Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Crashing Stories (1418 Posts)
Topic Crashing Stories
On 9/24/2000 john wrote in from (63.17.nnn.nnn)

im thirteen and had been skateboarding for about a month and i was going to my freinds house with some friends and i went down a huge hill i had no idea how fast u get goin and i stared getting wobbles i tride to pull ove to some grass but the wobble got worse and there was a car in the way i bailed but i was going WAY to fast i took 2 steps and crashed i slid along the ground for what seems like 20 feet i was just layin on the side og the road shaking for a few minuits i managed to get up and sit on the curb for a few mins i felt like crap. I tride to get up but i couldnt my left wrist hurt soo bad it was broken but i didnt no my knee cap almost broke to and i was covered in road rash

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On 9/22/2000 Matt wrote in from (63.77.nnn.nnn)

Okay some of the stories I read on this page really scare me. Why don't you poeple use your brains? Sure he never lonboarded before I'll take him to a straight steep hill. Don't you realize
your friend could have been killed. Come on folks use some common sense. Skate safe. As for my story. Hadn't skated in awhile. Skating home from a party down a sidewalk with a lot of drunk college
students, just cruising, with the soul arch and all. Cut in front of 5 guys walking in front of me, dark out, didn't look down, BAM hit a hole went flying. Felt like such a kook. Why is it always
in front of a group of people. They were cool though and didn't laugh. They were impressed that I jumped back up grabbed my board and kept skating. I could hear them talking about how wrecked myself.
Just got some bruises but it probably did look nasty. I ate it pretty hard. Battered ego was the biggest injury.

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On 9/20/2000 jeff crook/ tommy wrote in from (209.19.nnn.nnn)

one day me and my friend tommy were in my garage tring to decide what to paint on his newly made long board after deciding to paint flames on it we decided to go long board instead so we drove to a big hill not far from my house and hiked up to the top the hill has a very long strate away and a nice curvy section on the end Tommy being a first time long boarder I gave him some tips and we were off tommy was wearing a helmt and leather gloves I was wearing gloves too. we were going super fast down the hill on the strate away at least over 30 fast for tommys first time. I was a head of him and my board started wobboing and my trucks were tight then tommy was in front of me and his board was wobboling like crazy he put his foot down and crashed hard he went tumbling down the road like a tumble weed. oh shit I put my foot down to slow down and baild out thinking in a spit second that I could run that fast nope I fell and slide on my side getting a bunch of road rash when I got up tommy was coming sitting down with skrapes all over and looking at his messed up wrist do you think it is broken? tommy/ road rash on elboes,knees,back,leg and

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On 9/20/2000 Rooney wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Age 13 board 38 custom lightning bolt/Bennet pros/wheels big red kryptonics,speed 42 year 1977 location NR cal top of Wilbur after bombing this hill many times starting on chicagos and rollersports my number came up.doing mybest D.S full tuck got speed wobbles after hitting groove at bottom ofhill, sat off board slid many feet,norolling,big time rash calf,thigh,hipshoulder,forearm,gloves&kneepads helped,told my mom I did it on my bike.looking for picture

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On 9/19/2000 mark dvorak wrote in from (206.163.nnn.nnn)

I had just got my flexdex wingnut 41. I foud a nice hill but the road really sucked, it had crcks and tar and there was not much room to turn cause there was cars parked on both sides. I thought oh well its a hill. I started down a carved I got enough speed to slide on every turn. I wanted more speed, so i tucked. At the end of the hill was a blind corner. I went aroud it and a car was coming the other way. I was about to hit it so I stood up really fast , got wobbles and wiped out. It sucked. I do not like cars.

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On 9/17/2000 waxfoot wrote in from (63.10.nnn.nnn)

Ah, my first crash since getting back into downhill again after a long break. Nice, gentle looking newly paved hill that looked like it was calling for a skate. Unfortunately not quite wide enough to be able to use hard carving to slow down. Got going a bit faster than I wanted, and was trying to decide if I wanted to bail or try a slide. Chose the slide as the tall grass on the side of the road was pretty wet and I still had a class to go to. Let's just say my slides really need practice. My back foot slipped off the board (it was misty/rainy as it typically is in Hilo and my shoes were wet) and I went down. Used my knee for a brake. Minor road rash on the knee, and burned a hole in my favorite pair of shoes. Of course I was more bummed about the shoes. Road rash would have been prevented if I had knee pads on, but I'm still waiting for them to arrive in the mail. A good reminder that my Colemans and emergency slides need work....

