Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Skateboarding Law (490 Posts)
Topic Info
On 11/28/2004 ronnie wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

what? im just looking for things in newspapers and magazines and maybe some laws that prohitbit skating sorry if i came across as malignant or something

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Research Paper
On 11/19/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Ronnie: The way you decided to frame your request implies that you already consider the most valid defenses such as "reason and prudence" and "consent of the governed" to be crackpot ideas. Compiling text does not solidify a position. The body of law is ever changing and if you are not willing to stand against injustice then you are just an insignificant data collector. Before you start casting aspersions perhaps you should illuminate us as to your record before the bench.

Love, The Crackpot

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the total legality of skateboarding?
On 11/18/2004 ronnie wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

hey whats up every one. im doin a paper on the legality of skateboarding any info could be helpful plz make sure it is credible and not some cracked up idea your have thx

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Boarding Laws
On 11/14/2004 Rich C wrote in from United Kingdom  (217.32.nnn.nnn)

Nah! It's simpler than that! Don't get caught.

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Boarding Laws
On 11/14/2004 Skeez wrote in from United States  (65.78.nnn.nnn)

Its simple dont skateboard on Private Property!

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Seatle Park
On 10/20/2004 Mike P wrote in from United States  (207.163.nnn.nnn)

Hey Todd. That signs's pretty bitchy, but dont let it get to u. There are a lot of retarded rules out there-- especially concerning skateboarding. I've been arrested for speeding on my board a few blocks from my house.
Anyway, the point is, if they aren't taking u to jail, just let the sign roll off ur back. I know from experience that California State Parks give u a warning about skating before they cite u. It's probably the same in seattle. On top of that, if they do take u to court, ull still win, because they didn't vote. Ur golden, f#@! the sign!

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skateboard signs
On 10/15/2004 nicholas wrote in from United States  (69.161.nnn.nnn)

I think every skateboarder should a lest take down one f#@!ing bad sign about skateboarding.

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Texas Post
On 9/29/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Chewning: It's gotten to the point that regardless of whether or not a lawyer is involved you may still have a legal liability. It all depends on what the jury decides and the laws are purposefully being written in such vague language that jury decisions become almost impossible to predict. There is, however, the old defense of "void due to vagueness". But I haven't heard of anyone using that in quite a while.

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Sweden skateboard laws
On 9/28/2004 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

As of 2000, skateboarders are considered pedestrians under Swedish laws:

According to the Swedish ordinance on road traffic, roller skaters, roller skiers, skaters, skiers, etc. shall comply with the rules concerning pedestrians. Accordingly, roller skaters shall use pavements or the verge when skating on the road. If there is no pavement or verge, roller skaters shall use a cycle lane or the carriageway. Furthermore, roller skaters are allowed to use a cycle lane or the carriageway if the pavement is narrow, if the space there is otherwise limited or if there are other special reasons for the roller skater not to use the pavement.
When using the verge or the carriageway, roller skaters shall keep to the side opposite to the direction of traffic, except if they are skating faster than the speed of walking. In that case, the roller skaters shall keep to the other side if appropriate."

Read about it here: http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp1/newdocs/wp12000-24e.doc

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skateboarding law´s in Sweden
On 9/28/2004 jawes wrote in from Sweden  (193.180.nnn.nnn)

Do they exist?
What if I drive down a Highway in like 80km/hour..?
Do I have to pay with my driving license?
..may seem like an odd question...but I DO wonder!

team sweden.

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Texas and skateboard law
On 9/23/2004 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

You need a lawyer to figure out Texas law on skateboarding.

According to way I read it (I am not a lawyer, and this is not law advice):

Texas does have a limited liability law for recreational use of skateboards on property.
A) If agricultural property: Including roads attached to property
B) If privately held propery: Including roads attached to property
C) If municipal property: Only if "premises are owned, operated, or maintained by the state or a municipality or county for the purposes of those
activities" (activities including hockey, in-line hockey, rollerskating, skateboarding). Furthermore, the owner must post a sign with specific wording that warns people that the state law limits the liability of the owner.

