Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Masters 45+ (602 Posts)
Topic Info
On 8/31/2007 Rick Floyd wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

In the July rankings I was listed as being from Canada but I'm from the US. That's what I get for living in northern VT I guess! Anyway, I emailed Corky through the link on www.slalomranking.com over a week ago but got no response. Anyone have an idea about the best way to get this corrected?

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On 8/23/2007 mbl wrote in from Canada  (74.101.nnn.nnn)

somewhere .. with no rude bias..let's talk about only living skateboarding and what that entails..having your 'first job' that you create or live to be skateboarding and then your hobby is skateboarding and actually your wife or partner does not support you with a non-skateboarding job but you actually attempt to make your living (up & down) just by spreading the stoke or living for skateboarding ...with all of it's ups & downs in trends or the seasonal sentiments of the municipalities whom we serve
this is real...and true and wonderful..and really skateboarding esp. slalom

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On 8/15/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Stop posting about skating the hill on Thursday.
No one is going to skate on Thursday.
We are all going to wait until Friday like everyone else.

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Finally Going to Race
On 8/11/2007 LAVIN wrote in from United States  (24.14.nnn.nnn)

Art, Wax busted us good last year but it was worth it. We were going so fast that evening we couldn't see the chalk circles anyway!

Look forward to seeing you.


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Finally going to a race
On 8/10/2007 Art Pryde wrote in from United States  (69.235.nnn.nnn)

Sorry to bump into the cool old school Sims discussion, but I have been having some fun/beneficial sessions over the past week or so, and am finally going to a race. I may not do well, but "I love the smell of a pinewood ramp in the morning!"

Cat, I liked your comment on the slalom scene in NorCal. The scene in LA/Orange County is very splintered (at least in the last year that I've been riding) and many various "groups" of riders DON'T ride together. There are alot of negative vibes here, but I'm not completely sure why, maybe they go back to the 70's?

This site is cool, because the vibe is positive and we all realize how fortunate we are to be pushing it and having fun.

Hey Steve, I might see you on the GS hill on Thursday, but I won't have a stick in my hand this time...It didn't do me much good last year. I'll just be there checking it out, and besides we don't want "The Man" busting us!

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Ahhhh...the past...
On 8/6/2007 LAVIN wrote in from United States  (69.49.nnn.nnn)

NICE! Rick thats' a great story too cool. Lonnie Toft... Hey didn't Lonnie have a pool deck like the one you restored that had 4 trucks/8 wheels, or was it 8 trucks and 16 wheels? It was way wider but the same general shape. That deck was outrages and smacks of controversy (like 6 wheel GS). Thanks for sharing, your boards are real nice. Ride in good health and watch out for those young punks who want to ride your warez.


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On 8/6/2007 Cliff Coleman wrote in from Sweden  (89.160.nnn.nnn)


You don't have all of the needed pads until you get a pair of slider gloves. Check Timeship Racing for the best available. They will make snowboard gloves seem reallyexpensive. If you are cash poor you can find info on this site or on the web about how to make your own.

Have fun and skate safe,
Cliff Coleman

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new to downhill
On 8/6/2007 greg wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

hey there, im new to skateboarding and downhill. i am a surfer and moved inland.hard to get to water on regular basis. we live on a hill with a culd a sac and i bought a sector 9 bombing hills board. i am still getting used to it, but enjoying it nonetheless.
any suggestions?
i am wearing all pads (knee, elbow, wrist, helmet)

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Ahhhh...the past...
On 8/4/2007 Rick Floyd wrote in from United States  (68.142.nnn.nnn)

Yes? Pink Floyd? Lav, thought you might enjoy these pics of two original decks from the eighties I restored a few years ago. The Sims Toft is a friend's board his wife found in his mother's basement and gave to me to restore for his 40th birthday. The "Pink Floyd Skate" is actually a Sundancer hooktail (remember those CC?) found in my Mom's attic. My last name being Floyd you can imagine that I was known as "Pink" and my house as the "Dark side of the Moon" etc...so we had our own Pink Floyd Skates team and often re-painted or modified our board's graphics. I still ride the Sundancer but wore out the green 65mm Kryps so it has green 65mm Retro Vetz on it now...groovin' indeed!


