Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Going Downhill with David Rogers

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Q&A: Going Downhill with David Rogers (858 Posts)
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More for Phil
On 12/16/2005 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Your bushing choice sounds pretty good. Try changing that red bushing with something firmer. Tighten up the rear truck and flip the hangers over so the 180 faces inward. The 205 luge hanger is fairly popular with speedboarders, and works well on the 35 degree base. I find it a bit wide when running Gumballs, but it can work well with centerset wheels or narrow Krypto race cores.

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Best Truck Set Up for 210lb Downhill Man
On 12/16/2005 Phil wrote in from United States  (70.125.nnn.nnn)

Hi Dave, Thanks for the Tips! I have been running a cylindrical blur luge truck bushing on the bottom and a Red ( Medium busing on the top! I will have to try the Khiro bushings and experment! One question on the 180 hangers! Should I have the 180 facing out or in! Right now i have the 180 mark facing out! I will definately try the back truck tighter than the front and see if that helps too! Another question What do you think about running the 205mm Luge Hanger in the 35 degree plate! Have You ever tried that! If so How well does that work! This is a really Great forum they have going! Its been a while since I checked in here! Anyway's I appreciate the Tips Brah! I can't wait to get it back on the Hill and Try it again!

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Truck tweaks
On 12/16/2005 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Jamie...Thanks for the pivot bushing tips! Chaput and DeKeyser played with a similar pivot bushing a few years back. Watch for wear on the pivot of the aluminum hanger...some of the harder plastics can be abrasive.
I'm fairly sure that the old trucks have the "big bore". Randal changed the bore after seeing a few of us break our luge hangers in half at one of the 1st ('98/99?) Red Bull "Streets of San Francisco/Big Air" contests...damn those were hard hits!!
The old hangers don't have some of the external gussets that are on the newer/stronger ones. The Luge and CompII raw casting is the same.
There is plenty of metal there to bore out if you want to make room for those spacers. I want some of those long spacers!! Did you make them?

Glad you like the deck! Feel free to post a picture of it here!

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Phil's board
On 12/16/2005 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Phil..What bushings are you using? You might want to try some different (firmer) bushings. Khiro has a bunch of different hardness bushings you can try.

You can't go wrong with the DH bases...35 degrees is what you want for 50mph and up.

The 180 hanger has the most action/turning of the Randal hangers due to the design of the bushing seat. The 160mm DH hanger has the most restrictive bushing seat and tends to limit the action/turning of the truck. You can try flipping the 180 hangers over for a bit more stability. The Randal CompII hangers fall in between the DH and the 180.

50 mph is fast!!!....make sure you run your back truck significantly tighter than your front...keep your weight forward...relax...enjoy....repeat!

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Trucks and deck!
On 12/16/2005 Jamie M. wrote in from Canada  (65.93.nnn.nnn)

This is in reference to David Prices post at the bottom of the page. I've been thinking about the same things for the luge/comp hangers. My biggest beef with them was that the pivot not sitting far enough into the cup when using the DH bases. I found, by accident, that the Jimz pivot tubes fit the my luge hangers well. The pivot tubes extend just the right amount to take up the gap between the hanger and the base. No more floating pivot! I havent checked a comp hanger but my luge hanger wont fit a spacer between the bearings without boring it out, kind of a bummer, because I found spacers long enough to fit. My hangers are a bit older, perhaps the newer ones have a larger ID in the center section.
Also I received a Roger Bros deck this week, Its very impressive! You can see and feel that a great deal of thought have gone into the design and manufacture of all the components that make up the deck! I've only had the opportunity to try it out in a garage(damn winter)but it definitely peforms as Dave advertises!
I think if you put this thing on a big hill it would be a missle!
Thanks Dave.

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Best Truck Set Up for 210lb Downhill Man
On 12/15/2005 Phil wrote in from United States  (70.125.nnn.nnn)

Okay Dave Whats the most Stable Truck Set Up for us Big Guys! I have a Big Red X and I have 35 degree baseplates and Randall 180 hangers! I usually lose it at 50MPH! Now at the time! The leathers I had were to tight and I never really could get comfortable at Speed! Now I have bigger leathers and feel more comfortable! I Figure before I attempt to get 50mph again! I should ask You! Bushing advice would be good to! Im all Ears!

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Speed helmets
On 12/15/2005 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Sorry for my delay in responding on this topic. Some guy totaled my car last week and I’ve been dealing with that situation since…..aaarrrgggghhhh!!

As far as “aero” helmets go, most of them offer a little bit of speed at the expense of safety. I think the safest “aero” helmets are the ones that have the molded EPS (expanded polystyrene) head “bucket” inside like the ICARO Skyrunner and 4fight. All of the custom helmets I have seen ( Landingham, DocGofast, Walt N, and Beat Engel) do not have a molded EPS liner. The EPS liner is what limits the impact force that gets transmitted to your brain in case of a crash. The EPS liner in the ICARO helmets is thinner than a typical skateboard helmet…I would expect them to offer less impact protection than a typical CPSC certified skate helmet. I would bet that the “custom” helmets offer less protection than the ICARO lids.
Couch foam, pillow foam, cooler foam and Kludy’s WalMart foam have no place in a crash helmet. Kludy…the only race gear you should buy at WalMart is underwear and socks!!! Custom speedhelmets are basically fairings with crappy foam added for comfort and fit. Custom lids can protect you against abrasions and minor impacts, but won’t protect your brain in a hard head impact.
The speed difference between the different “aero” lids is minimal. I see little difference in speed performance between a Skyrunner and a Go Fast or Landingham. The rider must use a perfect tuck and head position to take advantage of the shoulder/back fairings on the custom lids. I think the ICARO 4fight is the “fastest” of all of them in most situations.