What is unclear to me is the "for the purposes of those activities" wording. In some sections of the law it appears to apply to the "owning and maintaining" verbs. In other areas of the law it appears to apply to the permission granted for use of those activities.... ????

So if you find a good city or county street that you want to run your race on, you MIGHT be able to convince the authorities that they are protected by state law as long as they post the sign while the activites are being held. At least that is how I would approach them (to avoid buying insurance). They will probably want their "risk manager" to look into the law. The "risk manager" will probably be as unsure as I am, and will insist on insurance coverage. That's my prediction.

You can find the texas law in Chapter 75 (Civil Practices & Remedies) here:



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Texas and skaters
On 9/18/2004 Marcos wrote in from United States  (68.206.nnn.nnn)

Hey I was wondering if and body knew if Texas classifys skateboarding as a hazardous activity. I'm holding a race here and was wondering about insurance.


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On 9/17/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

More likely than not, the municipality needs to have an enabling ordinance in place for every sign they post. If they don't have the enabler then they are hosed. If the do have the enabler and the prosecutor does not find it for his case then he is hosed. From my experience, a prosecutor will not research the enabler before the case hits court because almost no one challenges the validity of signs. Generally parties in court regarding such issues are arguing facts and not the legal subleties of the underpinnings of western civilization. Good luck with everything and don't forget "reasonable and prudent". Judges love to hear that term. So many prosecutions fall apart because the statutorially prohibited activity is reasonable. No victim = no crime.

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Seattle beef
On 9/10/2004 Todd wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

Believe me, that thought had totally crossed my mind. The only reason I'm not 100% behind that idea is this: what if someone had torn down an old sign before I ever started skating there. If that's the case, then I would be screwed.

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Seattle Beef
On 9/8/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Todd:Nooooooo. GBJ is right in that you have done the appropriate research but now you guys seem to want to blow yourselves out of the water. You have a minimum of quantity one get out of jail free cards. You don't want this to come to a head before you get cited or they will most likely just vote in the ordinance. As it is now you are not validly citable. You may have to appear in court to defend your position but that is a small price to pay. Some of my fondest memories are from within courtrooms. Don't do it. Ignore invalid signs. Keep skating. You are not citable if there is no enabling ordinance. If you research my posts you will find I did a thread on this earlier. Once again; Do not confront them. Make them confront you. This is like a hand in poker. DO NOT SHOW THEM YOUR CARDS.

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re: Seattle beef
On 9/4/2004 todd wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, I've sat on this for a while now, and I realize all they have to do is vote on it and they are done. BUT, I also think too many people just accept things like this without raising a stink, allowing "the man" to step all over them (and paving the way for furthur abuse). The other authorities vs. skaters issue here in Seattle is huge (over the Ballard bowl). I think getting some press for my issue would benefit those fighting to save the bowl by bringing a little internal corruption to the surface.

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Seattle beef
On 9/4/2004 GBJ wrote in from United States  (69.140.nnn.nnn)

Y'know what, Todd? It sounds like you've pretty much got them on the "not taking a vote" issue. You've done your research well and seem right on all counts. Of course, all they'll do is take a vote and then treat your point like you're just some whining kid, particularly if you attempt to make a public big deal over the "not taking a vote issue". They may even attempt to tell you that the vote was taken in an "emergency" teleconference, in which case you can still ask them to produce minutes of that meeting. The bottom line is... they'll win and you'll have spent pointless breath. It sucks, but it rarely happens much different than that.