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From the past...
On 8/4/2007 LAVIN wrote in from United States  (216.146.nnn.nnn)

So I have this MySpace site..., I get contacted by a fellow skater (Liam) that I have not spoken to in maybe 30 years. He remembers everything (not sure how this can be - I cannot remember jack)from '75-78ish. Anyway, he recalls good times on Highway Hill in NYC and the old slalom course across from Tavern on the Green, John Gilmour, Jane Pincus, me, a guy known as "Teeba" who went on to become an Olympic cyclist and all our youthful glory. Of course at that time we were riding Krypto red, green, and blues, Lip Balm wheels, Power Paws (loose ball), OJ's, RR4, Hesters (which I still own), Park Riders, etc. The Bonzai deck was a short fav for one-footed nose wheelies. Santa Cruz 5-ply, Fiber-Flex, Blizzard, Panther, Sims TK, Logan ES, etc. they were all deck staples of the time.

Ahhh, the good times. Smoking bowls and listening to ELP, Yes, Pink Floyd, groovin'..., just groovin'.


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Speedboarding masters
On 7/25/2007 kludy wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

If they had us as a class in Munnsville I would win .

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Keep this Alive!
On 7/25/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

I was beginning to think everyone was dead. Thanks for posting & keeping the Masters thread alive!

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I'm late
On 7/23/2007 Jeff Kasson wrote in from United States  (24.31.nnn.nnn)

I'm about two years late for this section, but so it goes. Skateboarding has given me so much joy over the years, even with a long break between riding. I'm so thankful to be relatively healthy to feel a speed carve or throw some 360's. I wish I had all of my skateboarder magazines. I want a CD with every single page, cover to cover, of every single issue. Thanks to everyone for keeping the memories and stoke alive!

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clay wheels
On 7/23/2007 van wrote in from United States  (72.93.nnn.nnn)

clay wheels . freestyle decks to plastic blue freeformers , aluminum Banzi boards , airflow Blue max Poleyurithane , graphite , kingpins etc at 40 im not yet a Master but im looking forward to it, I have 26 boards and thats just a downpayment , 2 motobuilt motoboards , I ride kripto 70's and I still ride in the midle of the city streets late at night , rain and shine, , skate hard or go home 40+ Boston

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bonne fete pierre
On 6/6/2007 mbl wrote in from Canada  (74.101.nnn.nnn)

ah ha - you've already brought it! pro racer, father of three, wonderful partner (to the beautiful Joelle) and fantastic mentor to the eastern canada (and US) racers
thanks for all the inspiration

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On 6/5/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Happy Birthday, Pierre.

We've been waiting for you!

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Masters division?
On 6/5/2007 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Are any of the upcoming races going to actualy have a masters division? It would be nice :)

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On 6/4/2007 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

Hey Pierre! Happy Birthday and welcome to the "in crowd"!!!

The secret handshake is a few posts down

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June 1st ???
On 6/1/2007 Mig wrote in from Canada  (66.46.nnn.nnn)

Today Pierre??? I thought your birthday was on june 4th!

Happy Birthday my good friend!!! :)

See you tomorrow at the Five Roses of Slalom (Montreal Outlaw).


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Master of my domain
On 6/1/2007 Pierre Gravel wrote in from Canada  (24.203.nnn.nnn)

Ok, as of today, i'm old enough to be a master.
Do i have to learn a secret handshake or something?

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MB in Paris!
On 5/25/2007 Mig wrote in from Canada  (66.46.nnn.nnn)

MB! Nothing I would have loved more than being in Paris for the World Cup AND my birthday. Tell Claude, Civ, Chris, and Adam to kick ass on my behalf!

And thanks again to you, Chris, and Adam for acting as the Fullbag mules! :)

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mig- wish you were here!
On 5/25/2007 mbl wrote in from France  (84.97.nnn.nnn)

the canadian guys were saying last night that you should have made the trip!
the flavour, the language, the food ! you would have been in heaven for your b-day celebration! anyway, i skated for you!
and your stuff cleared customs no prob - you'll be represented

a bientot

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On 5/23/2007 Mig wrote in from Canada  (66.46.nnn.nnn)

Thanks everybody!

Pierre: what about a Mtl Outlaw to celebrate your membership?

Eddy: glad you like the SpeedCarver! And will definitely meet you at The Farm and the Worlds.

Cat: thanks for welcoming me with open arms. Can't wait to meet you at a race this summer.

Fatty: My twin brother! Happy belated birthday!

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On 5/23/2007 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Cat!!!

Happy B-day Migzilla!

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Old people ROCK!
On 5/23/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Mig--- welcome to the world of old people.

Pierre--- We'll have you soon, no turning back now!

Isabelle, I always liked "Bachelor Party"-- it makes me laugh. We can all use more laughter in out lives. (that's why I'm here!) ;)

Renee'--- nice tomatoes, bro! And.... what a loverly bunch of bananas!

SC--- I couldn't have been in the 1989 movie, "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death." I was only 4 at the time!!!!

Everyone do your rain dance for St Louis this weekend!

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