Bulletin Board (5868 Posts)
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On 2/3/2000
wrote in from
Santa Cruz skatepark meeting tonite! 2/3/00 At the Civic Auditorium 5:00 - 7:00 I'm gonna try to go to ask for longboard friendly banks / bowls. Try to come. If you can't, email me any ideas you have.
On 2/3/2000 Lono
wrote in from
Pumping http://www.nosewheelie.com/tips/slalom.html
On 2/3/2000 Lono
wrote in from
I think that nosewheelie,com has info on pumping. I liken it to (roller) skating. Compress into the turn. Push off the diaginal towards the the center line.
On 2/2/2000
wrote in from
Hey everyone, hope all is well among you. My thoughts and meditations are with Jarrett and Marvin in their struggles, as I'm sure is the case with most on this site. On a happier note, my board arrived a few days ago and after two quick rides, I've found myself addicted. I'm sort of confused about how to "pump" to keep up my speed on flats, though. Any hints and methods? I tried a search, but all I found was random references to the word, not any techniques. Thanks to all and Lateron ~Matt
On 2/2/2000
wrote in from
For those interested in the health of Marvin Malzhan and Jarret "Doc Go Fast" Ewanek, you can keep up with the updates on the message board at
On 2/1/2000
wrote in from
At a local freestyle skate park on the weekend I met a fellow downhiller, Claud from Sth Africa, who whipped out his Gravity stick and we surfed a couple of mellow runs in the hills.
Hi Claud if you're reading these posts!
We want to find other downhillers in Christchurch New Zealand and get a bit of a social thing going here, ie. organise a few runs, so anyone interested please email me.
On 2/1/2000 Glen
wrote in from
Would love to go to ASR but am having difficulties getting passes. As far as concrete parks go, if you're staying in Long Beach, go to Van's park at The Block in Orange, if you don't mind a bit more of a drive go to Van's Onterio Mill's park in Onterio, For a great indoor, not concrete park, but a bit of a drive, go to Skatelab in Simi Valley. If you want a skate at your own risk, thrill, go to nearby Signal Hill and ride down the original, Signal Hill. What ever you do have fun...and hey, great web page.
On 2/1/2000
wrote in from
I noticed i forgot the last names, Marvin Malzhan and Jarret "Doc Go Fast" Ewanek, both very experienced downhill riders, (speedboarding,streetluge, buttboarding, and gravity bikes) i saw them again earlier tonight, and they both are improving, but Jarret still has a long way to go. D.T.
On 1/31/2000 A New Guy
wrote in from
Where? When? What is it? (What's going on?!?!?!)
On 1/31/2000
Keith Fellmy
wrote in from
Ouch! I hate hearing about lugers getting hurt. Jarret wouldn't be Doc Go Fast would it. I don't know MArvin. Again even with all the saftey equipment it still can happen. If it's who I think it is then he is a damn good rider very experienced but you can still mess youself up. Get well soon guys. I don't pray much at all but i'll do it for you guys.
On 1/31/2000
wrote in from
Best wishes to the injured guys.
Hey -- is anyone going to the ASR Show? I will be there -- I want to skate a nice concrete park! Lets get a session organized!
On 1/31/2000 Lono
wrote in from
Prayers and blessings are on the way to Marvin and Jarret.
On 1/31/2000
wrote in from
For those that pray, please keep Marvin and Jarret in your prayers. They were injured in a streetluge accident yesterday. Marvin broke several vertebrae in his mid back,Jarret broke all the vertebrae from his neck to mid back as well as several ribs. Neither are paralyzed and in good spirits. More info will be posted later....
On 1/31/2000 HAPPY FUZZ
wrote in from
That bloke Glen @ Solidskate.com is a nice guy... He's sending my wheels (quick), chucked in some free stickers...and... is sending me a freeby T-shirt! Glen mate... I love u!