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On 9/17/2000 Gary wrote in from (128.173.nnn.nnn)

It looks weirder NOT wearing a helmet. This is not about style.
Please be safe so we can all live long and skate till we're old.

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On 9/17/2000 Oliver Bonaccorso wrote in from (210.8.nnn.nnn)

the very first day that me and a friend just finished putting together our own home made 46 and 48 inches boards, my friend was so stoked that he didn't even know how steep the hill we were about to atempt was, so he went full speed while i sort of carved down, about 60 metres down, he started getting the wobbles!!! i could not believe how long he held that board under control!!!! about 10 seconds!!
he was at about 50km/h then gave up and tried to jump off!!!!obviously no one can get away with that so he scrapped off half the palm of his hand, his right hip was scratched to the point where u could see his bone!!!!
meanwhile i was shitting myself as i also got the speed wobbles but luckilly it wasn't so bad so i kept going down all the way. we still wear no protection but i think i should invest in some gloves and a helmet!!!!
or maybe not. looks a bit weird wearing that shit but i guess it's better than going to hospital!!!!!
sk8 to the limits!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 9/13/2000 Gordon Jennings wrote in from (216.35.nnn.nnn)

Was a Saturday. Drove to UCSC campus to find a nice groovy hill to cruise threw the trees and pull some carves. Found a real nice one. After reading the warning about mountain lions, I proceeded down the double wide road. Began having difficulty doing my forward cut. Was going a tad too fast. After stopping twice, was a little frustrated by the hill, the board, and what I was looking for. Which waz a nice slope which I could get as many turns in as possible. So, I jammed on and made shorter cuts. WOA!! Going to fast now! WOA... still way too much hill left. WOA!! Too fast for this skate geezer. Bail now? Bail later? Bail now! WUMP! GERF! FRAPP FRAPP FRAPP. Had to drive myself home with one functional hand.

Road rash from Left Shoulder to Left ankle.
Sprained wrist.
1. Wear protective gear.
2. Wear protective gear.
3. Start at the bottom of hill and work your way up.
4. Skate with a buddy.

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On 9/7/2000 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

I'm proud of Rick too. Good luck in Seattle.

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On 9/6/2000 Kludy Jr.(Justin age13) wrote in from (166.90.nnn.nnn)

I was video tapeing my dad's race in the Campo Indian Reservation in east San Diego, California. It was my first day ever video taping,so I was'nt very good! My two best friends Andrew and Ryan were there with me. I was practicing focusing in when I heard Ryan and Andrew yell,"he's coming," so I focused in and saw him through the video camera it was a really good race John G. was out front and Madrid and Kludy were battling it out for second!They raced right past me and were about to finish when madrid clipped a cone lost control crashed and took Kludy with him.Kludy went head first in the hay scuffed up his helmet pretty bad and ripped his leathers! My dad can take a hit and i'm proud of him! Later that day my dad told me sometimes things go your way and sometimes they don't!All i know is that dad keeps getting back up and if he keeps doing that i think one of these days he will win a race!

kLUDY jr.

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On 9/6/2000 David A.K.A MeLaNKoLY wrote in from (195.77.nnn.nnn)

Well! My only crash that i had with my board was 5 days before. I was driving my car and had an accident (i'm ok and the other person too) and i decided not to stay in house thinking "i had an accident" this sux, and i decided to go to surf the asphalt. I supose that i was nervous for the accident and when i was going fast i wont to make a backside, a hard backside and my surprise was that the table get out of my foots and i fall down... the crash was pretty cool but i learned one thing... when you drive and had an accident you don't have to ride longboard XDDDDD longboard is my life

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On 9/5/2000 fred wrote in from (204.157.nnn.nnn)

I was riding by Mcdonalds the other day when I say some cute girls so I decided to show off with a coleman slide. The board slipped out, I fell on my ass, the girls started laughing, I was embarressed and it sucked.
Yesterday I spent the whole day practicing my coleman slides... hopefully it will never happen again.

