Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Soulriding (2099 Posts)
Topic Soulspeak
On 8/28/2002 inlandsurf wrote in from (199.245.nnn.nnn)

86 degrees...third day of classes...kids looking far too ready to hook up and all the girls wearing the exact same faded denim skirt and white top...decide not to wait until the next class starts and sidewalks clear today...start rolling and suddenly all i see is a lineup full of head-bobbing spongers...a few kicks later it's all just one faceless blur and a big smile

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On 8/26/2002 Speedy wrote in from (129.8.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, they shore do, lexx:) I gotta find me a festival, I think... boredom hitting hard, and skating's no fun when it's just you, a flatflatflat town, and 95 degrees (that's 34 C for the brits). Mebbe I'll work on getting that turntable to actualy PLAY. That's always soulful.


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On 8/26/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (194.117.nnn.nnn)

i love you matty!!!!!!!

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On 8/26/2002 k hamilton wrote in from (198.26.nnn.nnn)

Yes, connecting every smoothly executed trick to the next. None of this hey watch me! Just doing your thing and stylin. that's what skating is all about. Now I guess I have to get a board and start riding again.
retro skate/surf tunes here..very retro beach boys type
http://www.scottbrookman.com free mp3's

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On 8/26/2002 Mat (lush) wrote in from (143.167.nnn.nnn)

Bring your luge up here and I'll race you on my luge for your wheels... sorry, whats that?... no, you can't have your 85mm wheels back for the race! cheeky git!

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On 8/26/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (194.117.nnn.nnn)

true soul is giving your boards away (yes again!) to a young dude at a skate roadshow yesterday and seeing him carve around with a big sh*t eating grin on his face while his mom sez he hasnt laughed like that for months....all i got left is 1 tracker truck,2 randal dh's,1 seismic 157mm,1 landyachtz RIV,1 half finished streetluge and a set of wheels which lush have eeeeeeeeekkkkk

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On 8/26/2002 Nick wrote in from (68.33.nnn.nnn)

alot of the songs on the dazed and confused soundtrack are great to ride to like free ride and sweet emotions reel big fish can do the job nicely sometimes to

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On 8/26/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

David bowie - ziggy stardust or some ska/reggae. hehe

Soul is sleeping 10 hours in five days, seeing some awesome bands with 75 thousand other likeminded music fans, meeting new people, then coming home to your board. Festivals rule dont they speedy?

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On 8/25/2002 Brain wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

I usually listen to some hardcore, or some punk depending on the type of skating im doing. If im going really smooth i put on some King Django, or that new 311 song amber. Toots and The Maytals are good reggae. My wierdest choice is when I'm slalom skating. I like to listen to drum corps music. I like to keep the beat when i am skating the cones. Sometimes Ill just make loud DAT DAT DAT DAT in the beat im running the cones. Pretty funny to hear.


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On 8/25/2002 K-LEE wrote in from (68.35.nnn.nnn)

Soultunes: Squarepusher, Tommy Guerrero with or without Gadget, Jet Black Crayon, Greyboy, Mouse on Mars, Phoenecia, Dan the Automator and Lovage, Aphex Twin, and the newer Daft Punk all get put onto my mix tapes lately. For you rockers, Jet Black Crayon is a four piece that knows how to throw down some jams and then bring it back down to jazzy ambient stuff. Downloading more stuff every day.... WinMX anyone? Latest track downloaded? "Pretty Little Ditty" by RHCP. I got tired of hearing the sample in that Crazy Town song, and needed the original instrumental piece of art.

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On 8/24/2002 DDDD wrote in from (66.235.nnn.nnn)

Definetly soul in surf/skate chicks,,

in my head phones, all kinds of classic rock, some times reggae if its right, and the aqua velvets "Guitar Noir" album flows well with my hissing wheels.

Go skate..

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On 8/24/2002 adw wrote in from (24.95.nnn.nnn)

Lately I've been listening to Les Nubiens "Princess Nubiens", Laughing Hyenas "Hard Times", and Boredoms "Super Are".

