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System Maintenance Today Dec-9
On 12/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
I'll be doing some work on our firewall which will have the Ncdsa.com server inaccessible for 30-mins or so this morning.
On 12/2/2005 Whad
wrote in from
United States
Check, check. 1,2. 1,2. Sybalance. Sybalance. Two, Two, Two.
Skate related cause?
On 11/29/2005
Chris Miller
wrote in from
United States
Here's a suggestion:
Buy some schwag and donate it to someone who can pass it out at some real grass roots type event.
Giving to a good (skate-related) cause?
On 11/29/2005
wrote in from
United States
I was just awarded a modest bit of money by PayPal in a dispute with a less-than-scrupulous young man selling skateboard equipment on eBay. This guy, who says he is 21, seems to be not so much dishonest as unreflective about ethical issues -- so it doesn't trouble him, for example, to make false claims or promises, though he isn't trying to flat-out rob you. In a way, I kind of hate to keep the money, since the kid did try (too little and too late) to satisfy me. On the other hand, I don't think he deserves to be rewarded for shady business practices, which could become a lifelong habit with him -- and we don't need any more of THAT in the skate biz.
Instead, I'd like to donate the amount PayPal awarded me (which came out of this guy's account) to some charitable or educational cause, skateboarding-related if possible. Can anybody suggest one?
LODT forum
On 11/21/2005
Chris Miller
wrote in from
United States
Hey Webmaster,
Just a thought - now that the LODT thing is fading out, why not change the forum to a DVD/Video forum?
On 11/11/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Sorry for the downtime this AM. Our newly acquired anti-virus software runs late each night and last night's run disrupted the system. I have fixed it for now and backed off on the A-V schedule to weekly.
cool new product
On 10/31/2005 bode
wrote in from
United States
I was looking for rims (like on a car), but for my longboard, and found Phlywheels.com Theyre pretty chill and just starting. check em out!
Server reset 10-31
On 10/31/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
I had to reset our web server this AM.. some kind of strange overload condition. Should be OK now.
New advertiser: Mile High Skates
On 10/9/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Please help welcome Mile High Skates, Ncdsa.com's newest banner advertiser! Check out their banner ad on the Trucks forum.
Database rebuild
On 10/5/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Some weirdness with our database this morning mandated an unscheduled maintenance interval.. all OK now. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
On 9/29/2005 bob
wrote in from
i started skateing in november of larst year i can olie a foot and a half kickflip, casper,bordslid,menul for like 2 meters long,almost hardflip and made up a trick its cold 360flip tolen
On 9/29/2005 bob
wrote in from
danny way i think your the cool't pro skaters in the words
On 9/29/2005 bob
wrote in from
i can olie a foot and a half
sakateboarder wanted
On 9/19/2005
wrote in from
United States
My name is Yoshi. I'm a student photographer at San Francisco State University(SFSU). I'm looking for a skateboarder who goes to SFSU and is crazy about skateboarding.
I want to make a photo story on a student who spend a huge amount of time for skateboarding. (Long skateboard might especially be visual...) Mainly, I'd like to photograph a person who is skateboarding, but I' d also like to show several aspects of the person't daily; For example, photos of the person at school or work.
So, if you are a SFSU student (or professor) and love to be photographed, please e-mail me. I'll definately give you the copy of the photos for free.
Yoshi number8rugby@hotmail.com
Photos Top Challenge 2005
On 9/4/2005
Dany Flageole
wrote in from
System maintenance today
On 9/1/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Something still isn't quite right with our server so I'll be running some scans and generally mucking up your web browsing experience for a while this afternoon.
On 9/1/2005
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
United States
Thanks for all of your hard work to keep the site up and running!
Cliff Coleman
New banner advertiser: Gravity Skateboards
On 9/1/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Ncdsa.com welcomes our latest supporter, Gravity Skateboards! See their banner ads in the Slalom, Decks, and Sliding forums.
Firewall #3
On 8/31/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
We've dumped the Symantec firewall in favor of a Linux-based firewall, and as of 930PM PDT Wednesday we're back on the air.
I suspect a worm or trojan got through our old firewall and was flooding it with a storm of outbound traffic.. more than it could handle. The new firewall is far more powerful and has comprehensive logging, so if our server does have a worm it will quicky become apparent and eradicated.
Thanks again for everyone's patience!
New firmware, no joy
On 8/29/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Well, the firewall firmware upgrade was not the answer as the POS froze up in 6-hours. I suspect some new kind of DOS attack (denial of service) but I'm not sure just yet. The $225 replacement router I tried this afternoon turned out to not support our kind of LAN so I'm still searching for a suitable replacment for the Symantec. In the mean time I'll attempt to keep the site up as much as possible via remote resets of the fw.
Firewall upgraded
On 8/29/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Well, the firewall seems to be working again after yet another firmware upgrade from Symantec (Note to self: never buy another Symantec firewall). Unsure if this is a permanent fix or if more drastic measures are in order.
System trouble
On 8/28/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Our firewall hung up again, but now I have access to reboot it remotely, so while it limps along until I can visit our co-lo, at least I'll be able to restart it if/when it next takes a crap.
Thanks for your patience while we get this fixed.
System trouble
On 8/28/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Our firewall froze up Saturday afternoon preventing all access to our servers. We finally were able to get it remotely reset Sunday at 800AM. Expect some maintenance down-time later this week when I will (again) upgrade the firewall's firmware.
No Helmet? Campaign
On 8/25/2005
wrote in from
United States
From the webmaster..
Continuing on our 9-year mission of promoting skateboarding safety and helmet usage, we are running -- and will continue to run -- our brand new "No Helmet?" banner ad campaign on all Ncdsa.com forums. We encourage webmasters from other skatboarding sites to ask us for the free source code for these banners to spread this essential message.. before our next soul brother or sister falls prey to a needless head injury/death.
Special thanks to www.bannersgallery.com for creating these banners to our specs at a discounted rate to show their support.
Fun Skate/Surf Event in HB
On 8/24/2005 luv2luv
wrote in from
United States
Hey everyone! Sept.2-5 at HB Pier. Come out for some fun Skate and Surf events. I went last year and it was the so much fun. See yah there!