Moto-X helmets seem to be the safest alternative to a "fast" helmet. I fitted my Snell Certified Moto-X lid with a Skyrunner visor.

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Speed helmets
On 12/14/2005 Kludy wrote in from United States  (64.60.nnn.nnn)

You guys can get the high tec. impac foam from walmart or save on drugs or a big drug store. They are selling it as a pillow that forms to your head as you speed .Hope that will help save your young butts!

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daves tele number
On 12/13/2005 darryl wrote in from (70.95.nnn.nnn)

Hey Dave, will you email me your tele number and the best time to call? Tanks ah!

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On 12/12/2005 RJ wrote in from United States  (63.197.nnn.nnn)

Wow, that does look better, but their is still that issue of padding at the top of the head, it looks like the padding is better than mine but I don't think it's thick enough. You can also see the fiberglass at the top of the head. If you fall like that going 50 your bound to have a concussion.

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Walt Nestell
On 12/11/2005 K-Rimes wrote in from Canada  (24.87.nnn.nnn)


Whooooaaa, that's an old one. He's got alot more designs going on these days. His newer designs look far more professional than that.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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Walt Nestell
On 12/11/2005 RJ wrote in from United States  (63.197.nnn.nnn)

In this picture you can see how to foam is pretty crappy.

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Walt Nestell
On 12/10/2005 K-Rimes wrote in from Canada  (24.87.nnn.nnn)

Any pics of your Walt Nestell?

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Speed Helmets
On 12/9/2005 MG wrote in from United States  (216.52.nnn.nnn)

I just got a Beat Engel Speed Star. I am stoked on it, but it is a little light on the protective foam as well.

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Walt Nestell
On 12/9/2005 RJ wrote in from United States  (63.197.nnn.nnn)

I have Walt Nestell speed helmet that I picked up from a guy that was moving out of the states to europe and was selling all his equipment. It's a sick helmet that's really aero but they protection sucks. I think Walt is all about the fiberglass shaping and that's about all he can do. The padding is about an inch to and inch and a half thick but its no more dense that a regular pillow. I'm experimenting with different ways to make it more protective like adding foam from a skateboard helmet and other things. I think most guys personal opinion is that the helmet doesn't make the biggest difference unless you're on a highspeed straight course.

That's my 2 cents.

Right now I'm gonna use an azonic downhill mountain bike helmet and save up for an Icaro Skyrunner 4flight.


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Speed Helmets
On 12/9/2005 K-Rimes wrote in from Canada  (24.87.nnn.nnn)

What's your opinion on speedhelmets, such as a Landingham, or a Beat Engel?

Think they're worth using for racing and training or should they only be used for a certain person? I've got one on order from Walt Nestell and I was wondering what the consensus of the other DH racers was about an aerodynamic helmet. What's your take?

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internal threads
On 11/28/2005 dt wrote in from United States  (68.5.nnn.nnn)

thats too bad your wheel came off, i noticed my seismics wouldnt hold either over a long period of time - that may be one of the reasons (aside from cost)that Dan went to a traditional style axle. but there is more than one way to skin a cat! i can think of at least 9 alternatives.

Loctite would probally have solved your problem.

who says it has to be held on by a threaded nut, there are many types of fasteners out there.

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internal threaded axles
On 11/26/2005 duane wrote in from United States  (165.121.nnn.nnn)

I thought those were great until my wheel parted company with my axle at 30 and I slammed hard. No matter how you lock it it won't be as secure as external threads ,due to size alone. Lube from bearings has a way of working into internal threads, then the locker does not hold, my wheel fell off shortly after replacing bearings, and doing lots of wheel swaps.

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trucks/hangers axel detail
On 11/23/2005 dt wrote in from United States  (68.5.nnn.nnn)

i would like to see a hanger with axel diameter as precise as z-rollers and internal threads for the wheel fasteners (similar to the original sesmics)as opposed to the traditional 1/2" nuts on external threads.

a line of adjustable widths would be cool too. i.e. smaller width in the back for use with pintail set ups.

in regards to ball joints i like the idea on an alignment basis. even though its on an extremly minor scale - identical riders, except one board is slightly off - its going to be slower.

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On 11/17/2005 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

david..just playing with some prototype hangers for now. They are not built like any of the other trucks on the market. I've got them on Randal base plates and they seem to be working well. I've made a few different geometries and will probably try a few more. Might try a 10mm version also.

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yer trucks
On 11/16/2005 david wrote in from United States  (67.100.nnn.nnn)

yo dave, saw the article on silverfish about your boards...also saw the censored trucks you are making.....whats the deal? are they something similar to a JimZ, or radikal dh or magun? anything different? can't spill the beans yet?

how about some teasers?

hope i can buy some before maryhill '06

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Aluminum Speedboards
On 11/9/2005 K-Rimes wrote in from Canada  (142.22.nnn.nnn)

Any chance of a regular ol' guy like me getting my hands on one of them? I heard you'd made a small run of 20 of them. Email me, kevinreimer888AThotmail.com

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On 11/8/2005 mike p wrote in from United States  (129.210.nnn.nnn)

seriously, a bottle opener would be sick.

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What I want in a DH truck
On 11/1/2005 EBasil wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Two things I must have in a DH truck, Dave: a bottle opener and lasers.

Good to see you on Saturday!

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On 10/23/2005 Dennis wrote in from United States  (216.9.nnn.nnn)

I remember...everything about maryhill....burned into my head my friend as soon as we get that all access stuff worked out well have to go again

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