Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Going Downhill with David Rogers

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Q&A: Going Downhill with David Rogers (858 Posts)
Topic Info
On 5/26/2006 Jimmy Flindt wrote in from Canada  (64.180.nnn.nnn)

Dave, are you going to Maryhill? We have a race next weekend up here in Canada. I like Canada very much. I have a lot of friends to ride with up here. I miss GMR sessions with You, Judith, and John. I saw Andrew at DB5, he was stoked everytime he went down the hill more than I have ever seen him. Take care bud. Email me.
-Jimmy Flindt

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RE: Caps
On 5/25/2006 Adam Daniels wrote in from (72.230.nnn.nnn)

how can I contact toby?

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Time flies
On 5/24/2006 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Soooo....it’s been over a month since I posted here. It’s been a fairly hectic month with work, moving, working on the house, etc. Got a chance to ride with John, DT and RJ at GMR the weekend before last...good stuff!! That is the only DH ride I have had in over a month…I really miss my time on the board!!

Looks like I have been missing some great events like Andrew’s X-over and DB5. Judith and I would probably have made both of those races if not for the move.

Congratulations to Jimmy, Carly and Kludy Sr. on kicking butt and surviving the DB5 weekend!!

OK..now for some very late responses

Dr.No: watch your email
Chad: 75a is my favorite…or get the Pink 77a
Andrew: sorry we didn’t make it…we are bummed out
Jestah: ride GMR if you are ever in SoCal…
Adam: made only one set of 101caps …Toby in Sweden might have a price for you ;)
Nick: can I be classified as a “regular flake”?

Hope to see you at GMR...

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On 5/16/2006 Jimmy Flindt wrote in from Canada  (24.81.nnn.nnn)


I have my Rogers Bros. speedboard set up right now for DB5. Thanx for the board bro. I think it could be the right board for me on that course.

Later, Jimmy

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Coming to the US
On 5/16/2006 Nick wrote in from United States  (63.249.nnn.nnn)

In southern california there is about dozen regulars and a dozen flakes who live between san diego, redlands and pasadena who ride regularly on GMR and run outlaws on dump road with john and dave. The crew is all pretty open to putting people up i'll be moving back in June I can put you up for a week or two. There should be a regional in that time frame with the IGSA and I wouldn't be suprised if there are a few outlaw races. There is also a race in montreal in that time frame but other that I don't think there is much else going on. As for getting up to par as long as you can foot brake and wear the right safety equipment your all good for riding around here you've got some of the best riders in the world out here and they are all about spreading the stoke and teaching new riders to ride fast and ride safe.


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Hub Caps
On 5/15/2006 Adam Daniels wrote in from (72.230.nnn.nnn)

I came across a picture a while ago with a roger bros speed board with 101mm flys and hub caps. any chance that these are still able to be purchased? I thought it would be cool to get some for my 101 flys


e-mail me please

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Thanks Dan
On 5/11/2006 Jestah wrote in from New Zealand  (222.152.nnn.nnn)


Thanks for the offer! I might take you up on it too. Im still planning where and when I have to be for races so I will keep in touch.


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On 5/10/2006 dan wrote in from United States  (216.17.nnn.nnn)

jestah if you're ever in colorado, i just got a 5 bedroom house for after summer but there's only 3 people in it, which means there's enough room for all the longboards (all my roomies ride too). anyone who rides and is a chill respectful guy is welcome at my place!

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Racing this August
On 5/10/2006 Jestah wrote in from New Zealand  (222.152.nnn.nnn)

I have been racing by myself for far too long…. At the moment I am the fastest person I know of in Wellington, New Zealand. I want to come to the States to race and get more exposure to riding with others on the track. What training can I be doing to get ready for this? At the moment I’m riding as often as I can find a dry hill and a driver to shuttle me back to the top. I’m pretty happy skating at around 42-45 mph but feel that remaking the deck to accept some DH trucks and getting leathers that aren’t too small could help get to the 50 zone. How steep, technical and fast are tracks? What events are scheduled for around August to November? Any advice would be more than welcome.

I’m also going to be travelling pretty cheep as the US dollar much stronger than ours…. So will be very appreciative for any help finding a place to sleep and eat in exchange for my talent as a general minion. I can cook, clean and laundry… oh how I love the smell of freshly folded laundry.