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On 9/5/2000 jamison wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I was in mass this summer and i live in fl so im not a downhill rider.igot my dad to break out the viewcam.... i decided to go straight down this hill .......then i got the wobbles.I was going30 mph and went into a curb luckly I was wearing a helmet but I got road rash on my arm and had a concusion we flew out the next day e-mail me if you wanted a copy

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On 9/4/2000 KLUDY wrote in from (209.245.nnn.nnn)

The place was UTAH . I had 3rd fastest qualifyer and was charging hard. It was limo , freeman , dave rodger and myself . WINDS AT OUR BACKS ABOUT 40 PLUS . Start off FREEMAN AND LIMO I was going to draft dave to get limon darrell was gone . We get to the point of no return and dave was not breaking . He played me just right , I whent in a full tuck. I whent by him like a rocket THEN he hit the brakes. He known at 50plus I would not make the last hard left. He was right as soon as I made the pass to my self I said UH-OH AND IN THE RIGHT JUST BEFORE THE LAST LEFT I CAME OUt OF TUCK TO AIRBRAKE THE WIND GOT ME AND I WAS GOING FASTER INTO THE LAST LEFT. If I can not make a turn I will jump off the board but this time I can make it, I was wrong the wheels could not hold with all the wind the road was dusty , I hit hay face first and broke my face shield. You would think that thats the end of the story . Dont forget Dave was still back there. I bounced up and was going for my board , after going so fast and hiting so hard all I knew was I could still beat Dave., Next thing I knew I heard Reed lowery screamed RICK STOP . I feel he saved Dave and myseif from a bad deal . See dave was at top speed I had to pull my gut in not to get hit.I hit hay hard then almost got hill again.Dave had to change his pants

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On 9/4/2000 drakkars wrote in from (213.56.nnn.nnn)

This is my crash story ....
This week-end we had a "free-ride Jamboree" on a mountain road at chamrousse (in france right over GRENOBLE)...
It was a 8 kilometers long an winding road ...
First ever crash on a downhill on saturday for myself :
I was going to fast for me (over 20 mph ;-)) tried to drop a foot to slow down .... lost my balance and did three step of the board and fly .... crashed on my left shoulder ... heard a BANG when my head hit the ground (with my helmet on) and after a few more feets of sliding went to a halt ... only a few scratches on my left elbow and shoulder... alright ready to go ...
Next day .... I tried to power slide out of a hairpin ... I freaked out ... stepped out ... 1 2 3 step then fly again .... falled on the same side and on my gloves again ready to ride afterward .... ...

Today i'm feeling some pain in my right wrist so next time i'll use my wrist guards too ...
It could have been worse if i was'nt wearing my helmet on the first crash and no gloves etc ....
In conclusion always wear full safety gear when you ride

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On 8/27/2000 namon wrote in from (4.4.nnn.nnn)

Um...drugs are illegal.
But then again, Ithink your from holland

I have not skated for about three weeks! and its not because IM hurt. Its because all my boards are in the back of a friends car and i keep forgetting the grab them! I put them in there after we where skating around and my friend broke his arm. He was riding my fiberglass board (hella old, no grip smooth fiberglass, no bigger then a foot and some odd inches) he was riding it around, he dropped his back toes to control his speed, and when his foot hit the pavement it slipped off because of the fact that there was no friction to hold it on. Flew back, landed on his arm and broke it. But he gets the cast off tomorow, so we are all going for a recovery ride.
It will be fun.

never broken a bone.

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On 8/25/2000 Danny Connor wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Or maybe he should have gotten a few bandages and some asprin instead of a joint!

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On 8/22/2000 rob wrote in from (208.5.nnn.nnn)

sounds like the wreck umit ozcan had really screwed up his spelling skills too

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On 8/22/2000 umit ozcan wrote in from (145.117.nnn.nnn)

my crash was my own fault.
i was riding through the shoppingcentre on my way to the trainstation to go to school. The asfalt was smoother than your grilfriends behind. I was going fast and then it happened. I tripped over my own foot. Board stopped immedeatly i flew a copple of feet through the air and made a bellyslide on the asfalt. I got the wind knocked out of me. My head kissed the ground and my hands tried to stroke it. my hands looked like they were put in a meatmachine. I still have big scars on my lefthand. Bits of flesh missing. i got up pretty fast and felt my frontteeth because they hurt like hell. They were not broken or knocked out. But then i was like. Oh my got i'm forgetting to breath. gasped some air, went into a store to wash the dirt and blood from my hands, chin ans lips. a part of my chin in bald now. No hair will grow there. when you look good at my upperlip you can see there's a bit of filling missing,
That day i still went to school. I was like i'm still standing. Next day my body hurt like hell. 3 days later i passed out from 1 joint (first time i passed out, dammit i never pass out). I was wasted for a week after that because i git the flu. Conclusion: i fucked my body up with that crash. When you fall hard see a dokter, i didn't see a dokter, maybe it could have been a lot worse for me. But always keep on boarding

