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On 1/19/2003 longy
wrote in from
yas!!!jonnyx put it quite well, grandad lost 2 brothers one who was flying for the RAF and another who was killed in North Africa...grandad was in the paras and was shot and wounded on D Day(out of his squad only 12 out of 87 blokes survived)i remember when i was a mere snotnose and we were filling up his old humber sceptre with oil he said "one day people will spill blood over oil" he absolutely detested armed conflict to the extent that he would confront his own racism and bigotry by seeking out those people (at the time)suffering their own griefs with white england...as it was there was more black faces at his funeral than white....the reason i protest at the USA's involvement in war is that i love the USA,its people,its sport,its music,its landscape and the very ideas it was founded on (3 of the signatories on the dec of ind were from the Black Country)now i just pray that when the conflict happens the amount of blood spilled is small on both sides and in the future we can take some lessons from it.
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
jonnyx- Let me first start off by informing the fine people here on NCDSA that, YOU ARE A LIAR
you wrote:
"will you threaten to kick my ass again?"
"hey arent you the eric groff who sent me a far right wing hate circular which included a statement expressing the desire to "put a stop to those free thinkers for good"? and a whole bunch of other dangerous racist twaddle. yeah, i thought so."
I have never threatend to kick jonnyx's ass and I have never sent jonnyx a "far right wing hate circular" or anybody for that matter.
2 things I'm not, a LIAR or a Racist 2 things I'm, very outspoken with my beliefs and a good judge of BS, my BS detector is pretty damn accurate.
You are a LIAR!, I dont like LIARS, and I useally dont respond to email from people I dont like, ask Brady or Slappy or Dave G or Chris Chaput or any of the other ARAB Haters if I have responded to their emails over the last year.
I have responded to all of about 3 emails from people here on NCDSA, 1 being Michael Stride, yes the email Stride posted was mine and I ment every bit of it.
Michael- I find it odd that somebody that has never posted here before(jonnyx) would claim to know so much about me?, I find it odd that your IP has never been used by anybody but you on this website until now?, I find it odd how jonny claims that I sent him email? I find it odd that I sent 1 email to a reader from NCDSA(you)? and now there is people all over this site claiming that I send Hate Mail and Threaten people? How would anybody here know(prior to you posting my email here today) that I have sent any email to anyone?, since I dont respond to peoples emails that I dont like, with the 1 exception of you. You have either shared my email with people or have told people about it, and now people are making claims about me sending hate mail to them or to others all over this site, you are the only person I have sent any email to that would know this. not even Brady,Dave G,Slappy or Chris Chaput can make this claim. ONLY YOU! and the people you have shared it with. Why would jonnyx make these false claims? why would Michael Stride post my email? to show that Arab is sending hatemail to alot of people, No Michael, I have only sent the 1 email to you, Why would others make such FALSE CLAIMS? It sure does seem odd Michael/jonny that all of a sudden I am sending hate mail all over the net, but it was only 1 to you. Go ahead and go to every forum here and Whine somemore, I aint buying into it.
Oh yeah and the only people that are makeing these claims are from England
Maybe Joe Kennedy was right!, go look that up in your History Book.
On 1/19/2003
David Bolam
wrote in from
Help! I'm a complete skateboarding ignoramus who has decided to include a skateboarding character in a screenplay. What skills would a former snow skier need to acquire (and in what order) in order to bomb a long and fairly steep hill? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
On 1/19/2003 JD
wrote in from
Well, I can only agree w/ Billy Malano (S.O.D) " **** the Middle East " song. This should be America's Theme Song. Any (older skaters) Remember the Album, 8track, ?
Anyway, Kill em All.... (and let God Sort out em out)
On 1/19/2003
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
Jack Smith,
Could you please e-mail me your phone number? I have tried twice to send long answers to your questions but both failed to go through. My short letters go through but not the longer ones.
On 1/19/2003 LAW
wrote in from
Jonnyx, I would suggest taking your zeal for opposition to the US policies and move it your own government. (Think globally, act locally.)
The UK has also been supplying weapons to Israel for years. They are also currently developing a jet fighter with the US called the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) based on technology between the F16 and Harrier fighters. Current plans are for creating 3000 planes.
Criticizing the US government's policies while residing in the UK is counterproductive. It will only piss off both the US citizens that don't agree with you and the citizens that agree with you but realize your government is just as ill-sorted.
