

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On 2/19/2001 PCB wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

I crashed today going between maybe 15 and 20 mph due to ocillation of my truck pivots (speed wobbles). (Note to newbies: If you just got R2s, don't assume that you won't get speed wobbles with them. To go 20+ mph they need to be fairly tight)
Anyways, it wasn't too bad because I was crouching really low on the board when I fell off but now I'm missing some skin and the blacktop that took it from me left a nasty black stain in my scrape that I can't even wash out with soap. I put some neosporin on it. Should I still be worried about this black stuff? In the most prolific area, it appears to be many tiny scratches with black tar in them.

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On 2/16/2001 mikez wrote in from (196.2.nnn.nnn)

THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR MY POOR BODY I HAVE WIPED 4 TIMES IN THREE SKATES :( the first wipe this morning was on a hill with a hardcore left hand hairpin. I wanted to try to get to the corner first and have more room to brake and take the corner nice and neatly anyways I slowed down too much and Gustav(skater friend) hit me from the behind boosting me outwards onto the wrong lane(we drive on the left hand side of the road of the road) he was sitting on me I thought we were going to eat bushes;. But I thought I should put to use the colemans slide. I busted a slide and sat on the tar Gustav fell off me and we just skided across the tar got up checked ourselves for wounds. Thankfully we coudn't find any.(thanks leathers). The next wipe however was way worse. We were skating down dal road (check riding locations for review) And we came around one of the hairpins only to see the damn wind had made a sprinkler put water on the road. Icame around the corner second(in a group of four.) and smacked the water at just the wrong angle slipped and beat my ass on the tar. (I had to type this standing)

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