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On 8/23/2002 Speedy wrote in from (129.8.nnn.nnn)

Total soul tunes: Jefferson Airplane "White Rabbit", "Tiny Dancer" (no matter who), the soundtrack from Run Lola Run, and, of course, the hiss of Tarmac on Wheels. (now wouldn't THAT be a cool band name? Tarmac On Wheels?)


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On 8/23/2002 scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

The shweetest tune for that soul cruise has got to be the final track on the latest Incubus CD...Aqueous Transmission. You gotta love the japanese flute in it along with about 3 minutes of just crickets at the end.

Here`s the track...

Oh, and CheapSkate, dems were da betties...n`yum!!!!

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On 8/23/2002 Scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Soul is.... Surf Chicks! I just saw Blue Crush tonight and man did those girls throw down some flow.

So it`s.... "I Luuuuuv Skate and surf chicks"

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On 8/23/2002 mirtzl wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I'd like to get some feedback on your personal soul music. What are people listening to during those grooovy carve sessions?

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On 8/23/2002 Speedy wrote in from (129.8.nnn.nnn)

Soul is catching rides on the luggage racks of bikes. One some level, they're way better than cars ever get.


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On 8/23/2002 CheapSkate wrote in from (192.246.nnn.nnn)

Hey Scabs,

Were those the same two chicks that were ripping in the heavy pool session on Saturday night too? I remember a lot of snaking going on but one time both chicks rolled in at the same time and the crowd went berserk. You'd a thought it was a Jello-rasslin' contest the way dudes were hootin' and hollerin'.

Watching chicks skate pools or surf is definitely soulful...

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On 8/23/2002 Antti S. Brax wrote in from (213.28.nnn.nnn)

Soul is blasting through the autumn leaves.

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On 8/22/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

h0dad remembers a chick he saw grooving through rush hour traffic on a slalom deck..a certain anxiety floods through him, you know like the adrenal flood in his chest, a kind of sweet pain..damn, going to go shred tonight

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On 8/22/2002 K-LEE wrote in from (68.35.nnn.nnn)

Soul is:

Chick skaters, regardless of their style or ability.

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On 8/22/2002 scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Back before soul came back (I question if it ever left) there were posts regarding women skaters. I had to share a recent experiance to show where things have progressed...

There was a hot and heavy vert session going on sat night at the King of Kona contest. There were about 20 guys and 2 gals skating. One chick was definately hot pulling both backside and frontside airs and doing inverts. The other gal wasn`t so bad either (remember they were dropping in on a 18` high vert ramp) and she was having trouble busting a frontside air. Everytime she tried and bailed, the guys just urged her to try again. No mashimo BS here. Well, she finally busted one off about 3` high out and landed it. Man, all the doods were hooting and hollering for her. Pure flow. Pure soul.

OK, so then after a while the other gal busts a front side ait over the channel. That`s about 8` across. She was probably 6` high out. And again the crowd was screaming! It only egged the guys on and both guys and gals were just doing an incredible sesh!

I was on the ground watching this with Sharon Sidlo and she commented.."I love skate chicks". With my new respect for them, I grinned back and said.."I do too".

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On 8/21/2002 PSR wrote in from (216.114.nnn.nnn)

Last night was the reason for the most peaceful,epic,and demanding run I've taken in some time:Full Moon,fresh tar on a twisty,steep,country two-lane,no cars,and my Turner with old pre-80's wheels.The shadows from the trees,along with the moon ducking behind a thin veil of clouds occasionally made for turns that took total faith to complete.Miss one,and you're going TOO fast.Sonar,or hearing,was key in finding the limits of traction.The crown in the road often was the only real clue in timing the turns.Where the trees gave way,and let the moonlight glow,the road just shimmered.It's an eerie glow,but lacking any distinct color.The grass alongside the road glistened with dew,glowing an odd frosty-green.Fresh wheel marks could be seen,leaving a twisted trail behind to mark my path downhill.I made it back to my car,pulled off in a farmer's field,and could hear the deer nearby huff warnings back and forth.As I started the car,I looked back up the road,thinking that this is about as surreal as it gets. I gotta say I Love Vermont!

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On 8/21/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

h0dad can spell, honnest

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On 8/21/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

Soul is the security guard comming overto inform you that you must leave because building is closing now..outstanding

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