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On 8/10/2000 Herbn wrote in from (208.192.nnn.nnn)

AW Man, i thought for a second ,you were gonna tell us you had a reoccurance of the food poisoning reactions/symtoms and you crashed because of it.

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On 8/10/2000 Matt wrote in from (208.5.nnn.nnn)

hey whats up all,

i got some advice, never, ever skate on a big hill after being sick for about 4 days..

i was on my way to work after haveing food poisoning for abotu 3 days and the hill to work is pretty steep, but it never really gave me any trouble though, till today..

at about 20mph and woozy as hell i started to daze off the about 30 i wiped out, it dident really hurt too much cause i was in a daze but i dident make it to work that night..


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On 8/8/2000 Chris S wrote in from (208.164.nnn.nnn)

Here's my crashing story from the Dump Road last Sunday. It's going to be kind of a boring story since I don't remember any of it.

Near as I can figure, I was doing a heelside Coleman slide and the board slid out from under me. I must have cracked the back of my helmet. I'm basing this on that fact that I have a road rash on the small of my back, so I figure that's what must have happened. I've had this confirmed by a couple of people who saw it happen.

After that I didn't ride, just sat around at the top of the hill acting, well, dingy, until Paul and company decided to take me home. Thanks, Paul. They say I didn't show any physical signs of being hurt other than not being able to remember what someone had told me two minutes earlier. They say my eyes were dialating properly etc.

Now, I am more or less okay. The more okay part is that I only had a mild concussion. I still had a mild headache this morning (it seems to be gone now), but physically nothing more serious than that.

The less okay part. I have no recollection of the dump ride at all. I don't remember driving to there. I don't remember packing the car, the ride, the Sector 9 truck, being driven home, nothing. All I remember of Sunday is the bits and pieces of being at the hospital and going home from the hospital. Most of Sunday evening's intact, but there are a few things that are still fuzzy. I remember talking to my mom and Paul on the phone, but don't really remember what I said to them.

Saturday is kind of fuzzy as well, but it's starting to come back slowly, as I remember one little thing I did, which leads to another. Friday night was fuzzy at first, but once I really thought about it, I was able to put most everything back together.

Kind of scary, but I don't think I did anything permanent (other than the memory loss, that is). Later,


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On 8/5/2000 Ron wrote in from (172.147.nnn.nnn)

One day decided to explore a different section of New York City(Queens) i never been to. It was going all good until I reached a densely populated area with a huge hill. I decided to ride it and see if I could avoid the traffic. I was carving it pretty smoothly down the middle of the street until a load of traffic came up behind me, so turn off the left riding next the parked cars. A big incline came up ahead and I picked up speed, there were no double parked cars ahead of me so I thought I was safe. Going about 25mph, an Asian guy in his car opens up his car door about 15 feet in front of me. I had no way of stopping so I gave out a yell and smacked straight into his car door. It broke off. The impact knocked me out, I had to go the hospital get a whole bunch of stitches, I broke 2 rib bones, but good thing I had my helmet on. And to top it the dick was going to sue me for breaking his car door. 8 Months later I recovered and was back boarding.

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On 8/4/2000 Tommy Torture wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

In May of this year I purchased a 60" Flexdex downhill board. After years of surfing, snowboarding and recently mountain boarding I thought I was invincible. The new board was so sleek, stable and fast that I kept challenging larger and steeper hills. One day, wearing all the gear, I attempted a hill that maybe was too big. After realizing there was way too much speed I tried to bail. My right foot hit the ground first hyper extending my knee all the way backwards and resulting in major knee replacement surgery. Now I am hobbling around on crutches, in pain and the worst part? No boarding of any kind for six months! Now that hurts. Be careful and fly with caution.

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