It also means more embarrassing posts from Americans like Brady. (Sorry, most Americans know the difference between Britain and England. We also realize the whole colonial tea thing was a couple of centuries ago.)
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
With respect to all brits...
Jonny, It`s easy to find faults within any society. And Brittain has her own. Would you like to comment on the tea trade and on going practice of child labor to the tune of millions in India?
What vast supplies of oil does England have? Who then maintains her royal interests of such.
This isn`t fair to pick on England as I`m sure a case could be made of evils from any country. To single out American wrongs as if we are the big evil-doers is gobbleygook.
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Wow Jonny,
You sure are an intelligent fellow. It must be great to have all the answers, oh wait, you don't.
So please enlighten us has to how you would fix America, heck for that matter the rest of the world.
I would be interested to know your line of work.
Thanks, Jack just another ugly American
On 1/19/2003 jonnyx
wrote in from
actually i would like to comment on the USAs aid programs, particularly those laid out for the palestinian authority and the state of israel in the camp david accords. to the palestinian authority; $2 bn p.a. financial and material aid dependent upon fulfillment of commitments to the state of israel; $1 bn p.a. financial and $2 bn p.a. MILITARY aid dependent upon fulfillment of commitments so what are the commitments? for the palestinian authority to refrain from forming military alliances with other nations. this has been fulfilled every year commitments for israel are to withdraw troops from the occupied territories and resume pre -1967 conflict frontiers. this has never been undertaken so, why does america pay up? israel is in breach of its commitments and is openly using US supplied weaponry in mass reprisals against civilians. by the way, it is possible that you wont be able to send them any more f16s if a legal challenge here is succesful. seems your fighter aircraft dont fly without british supplied hardware, and they are likely to be refused an export license if the court believes they will be used against civilians, for which there is plentiful evidence. so there is your "aid" program. it is killing civilians right at this moment.
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
No. IP addresses are assigned to a user's computer by the ISP, who is being assigned IP address blocks from the large, carefully regulated pool of IP addresses. These addresses are not geographical in nature, but because they are assigned to the ISP in blocks can appear to be so. However, the fact that two similar IP addresses are in the same geographical region does not necessarily mean that the next IP address that matches the first 6 of 12 digits is also in that geographic region.
On 1/19/2003 Brady
wrote in from
What was that saying?....
Let he with no sin cast the first stone..
awfully quiet there!
On 1/19/2003 jonnyx
wrote in from
oops sorry didnt mean to face facts. ill just stick my head back in the sand see you there!
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Is there anything you like about the US, or your country for that matter?
Would you care to comment on the billions of dollars of aid and food the US has supplied the world over the last 50 years?
By no means are we perfect, yes we have had questionable foreign policy, and some not so stellar leaders, however I get weary of having my country ran into the ground, with no mention of the good we have done. Have you also written about the terrible things inflicted on people by their own governments? If you have I apologize.
I grew up in an Air Force family, and am very proud of my father's service to this country. He even spent some time in Lakenheath and enjoyed your country and it's people.
By the way there was no USAF during WWII, it was still a part of the Army.
Cliff, thanks for the informative post. In your email, I didn't notice answers to a couple of other questions I asked you.
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Isn't the IP address randomly chosen by the webmaster and not the viewer.
This all goes back to the conversation that people should only be able to post with valid email addresses.
On 1/19/2003 jonnyx
wrote in from
yeah cliff you were always a hero now i wanna put you up for beatification telling it like it is!!!! good point about the schoolof the americas (or whisc as it is now known.) surely a good start in the war on terror would be to review the training going on at fort benning georgia where they teach central and southern american security forces that, and i quote from their curriculum
"when a subject of interrogation proves difficult and physical persuasion does not produce results, it may be effective to bring the subjects family (especially children) to be persuaded within view of the subject"
for physical persuasion read torture.
so there it is, the USA supports the torture of innocent children in order to gain information from their parents, so long as it benefits the USA's "hemispherical interest" this is widely documented so go look it up hope that makes you feel big and tough arab is longy right? will you join up to fight? or just to torture children?
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Ride a skateboard and end terrorism!
On 1/19/2003
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
Here is my take on the Iraq situation and the war on terrorism. LONG POST BUT IMPORTANT!
WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT TERRORISM? By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.*
*Dr. Robert M. Bowman directed all the "Star Wars" programs under presidents Ford and Carter and flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies and Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church
A FEW YEARS AGO, terrorists destroyed two U.S. embassies. President Clinton retaliated against suspected facilities of Osama bin Laden. In his television address, the President told the American people that we were the targets of terrorism because we stood for democracy, freedom, and human rights in the world.
On that occasion, I wrote: "Tell people the truth, Mr. President ... about terrorism, not about poor Monica. If your lies about terrorism go unchallenged, then the terror war you have unleashed will likely continue until it destroys us.
"The threat of nuclear terrorism is closing in upon us. Chemical terrorism is at hand, and biological terrorism is a future danger. None of our thousands of nuclear weapons can protect us from these threats. These idols of plutonium, titanium, and steel are impotent. Our worship of them for over five decades has not brought us security, only greater danger. No 'Star Wars' system ... no matter how technically advanced, no matter how many trillions of dollars was poured into it ... can protect us from even a single terrorist bomb.
Not one weapon in our vast arsenal can shield us from a nuclear weapon delivered in a sailboat or a Piper Cub or a suitcase or a Ryder rental truck. Not a penny of the 273 billion dollars a year we spend on so-called defense can actually defend us against a terrorist bomb. Nothing in our enormous military establishment can actually give us one whit of security. That is a military fact.
"Mr. President, you did not tell the American people the truth about why we are the targets of terrorism. You said that we are the target because we stand for democracy, freedom, and human rights in the world. Baloney! We are the target of terrorists because we stand for dictatorship, bondage, and human exploitation in the world. We are the target of terrorists because we are hated. And we are hated because our government has done hateful things.
"In how many countries have we deposed popularly elected leaders and replaced them with puppet military dictators who were willing to sell out their own people to American multinational corporations?
"We did it in Iran when we deposed Mossadegh because he wanted to nationalize the oil industry. We replaced him with the Shah, and trained, armed, and paid his hated Savak national guard, which enslaved and brutalized the people of Iran. All to protect the financial interests of our oil companies. Is it any wonder there are people in Iran who hate us?
"We did it in Chile when we deposed Allende, democratically elected by the people to introduce socialism. We replaced him with the brutal right-wing military dictator, General Pinochet. Chile has still not recovered.
"We did it in Vietnam when we thwarted democratic elections in the South which would have united the country under Ho Chi Minh. We replaced him with a series of ineffectual puppet crooks who invited us to come in and slaughter their people - and we did. (I flew 101 combat missions in that war which you properly opposed.)
"We did it in Iraq, where we killed a quarter of a million civilians in a failed attempt to topple Saddam Hussein, and where we have killed a million since then with our sanctions. About half of these innocent victims have been children under the age of five.
"And, of course, how many times have we done it in Nicaragua and all the other banana republics of Latin America? Time after time we have ousted popular leaders who wanted the riches of the land to be shared by the people who worked it. We replaced them with murderous tyrants who would sell out and control their own people so that the wealth of the land could be taken out by Domino Sugar, the United Fruit Company, Folgers, and Chiquita Banana.
"In country after country, our government has thwarted democracy, stifled freedom, and trampled human rights. That's why we are hated around the world. And that's why we are the target of terrorists.
"People in Canada enjoy better democracy, more freedom, and greater human rights than we do. So do the people of Norway and Sweden. Have you heard of Canadian embassies being bombed? Or Norwegian embassies? Or Swedish embassies. No.
"We are not hated because we practice democracy, freedom, and human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things to people in third world countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. And that hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism - and in the future, nuclear terrorism.
"Once the truth about why the threat exists is understood, the solution becomes obvious. We must change our government's ways.
"Instead of sending our sons and daughters around the world to kill Arabs so the oil companies can sell the oil under their sand, we must send them to rebuild their infrastructure, supply clean water, and feed starving children.
"Instead of continuing to kill thousands of Iraqi children every day with our sanctions, we must help them rebuild their electric powerplants, their water treatment facilities, their hospitals - all the things we destroyed in our war against them and prevented them from rebuilding with our sanctions.