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Seattle skateboard laws
On 8/28/2004 Todd wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

This is long, so bear with me. My favorite place to ride is a barely-used road in a local park in Seattle. It's newly paved, winding and a perfect grade. When I go out there, I wear a helmet, wait until I'm sure there are no cars and don't bother anyone (at least I didn't think so). I love the fact that I can haul ass down this hill, then walk back to the top, in the middle of the woods with not a soul around, it's a perfect balance.
My beef is this, the other day I went out there, rode down the hill once, then on my walk back up, noticed a newly posted "Skateboarding not allowed" sign. It can't begin to tell you how pissed off I was. All I can guess is that the stigma of skateboard=trouble is the reason this sign has been posted.
So I packed up my board, rushed home and researched the matter. They had 2 ordinances listed on the sign. The ordinance that actually has something to do with skateboarding says that the parks board must vote to ban skateboarding from any spot they want. So I checked the minutes from the board meetings from the past 3 months, and guess what? Nothing related to this sign. Obviously someone thinks they can just slap up a sign and that's it, no-one will question it, WRONG! The second ordinance listed on the sign was the icing on the cake for me, it has absolutely nothing to do with skating, it deals with soliciting! Do they think that I'm going to start asking for spare change between bombs? Or maybe just throwing another bulls#@! ordinance on there will make it look more serious?
Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? I'm thinking I'd like to try and get a local reporter interested in this story. The parks department has already been in the news a lot lately because of a bowl they want to tear down, so this would be one more example of how anti-skate they are.

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Parking Lots
On 8/27/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Lindsay: Is the parking lot specifically for the use of park visitors? If it is then it is part of the same premises. One of my favorite parts of parks is that signs are posted across several time periods without regard to past signs so you wind up with outdated and inaccurate signs. The signs must be current with regard to current "enabling ordinances"; The legislation that provides the basis for legitimacy for the sign. If the sign is not in compliance with its current enabling ordinance then it is void. An example of this is portable signs. Many states do not allow portable signs for "no parking", etc. because any a-hole could wheel up a sign after you legally parked and cause you to be in violation otherwise. I just saw a portable dumpster with a "no parking" sign on it on my way back from lunch. That's not going to fly. Read up on the enabling ordinances.

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Park parking lots
On 8/14/2004 lindsay wrote in from United States  (67.127.nnn.nnn)

Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but is a parking lot joined next to a park considered a part of a park that has a "no skateboarding" sign on it? I have been running cones in this parking lot before there was a sign. I haven't been there when the police patrol this area (and they do), but I don't want to get into any hassles.

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Chewning RE: Cones and his status as a dumbass.
On 8/5/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Chewning is one of the most valuable contributors to this thread. If you feel the need to post a derogatory comment then you should at least look down the page to get a context for the individual whom you are attempting to insult.

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Yes sucker cones a bad idea
On 7/30/2004 Pat wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I already agreed that the sucker cones are a bad idea, so no need to keep telling me that.

-- Pat

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On 7/28/2004 GBMII in Albuq wrote in from United States  (143.183.nnn.nnn)

Last I heard, you could pick the cones up after somebody knocks 'em down. I happens all the time on our hill. Most of the time the cars make an effort to miss the cones, or even run a few gates. At least once a session some jackbag (usually driving a pickup truck) runs over about 20 cones. Big deal, reset them and consider it the price you pay for sharing the road. As for the gun thing, 911 works pretty well for me......

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Jesus Christ....the poser
On 7/28/2004 blah blah blah blah blah wrote in from United States  (68.234.nnn.nnn)

Jesus I always thought you were pretty lame...and well
you just keep on proving it. You know like when you hooked with
Andrew Loyd Webber to do that "Jesus Christ Superstar" thing?
Dude that was sooooo lame! What were you thinking?
I think these guys have some good suggestions, better than you
and your lame rock story, like you didn't steal that one from David right? Everyone knows Jesus would NEVER throw a rock
and smash some guys face open and then try and be a poser
on some skate website and brag about it.
Jesus used to do really cool things like turn wheat into marijuana,
sugar into cocaine, and bake a most excellent cake. But now look,
Jesus has gotten all negative on us and suggests we cast stones at our enemies.
You know, I don't think you're really Jesus at all.
Jesus if you ever come back to New York, let me know.
I'd be glad to get a handfull of nails and put you up for the night.
And...leave you there.

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On 7/28/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from United States  (66.108.nnn.nnn)

Pardon the bad spelling in my last post. Bit jet lagged. Take the "e" off of "worste" among other things.


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