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Pump Station Crossover
On 4/30/2006 Andrew Mercado wrote in from United States  (24.130.nnn.nnn)

I know you guys are moving and all, But you should come down to my race! Its gonna be sick!!!

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Duro gumball
On 4/27/2006 Chad Bradford wrote in from United States  (205.173.nnn.nnn)

Hey Dave im going to be buying a set of gumballs and i cant decide what durometer to buy. What duro do you use for your Gumballs?

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On 4/26/2006 DrNo wrote in from United States  (141.156.nnn.nnn)

Been in the trade for 23 years and have my Virginia Master Electrician's license, too bad I'm on "the other side". If I can help in any way just give me call.

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Badlands...keep it going!!
On 4/20/2006 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys..
I've got to start moving into the house this weekend....no riding for me.

Just use radios and have a blast!!!!

Judith and I are missing the fun with you guys...we might be able to squeeze in a little riding next month.

jaybyrd...Southern California. We are not building, we are buying an "older" house and plan on upgrading the electrical service in the near future.

dan@csu...pumping at a speedboard/DH race rarely happens. I've seen it at the SLOOOWWW start of the Sully race and the SLOOOWWW finish of the Bonelli/Raging Waters course.
Is it still called speedboarding if you are going slow enough to pump? ha ha

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Badlands and keep it going
On 4/19/2006 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.7.nnn.nnn)

I think that its a great thing that is going on with us and I will be into racen this weekin. Lets not drop the ball because there is alot of riders counting on us!I am ready , bring it.

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series #4
On 4/19/2006 dan@csu wrote in from United States  (216.17.nnn.nnn)

i bet you'll be practicing your pumping now huh? it seems the future is upon us and to be a competitive downhiller you have to be good at everything! downhilling takes WAY more skill that people think it does- tucking, sliding, apex lines, etc. and now pumping! what an exciting race- props!

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Badlands Outlaw IV - April 23nd?
On 4/18/2006 RJ wrote in from United States  (67.118.nnn.nnn)

Well now that you've metioned it Danny, I was thinking just the same thing. How bout a little fun at the Dump?

We were unwilling to skate on your hill without you, so it's pretty much on your word.

Hope to talk to you soon,

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On 4/18/2006 Danny Connor wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Looks like I will be in the area next weekend for a wedding. How's about the Dump Road on Sunday? I could use some speeds. I'll give you a call later this week. DC

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Electrical Work
On 4/17/2006 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)


What state are you building in, and how much electrical work is there left to do?


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home repair
On 4/16/2006 dt wrote in from United States  (68.5.nnn.nnn)

i'll call you later this week, got some friends that could help you out. i got nothing but time too. shoots!

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This Weekend
On 4/14/2006 David Rogers wrote in from United States  (66.14.nnn.nnn)

No Bonelli or Badlands for Judith and I this weekend. Judith really wanted to try out her hot new NJK's...oh well. The old house is keeping us busy and we need to move in by the end of the month.

Rick, the roof looks pretty steep! I'll try and get you some pics. Good food and beer for sure!! Yep, Judith knows how to use the pots and pans!

Any electricians in the DH community? ha ha ha

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On 4/13/2006 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.7.nnn.nnn)

Sorry guys but I have roofing and money on my mind right now, Justin may be into it. Hay Dave could you e-mail me some pics of your new house, (roof). Like I said I have roofing on the brain and would like to make some time for yours. Also looking forward to the food and beers for the help! Haaaaaaah!
Kludycrew@cox.net . Just to keep the speed topic, I just got a OSB speedboard and its scary as hell !

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On 4/10/2006 Wendtland wrote in from United States  (71.103.nnn.nnn)

i will be there with the truck!

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On 4/8/2006 Nick wrote in from United States  (63.249.nnn.nnn)

Kludy... Im in for the badlands...

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Badlands outlaw
On 4/6/2006 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.7.nnn.nnn)

I can not go to the IGSA thing on sat. but just talked to Sandy and would you guys be into the sunday badlands race? I am getting a test board and feel I can kick your butts on it, just cant stop the dame thing!This race should be geared for the young youngs only. What do you think ?

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Phone me Dave!
On 4/6/2006 Ian wrote in from Canada  (70.50.nnn.nnn)

We need to talk buddy! Call me at the shop 514 362 8763. If I don't answer, just leave me a number where I can reach you.

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