"Instead of seeking to be king of the hill, we must become a responsible member of the family of nations. Instead of stationing hundreds of thousands of troops around the world to protect the financial interests of our multinational corporations, we must bring them home and expand the Peace Corps.
"Instead of training terrorists and death squads in the techniques of torture and assassination, we must close the School of the Americas (no matter what name they use). Instead of supporting military dictatorships, we must support true democracy - the right of the people to choose their own leaders. Instead of supporting insurrection, destabilization, assassination, and terror around the world, we must abolish the CIA and give the money to relief agencies.
"In short, we do good instead of evil. We become the good guys, once again. The threat of terrorism would vanish. That is the truth, Mr. President. That is what the American people need to hear. We are good people. We only need to be told the truth and given the vision. You can do it, Mr. President. Stop the killing. Stop the justifying. Stop the retaliating. Put people first. Tell them the truth."
Needless to say, he didn't ... and neither has George W. Bush. Well, the seeds our policies have planted have borne their bitter fruit. The World Trade Center is gone. The Pentagon is damaged. And thousands of Americans have died. Almost every TV pundit is crying for massive military retaliation against whoever might have done it (assumedly the same Osama bin Laden) and against whoever harbors or aids the terrorists (most notably the Taliban government of Afghanistan).
Steve Dunleavy of the New York Post screams "Kill the bastards! Train assassins, hire mercenaries, put a couple of million bucks up for bounty hunters to get them dead or alive, preferably dead. As for cities or countries that host these worms, bomb them into basketball courts." It's tempting to agree. I have no sympathy for the psychopaths that killed thousands of our people. There is no excuse for such acts. If I was recalled to active duty, I would go in a heartbeat. At the same time, all my military experience and knowledge tells me that retaliation hasn't rid us of the problem in the past, and won't this time.
By far the world's best anti-terrorist apparatus is Israel's. Measured in military terms, it has been phenomenally successful. Yet Israel still suffers more attacks than all other nations combined. If retaliation worked, Israelis would be the world's most secure people.
Only one thing has ever ended a terrorist campaign -- denying the terrorist organization the support of the larger community it represents. And the only way to do that is to listen to and alleviate the legitimate grievances of the people. If indeed Osama bin Laden was behind the four hijackings and subsequent carnage, that means addressing the concerns of the Arabs and Muslims in general and of the Palestinians in particular.
It does NOT mean abandoning Israel. But it may very well mean withdrawing financial and military support until they abandon the settlements in occupied territory and return to 1967 borders. It may also mean allowing Arab countries to have leaders of their own choosing, not hand-picked, CIA-installed dictators willing to cooperate with Western oil companies.
Chester Gillings has said it very well: "How do we fight back against bin Laden? The first thing we must ask ourselves is what is it we hope to achieve -- security or revenge? The two are mutually exclusive; seek revenge and we WILL reduce our security. If it is security we seek, then we must begin to answer the tough questions -- what are the grievances of the Palestinians and the Arab world against the United States, and what is our real culpability for those grievances?
Where we find legitimate culpability, we must be prepared to cure the grievance wherever possible. Where we cannot find culpability or a cure, we must communicate honestly our positions directly to the Arab people. In short, our best course of action is to remove ourselves as a combatant in the disputes of the region."
To kill bin Laden now would be to make him an eternal martyr. Thousands would rise up to take his place. In another year, we would face another round of terrorism, probably much worse even than this one. Yet there is another way.
In the short term, we must protect ourselves from those who already hate us. This means increased security and better intelligence. I proposed to members of Congress in March that we should deny any funds for "Star Wars" until such time as the Executive Branch could show that they are doing all possible research on the detection and interception of weapons of mass destruction entering the country clandestinely (a far greater threat than ballistic missiles).
There are lots of steps which can be taken to increase security without detracting from civil rights. But in the long term, we must change our policies to stop causing the fear and hatred which creates new terrorists. Becoming independent of foreign oil through conservation, energy efficiency, production of energy from renewable sources, and a transition to non-polluting transportation will allow us to adopt a more rational policy toward the Middle East.
The vast majority of Arabs and Muslims are good, peaceful people. But enough of them, in their desperation and anger and fear, have turned first to Arafat and now to bin Laden to relieve their misery. Remove the desperation, give them some hope, and support for terrorism will evaporate. At that point bin Laden will be forced to abandon terrorism (as has Arafat) or be treated like a common criminal. Either way, he and his money cease to be a threat. We CAN have security ... or we can have revenge. We cannot have both.