Ta FUZZ xxx
On 1/31/2000
Rogério SAMMY
wrote in from
The Brazilian longboard Contest result's Date 29/30 january 2000 Local : Palmas do Tremenbé . Zona Norte . São Paulo
1- Alexandre Gonzales 2- Douglas Aparecido 3- Rodrigo Antioro 4- Rodrigo Cidrini Rosa 5- Rogério Nogueira SAMMY 6- José Eduardo Rapanelli 7- Luis Fernando Gheradi 8- Jeferson da Silva 9- Ricardo Vitorino 10-Marcelo Cintra 17 - Eloy Figueiredo 32 -Edrien da Silva
On 1/29/2000
wrote in from
Sorry to disapoint you Soul School, but I've yet to step foot on my board, as IT is travelling across the country (in a UPS truck!)And, I might add, my butt has been shivering in 13 degree weather, with more snow on the way!! Lateron Matt
On 1/29/2000
wrote in from
Matt, I wish you luck on your trip across the U.S. on your skate, but If you're headed into PA from CA you're in for a rude awakening. You will literally be a human popsicle on a stick! Cold, cold, my friend. I'm gonna go ahead and give you the benefit of the dought that you already know this and that you brought extra layers of clothing for your trek.I believe this journey was last done in the early 80's on short boards.So thumbs up, and better you than me! Keep us posted on your progress if you can. L8er hardcore.
On 1/28/2000
wrote in from
-As my board is making its long trek cross-country from San Clemente, Ca to McKnightstown, Pa, I'm forced to resort to the pages of this site to keep my longboarding fire fueled (which is pretty touch indeed with 6" of snow on the ground!) Anyway, what do yas' think of the freeride marvin? Strengths? Weaknesses? And much thanks to D.T. for the hook-up! Lateron Matt
On 1/28/2000
wrote in from
Hey DT, brah... Man, I'm sorry (and that goes to all you guys who read previous posts of mine and took offense), I got no excuses...brothas! You know how it is... I was getting cool with a sweet chick (no offense cat, or any other girls reading), and flirted I suppose... I didn't think it was a problem coz it carried on so long... sorry! Man, how many more appologies do you guys want, eh? But if any of you guys have a problem with me, I'd appreciate it if you came to me with your complaints... and not DT, he's a friend of mine and I'd rather not put my mates into awkward situations or handle any gripes you guys have for me! I have full respect for my friends and I'd allways help them out... sorry to put you in that position DT.
Listen, I'm a nice guy really, I just get a bit carried away...
So get back to the valleys... coz Burkhart is in town! (just to wind up all the idiots who think Me, Hizzout and DT are talkin gangsta... check your roots, brotha, take a trip to the 'North Shore'- Occy's appearances are classic, in a gay kinda way!)
P.S. My knees are chaffing from all the slug-like squirming and grovelling I've been doing... please show mercy! SPARE ME!
On 1/27/2000
wrote in from
Hey, Has anyone out there ever ridden one of those "FREEBORDS". I met a guy today who helped design 'em and I checked out the website with videos etc. It looks a lot like plowing on a snowboard, but I didn't see any proud edging. I'd be curious to try one out, but I'm psyched on my Fibreflex. It jus didn't look like this new gizmo could compare to a longboard.
Nothing like sportin 44 inches of WOOD!!! Oh Yeah
On 1/27/2000 eggman
wrote in from
Oh yeah... I don't agree with the review of "Gravity team travels". It is way too new school in my opinion! Where is all the carving?
On 1/27/2000 eggman
wrote in from
Hey DT! Hope you still have time for skateing bro! (and I hope you are consuming enough peanut butter *wink wink*)
On 1/27/2000
wrote in from
I am the new assitant webmaster.
now listen to what i have to say and maybe try to understand where i'm coming from....
Evo, I have had several e-mails sent to me, complaining about fuzz and cat... at 3 AM i get on this site to try and remedy this situation, keep in mind i work 2 jobs, go to college, monitor this web page, am writing an article for another web page, am selling products over the internet, i do NOT have a home - so i dont always have access to a cpu, and am trying to prepare for a speedboarding race this weekend. Your post was moved on ACCIDENT, and I APOLOGISE (did i spell that right?) but when your staring at a screen at 3am on 4 hours sleep from the night before you tend to make MISTAKES. and i had to get up at 8 AM this morning for a job interview. i am not asking you to agree with me, but to understand my actions.
Skate For Fun, D.T.
On 1/27/2000 eggman
wrote in from
Hey EvoRacer. Dude, your post is right there bro. Yes there is new personel, all you have to do is just read the first page to find out who.
On 1/27/2000 DT
wrote in from
what are you talking about - my previous post was in PIDGEON, in regards to the movie North Shore, WHERE I USE TO LIVE!!! The pun Fast Eddie Fuzz was in regards to the fuzz da hui hancho.... Eddie "Fast Eddie" Rothman IS the head hui hancho! if you ever go to hawaii than you'll know what i am talking about. Mahalo (translation for Jens - thank you)