Wheel Reviews (7945 Posts)
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Invisible Hellcat
On 2/21/1999 JaG
wrote in from
I was just wondering about how big the wheels should be????
Urethane Bias?
On 2/15/1999
wrote in from
As for the XT wheel talk - as you know, they are not made from urethane but instead are much more like car tire - old fashioned black rubber. It still works for BMW and Porsche. Does going to a larger, slower wheel made of "car-tire" like rubber redefine the sport? Or does it just take it to another level?
On 2/13/1999
wrote in from
I must respectfully disagree with my counterparts over the XT/street question. My set up is a 44 inch Santa Cruz with some run of the mill indy 215's and they XT's. I love riding that thing. I can go over anything that makes my friends with their 70's fall or jump. Going up any driveway is convienient. The weight is no problem, except for shirkers and whiners. You'll get used to it, and after 2 months you won't notice that it's any heavier than a shortboard. If you want to do some crazy downhill bombing or carving, get wheels made for that like the ones they mentioned. If you want to have a go anywhere/do anything wonderboard, get yourself some XT's. Just start saving because the things cost big $. Steve PS: I don't work for XT.
New '99 Gravity Wheels
On 1/26/1999
wrote in from
Great news for fans of the Gravity 73mm Super G! New for '99 are several new variations to the Super G. Durometers now range from 78a,80a,85a,&90a for the 73mm. New are 80a & 84a in 76mm. New Street G (Baby Super G) 66mm in 82a, 85a, & 90a with cool colors like iMac Translucent Blue, and 50/50 Slime Green/Yellow. Also New for '99 are the Gravity Hollow Points (reversable, symmetric) 68mm & 63mm in 92a. And comp wheels in 64mm & 62mm in 97a. All of Gravity's new wheels are exclusive molds to Gravity. They are designed in-house to meet the needs of the terrain they were designed for. We do not use off-the-shelf molds from wheel manufacters like the other guys.
I don't want to sound like a salesman, but I know that the longboard community is suffering from a lack of selection and innovation in the wheel department (How many companies use the Super Mundo mold?) I just like to ride a variety of terrain on a variety of boards, and wheel selction is the most critical component for traction, and you should be checking out a variety of urethane as much as you change your riding terrain. Were just trying to help grow the longboard market.
SS slick wheel
On 1/25/1999
wrote in from
I think so, too!!!!!! SS slick wheel is not fast and smooth. Just only wasting monney. I recomend you Hyper's 72mm or Bear Back's 76mmis better than it.
XT Wheelz for Street?
On 1/25/1999 Adam
wrote in from
I tried this and wouldn't recommend it. The XT wheels are too heavy, too slow, and believe it or not, they don't give that much traction on pavement. Another review posted here said similar things about Extreme's SS slick wheel. If you're looking for a fast smooth ride, go with a 70mm Kryptonic.
inflatable wheels
On 1/25/1999
wrote in from
Does anybody know where I can get inflatable wheels (with tires)? Diameter around 150 MM .
I'ld like 4 of them for Off road at a reasonnable price .
Xtreme XT Off road wheelz
On 1/23/1999
wrote in from
Anyone used the Xtreme XT off road wheels for street use only ? If so would they be best with a 48" long "stiffy" board or a nice flexy 36" ?
the good wheels
On 1/18/1999
wrote in from
I live in a fairly small town and must resort to mail ordering, but I cannot find an online store that sells either: the 70mm blue Kryptos, the 73mm Gravity Super G's, OR the Power Paws. ?????
70mm blue Kryps
On 1/17/1999
wrote in from
Anybody know where I can get some of the 70mm blue (opaque) Kryptonics online?
Supa G's
On 1/14/1999 Chris L
wrote in from
Black Supa G's are the best all round wheel. Great for slides, and very fast. They also work great at high speeds.
E-Z Riders Formula One 74'
On 1/13/1999
Justin Cross
wrote in from
These Wheel rip If you like smooth no nonesense ride these are for you
Payaso Roadie Racers
On 1/11/1999
Josh McBride
wrote in from
To answer Jim Bo's questions about the payaso wheel's, they made their own mold, but not the urethane. It cost them a pretty penny. Tim (owner) said "it was something i felt that had to be done"
Power Paws 70mm
On 1/9/1999
Matt Highison
wrote in from
.............KRYPTO KILLERS?????............................. well, in my oppinion I think I've found em. They are called "Power Paw's". They are 70mm. They are soft, so they work wonders with carving (but pretty hard to get em to slide, but since I have eXkates, I rarely slide anyway) yet they still run VERY fast because of the Kevlar core. So if you want a real grippy wheel that holds you to the road better than Krypto's, and runs faster and smoother than Krypto's, then definatly check these out. Email me if you got any questions. Later, Matt
Payaso Roadie Racers
On 1/9/1999
Jim Bo
wrote in from
Hey correct me if I'm wron, to set up your own wheel pouring factory takes a ton of money (100k) and more, and I doubt that these wheels are poured out of there own factory, I would venture to say they come out of a hand full of factories that are in the US. Prob. hyper-krypto,elasco, powell,creative,or Labeda. I know not exkate. so my point is to make your own let alone have one of these guys make a so called special urethane takes alot of money and unless you sell 500K of them its next to impossible, if they have that type of money why are they not in shops across the US???
Payaso Roadie Racers
On 1/7/1999
Josh McBride
wrote in from
Considering payaso makes the best boards, you would think that someone else might make the best wheeles. :::buzzer::: Wrong!!! I was sort of puzzled why the stoped using Krypto's, and now i understand. These wheel's are unlike anything you will ever experience. They've even got two differnt types "red" for you carver's who like a lot of grip, and "yellow" the fastest wheel's you can buy, and they dont wear down or rip out their core, like some other tires i could mention. A little pricey, but the best wheel you can buy.
Brown Honey Bears/65 78A
On 12/29/1998
wrote in from
Just wondering if anyone has used these? ANy info would help
On 12/24/1998 to EVIL EVAN
wrote in from
These wheels ARE so sticky that it is NOT FUNNY!
On 12/19/1998 pp
wrote in from
Opaque Krpyps
On 12/16/1998 Dan
wrote in from
Drew, The series doesn't seem to matter (much), its the rubber that makes the difference. I have opaque black route 65s, opaque blue and orange Classic Ks, and opaque white Retro Ks (?). I don't think any of these are in the "day-glo" colors (which I think are all transparent). The only difference I've noticed in shape is that the squared/beveled wheels tend to grip better than the rounded ones, and the larger ones grip better than the smaller ones.
Aluminium hubbed wheels
On 12/16/1998 lee
wrote in from
I saw this really cool wheel. An aluminium hub with screws in it (don't really know what for) and a changable utherane tire. The diameter was aprox. 68-70mm. Does anybody know about this wheel and give me some info on it?
Semi-hard wheels
On 12/15/1998
wrote in from
Hey TC. Go to Soul Carve's review page. Someone did a fantastic review on Bones Bombers and thay sound like what your looking for.
85 duro wheels
On 12/15/1998
wrote in from
Does anyone know about any 65-70mm wheels that that slightly harder than the ever popular 78 duro? I'm thinking 82-85, like the old blue kryptos from the 70/80's. Please e-mail your suggestions and where I can buy a set.
fast wheels
On 12/12/1998 lee
wrote in from
I need some really fast wheels. They don't have to grip too well. All I need is speed.
Gravity BFG's
On 12/11/1998
Dave Z
wrote in from
These wheels ride great. They're big and fast. They last about four months. After four months of daily riding they started to have marble sized chuncks taken out on the inside. I'm happy with them though.