---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---
The Light Party, 20 Sunnyside Ave., Suite A-156 Mill Valley, CA 94941. Tel: (415) 381-4061 * Fax: (415) 381-2645 Dedicated to "Health, Peace and Freedom for All"
Your Feedback is important to us. Please send us E-Mail.
Cliff Coleman
On 1/19/2003 jonnyx
wrote in from
holy s#@! i just read foremans post about usa saving britains ass that is so rich. who defeated the luftwaffe as an effective ranging force? the RAF not USAF. who took monte cassino, opening up southern europe as an effective front? the polish did, after texas rangers failed 3 times. free french sabotage ensured that no panzer divisions made it to normandy until d day plus 24, saving tens of thousand of allied lives and ensuring the success of the landings. czech and hungarian pilots mounted determined and effective sorties from britain over 2 years before the US got involved. indian and nepali troops kept the japanese tied up in burma at terrible cost just to relieve pressure off the US pacific fleet anzacs took the heat in northern italy while patton was posing for the cameras in rome. nubian and abbysinnian troops proved vital in keeping rommel at bay in north africa and if any one nation did in fact save our asses, it was without doubt the soviets who simply ground the germans to pieces rob can i suggest you read some history, you may find it informative.
On 1/19/2003 jake
wrote in from
coleman slide
I just started getting the coleman slide and for the last few days I've been practicing it a lot. I went again today and my left knee (goofy) felt like sh-t. Is this just cause its a new move, or somethings wrong?
On 1/19/2003
keeboard racer
wrote in from
Don't sweat it Michael!
This is what the same person that is attacking you based only on IP had to say on the topic of IP sleuthing...
On 1/5/2003 Arab wrote in from 24.24.xxx.xxx:
"...as to the #'s being known to have been generated from IP's in California, Why not just say Florida? How do you know that these #'s were generated from California. What is your proof? what is the facts? Dude if you want to have some credibility and get some respect around here say what you mean, mean what you say and back it with some facts, Dont beat around the bush with some half truths and meaningless drival making post that make no sense have no meaning and no factual basis to them. Where I come from we call them Story Tellers, Speaking with Forked Tongue, Liars etc. Then there is crediable I witnesses, with actual facts and or records to prove the charges that they bring forth. Which are you? Arab
On 1/19/2003 Michael
wrote in from
Thanks Jonnyx! Now, Arab, can you see why I don't get on with him. Difference is we tolerate each other.
On 1/19/2003 jonnyx
wrote in from
well i couldnt have asked for a better metaphor for the attack on iraq as revenge for sept 11th. AND THAT, ARAB, IS PRECISELY THE REASON YOU GAVE FOR WAR. you got the wrong guy. maybe you have learned something?????? mmmm maybe not. myself and micheal stride do not get on at all. the parralells with, one the one hand an islamic fundamentalist organization devoted to a supreme being and his prophets word as law and on the other a secular dictatorship that has declared its leader as supreme is significant. there can be no alliance between the two, they are diametrically opposed concepts. arab, i denounce you as a racist and a bigot. i should have kept that KKK circular you mailed to me as evidence. it was vile and despicable. in it you clamoured for an end to free thinking, which can only lead me to believe that you are not capable of it yourself. just because your life is s#@! is no reason to ruin it for us. like it or not we are a community and it is our duty to at least think about the implications of this war for us all. something arab and many others are refusing to do.
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Let me be the first to say YEAH! to the Tampa Bay Bucaneers!
With that said, I`d like to also express the desire for the Oakland Raiders to win their game too.
That way, we can have a true AFC vs NFC, East vs West, and... California vs Florida!
And hopefully TBB as the World Champions, uh, American Champs, wait... Super Bowl Champs (of American Football)
On 1/19/2003 LAW
wrote in from
Good question Rob!
That's because it's the vote of an 'electoral college' that decides who is the president. NOT the popular vote.
You can check out how the electoral college works here:
On 1/19/2003
wrote in from
Johnnyx...can you please explain to Arab that you are not me, that you would rather be anyone else but me, and that for him to think you are me is an insult to you? We obviously share the same IP, perhaps our friend Simon Gunning can explain that to Arab?